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Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:33 |
I would say something really contreversial and horrible here....but I can't....I am still in mourning for Gene Pitney. :-( |
ButtercupFields | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:34 |
Lemon, if it is something rude about Daniel, I give you dispensation:-) Gene would not mind.....BC |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:34 |
*Wonders what to do with Elaine's backside * pmsl I agree with Daniel - we've all got the right to post what we want Sandra as long as we're within the terms & conditions - although I am wondering if this is the start of the 'big fight/ argument' that Paul was saying he'd like to start on Connections the other day.....hmmmmm.... |
Bec | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:40 |
David - I think you might be right (for once!) lol xx |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:43 |
David oh yes... the connections site, the words-- --'people, some and slap'.----'clicky gang'---and the phrase 'Get a Life' all come to mind :o)))))))))))))))))) |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:44 |
BC.....stop it you encourage me to be a bad lemon lol |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:47 |
Ok, i'm back Marie, what opinion did I make of you? The only thing I said was 'It may not be much to you, but it may be a lot to others'. Sandra, I'm not back from 'exile' as you put it. Why should I pipe down? It's not getting heated at all is it? Just because a majority does not agree with me, it doesn't mean I should hiding. Anyways, I think we're going of the subject here. It isn't about how much it costs or anything, it's about the way it effects people. Which in my view, it doesn't. |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:47 |
Elaine - I was thinking more of 'I wanna watch a fight and/or big arguement' ;)) |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 17:50 |
That was quick Paul did you go fro a P? |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 18:02 |
'£9 might not be a lot to you, but to others it may be a lot ' was what you said and it implied that I may be better able to afford membership than others. (Which, as you don't know me or my financial situation, is making assumptions) HOWEVER That is totally irrelevant to this discussion. You are entitled to your view (daft or otherwise) and so I am. You won't change my mind on it, and I won't change yours, so unless something else of interest appears on the thread, I will leave it there. |
Claire | Report | 6 Apr 2006 18:03 |
I don't think it is so much about the cost, but of the nature of some of the posts. ANYONE (yes, I'm shouting) can read the sucess board, member or not, and I have read in the past some very detailed posts that could identify people who may want to remain anonymous. If they were paid up members, they could contact other paid up mambers who are perfectly willing to help, via a PM and not have to post personal details. JMHO but I think they SHOULD pay! Claire xx |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:32 |
This I quote from something you said earlier Marie; '£9 is not much to pay if you are that serious about finding somebody.' So I'm not making assumptions, I'm just quoting you on saying it doesn't cost much. :-) |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:36 |
It's getting rather pedantic. Just agree to disagree. If people are posting look ups on Success, then full members can post that they pay their money on Success. |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:37 |
Goes to look up pedantic |
***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:39 |
i think paul if they had turrets theyd put 'im a effin member' lmao sorry paul, not meanin any harm im always told off cos i shout |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:41 |
Paul That is not an assumption it is a fact |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 20:53 |
Marie, i'm confused on two things. A) Are you saying that I made an assumption, or a fact? b) Was it a lot of money for you because you said it was, but then said it's not a lot of money. Which is it? Sorry but you've contradicted yourself. |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 21:10 |
No need to be confused Paul I am happy to clarity the points I made if you feel it necessary. As I stated previously, I do not have a huge disposal income very much like many others on this site. Therefore I had to go without to pay my membership Despite the fact that I had to make sacrifices to pay for my membership £9 is NOT a huge amount of money as it relates to approx 18p a week which I believe is worth the sacrifices I made and think it's excellent value for money. Hope that has clarified things for you :0) |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 21:12 |
Marie don't take the bate love XXX |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 21:12 |
*tiptoes in quietly* YES PAUL I AGREE!!! *runs out quickly* |