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What is your pet hate?
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Bob | Report | 23 Nov 2005 19:52 |
Mine is when someone pronounces the letter Aitch with a H. |
Trish | Report | 23 Nov 2005 19:59 |
Somebody who has a mouthful of food and takes a swig of tea/coffee while food is still in mouth. Yeuch. Hubby used to do this until I met him - his excuse was that his mums pies, tarts etc were so dry he had to have something to help it go down. LOL |
Unknown | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:03 |
Mine is when I am swimming and people just swim under me....eeeeh |
June | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:05 |
People who push into you at the supermarket and don,t say sorry. |
Roxanne | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:07 |
Rudeness, ignorance and general loutish behavior!! |
***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:08 |
i got loads, listening to someone eat an apple, snoring |
Louise | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:08 |
Bob, At last, someone on my wave length! We get our children's feet measured regularly and more often than not one takes an H fitting. When I try to get H fitting shoes I always have to deal with sales people who pronounce it 'H' not 'aitch'. When I say aitch they continue to say 'H' as if I must be wrong. It makes my blood boil. Another pet hate that is shared with my husband, who is a teacher, is when tv presenters don't seem to know when to use the words amount and number or fewest and least. They talk about 'less people' instead of 'fewer people' or the 'amount of people who vote rather than the 'number of people' who vote. It really grates when it is so obvious to me. I also hate the words ' empower' and 'proactive' with a passion. Louise |
Guinevere | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:10 |
I have a thing about Aitch as well. But I get teeth grindingly angry at misused apostrophes on signs in shops and markets.. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:13 |
Spitting i hate spitting |
PennyDainty | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:16 |
Mine is silly really but it so gets on my nerves. I hate getting into a warm bed. If my other half goes to bed before me, woe betide him if he happens to have rolled over and made my side all warm. LOL I wake up as many times a night to turn the pillows over to the cold side too. Daft I know, Christine |
Unknown | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:17 |
Noisy neighbours, false 'friends', being lectured, and ill-mannered people. That's a start. I'll compile the rest of the list later! LOL >*|*< |
***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:21 |
people who think they can walk in to a job and take over from the owner boss, and bully everyone, manipulative i think its called, oh and eating with mouths open - chomping |
Carol in Rochester, New York | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:21 |
My pet peeve just might start the 2nd War of Independence. I hate watching Americans hold their fork like a javelin whilst attempting to cut through a slice of meat. |
Paul | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:22 |
I get this when I'm talking to my mum; Paul: Mum?..... Mum...... Muuummmmm.......... Hello........ Mummmmmmmmmmm........... MUM? Mum; WHAT? FOR GODS SAKE!!! Why didn't see answer me the first time? There'd be no need for the gob! |
DAVE B | Report | 23 Nov 2005 20:34 |
I agree with Ade spitting especially this practise lately that girls spit to be ladettes takes so much of their niceness away! also litter lout hate that as well. Dave |
Molly | Report | 23 Nov 2005 21:06 |
Noisy eaters. Nose pickers. Sniffing. I could go on. Ang |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 23 Nov 2005 21:09 |
When out doing my shopping, people that stand in the middle of the aisles talking or leave their trolley in the middle of the aisles. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Joy |
Researching: |
Chris | Report | 23 Nov 2005 21:15 |
NICE ONE. I just hate it when people say nice one instead of thank you. I tell them that if I scored the winning goal at the Fa Cup final from 30 yards that would be a nice one, when I do something for you it's thank you. I get some odd looks but it really winds me up. (Or am I getting old) Chris |
Spud Fae Livi | Report | 23 Nov 2005 21:16 |
Joy that realy gets me as well. I usually end up ramming them out of the way. Also hate when people don't say thanks for holding a door open for them (I think that they think I am a doorman). Spud |
Linen | Report | 23 Nov 2005 21:20 |
I thought I was the only one to know that H is pronounced aitch. Nice to know I'm not alone. Vivienne |