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Education time

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Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 14:58

We are not all educated to the same standard and so, we should not be judged by people who are educated to a higher standard.Thats their good fortune, and does not make them superior to the rest of us.


Harry Report 12 Apr 2006 14:59

Whatever. (written before SLposted) happie daz'e.


Mags Report 12 Apr 2006 15:03

Alot of the time it is nothing to do with Education its about sounding cool around your mates. My friends daughter who says tomorra instead of tomorrow, when around her grandparents says tomorrow as she knows they hate it and she would not get as many treats. She only speaks like it when she is around her little friends, she returns to normal speech at the drop of a hat. Nothing to do with her education as she was privately educated in a very, very good school.


Bendy Report 12 Apr 2006 15:05

Claire, it's ghey rather than gay. Apparently, lol.


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2006 15:07

Shady Lady and Lynda, As I stated this is not a criticism of anyone. Nor is it judgemental. I hope, however, that you don't object to us showing people what the correct grammar should be. It may well be that many were not taught the correct grammar, so this is their opportunity. And when we think about the Mis-Transcriptions which we all complain about........


Cherry Report 12 Apr 2006 15:13

Oh er Jim! Youse dun it agin - frown the cat in wiv the pidgins! (summat tells me tha' shudda bin pigeons) Appy daize Herry! Our youngest, aged 26 is dyslexic but he's got the best throwaway line of all time! His boss : Tim you can't spell! Tim : No boss, but you can't fly a plane! (Absolutely true, he got his Private Pilot's Licence at 16 years old) PMSL! Cherryx

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 15:14

I think you missed my point Mags,I wasn,t talking about the use of modern day slang expressions by young people,I was talking about spelling and punctuation marks.We aren,t all very good at that ,but it doesn,t make us any lower down in the scale of things just because our spelling isn,t perfect .


Jean Report 12 Apr 2006 15:17

diana, if you listen to someone when they say innit, it dosent have anything to do with what they are saying, innit. lol. I was listening to a young girl and her group of friends, and she said, Im looking at her aint I, innit? as my daughter would say, whats that all abaat. I used to say aint it, when I was younger. jean

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 15:19

Grampa Jim I am not angry or upset,please don,t think I am, and I,m always willing to learn,I just wanted to point out the disadvantages some of us have by not getting such a good education as others may have had.

Jeans Reunited

Jeans Reunited Report 12 Apr 2006 15:24

i don't think typing on here is a true picture of how we were educated. I type as quickly as I can just using 4 fingers. I've progressed from 1! lol Claire


Jean Report 12 Apr 2006 15:24

I used to hate english grammer and english lit at school, have no idea where punctuation and cant spell the other things go, just hope Ive put them in right place when needed. jean


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2006 15:25

SL, I realise that. 2 of mine got their degrees, 1 did three quarters of a University Course and gave up, 1 is a Groundworker digging holes for a living and the other is living in Ireland and has got her Welder's Certificate and is currently studying Wood Turning. We all have differing degrees of ability to learn and I wouldn't criticise that.

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 15:28

Lynda thats just how I feel too. Claire I,m still at the one finger stage.

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 15:33

Grampa Jim, because my mother was bringing up my brother and myself on her own we didn,t have the advantage of going to university,we had to leave school and get jobs, other people probably were in the same position,thats why I class people with a better education as lucky.


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2006 15:36

Shady Lady, I wish I could have had a University Education, but my dad took me out of school at 14 and sent me to work.

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 12 Apr 2006 15:42

Those were the good old days that everyone pines for eh ! Never mind we survived it all.


Cherry Report 12 Apr 2006 15:47

Which just goes to prove Jim that my hubby, who did go to University in the 60's is absolutely right! He maintains that formal higher education doesn't mean a jot. It's what you make of yourself that matters and what you learn along the way. I'm proud of you Jim, just you keep up the good work. It's time proper grammar and punctuation were brought back into everyday usage.


PinkDiana Report 12 Apr 2006 15:49

I went to the 'university of life' and it taught me well!! Do I wish I'd gone to Uni? Sometimes but then there is nothing stopping anyone getting a degree NOW if the wish!! Education like this is FUN and learning should be the same.... no one being judged just the opportunity to learn new things while we enjoy our hobby!! Thanks again Jim. xx


Cherry Report 12 Apr 2006 15:59

Well said Pink! Cherryxx


Poolmaster Report 12 Apr 2006 16:05

well i'm 36 years old and have no academic qualifications at all. i left school at 15 with nothing, joined the army at 16 and left at 30 still with nothing but one vocational certificate as an nvq assessor. now - im an apprenticeship manager, started my degree 2 years ago, got 3 nvq level 4s in learning and development, qualified as a teacher of english as a foreign language, have my adult education teaching certificate and my 10 metre swimming badge! learning late in life is fun!