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Education time

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Felicity Report 13 Apr 2006 03:53

A long time ago now, but yes.


Guinevere Report 13 Apr 2006 06:28

Hi Felicity, I always 'read through my work' as well to correct any mistakes I may have made, I'm not a very good typist. I'm the daughter of an English teacher, it's in the blood. lol When my son was very young I taught O level English Language to adults for 10 years. At the same night school I also taught adult literacy, which was very rewarding. It was lovely to see the progress that people can make when they want to and the satisfaction they felt when they passed an exam. I love our language and I will fight on the battlements to see it preserved! Gwynne


Felicity Report 13 Apr 2006 06:41

Hi Gwynne! Yes, the satisfaction in passing exams can be such a thrill. One that seems to be available to fewer and fewer students, given the trend towards nothing being deemed a failure. It's a topic on another thread, but I think there's a lot to be said for working towards a standard and teaching people that 'fail' is not a four letter word, if you get my drift!! :-) I'm all for rewarding effort, but there are standards that need to be met in some areas and it's not necessarily a personal disaster if some don't reach it. Try again or move onto something that can be done is the best advice I think. We all succeed at something and none succeed at everything. ps I've just seen that you saw my reply on that other thread. Congratulations to you for having the courage to stay off the roads. Too many people thing they're wonderful drivers when they're clearly a danger to all. :-)