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Janice Report 31 Aug 2005 23:30

Didn't sing one about a worm! Still have my handbook somewhere - have to see if there's anything in there!! Janice PS I started off in Cheshire - a Brownie Pack in Sale.

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 1 Sep 2005 00:19

I'm a Guider with a large Guide Unit in Somerset. My girls love singing songs and we have great cookouts every summer. It's still a lot of fun but hard work! I particularly enjoy crafts and so do most of the Guides. The other verses of the Redmen song go We come home from distant shores greeted by our long nosed squaws. then We can fight with sticks and stones, bones and arrows, bricks and bones. You have to do all the actions with them!!!! Sue


MrsBucketBouquet Report 1 Sep 2005 00:55

Anyone remember the guide law? I promise to do my duty to god and the queen and to abide the guide law....... and to help other people at all times...blah blah blah???? Any one fill in the gaps? Gerri


Cheshire Report 1 Sep 2005 01:04



Bec Report 1 Sep 2005 01:11

I was a Brownie and then a Guide (was a Scarlet Pimpernell! - sp?) for a short while! Enjoyed it at the time but then found boys and enjoyed them more! lol becx


Cheshire Report 1 Sep 2005 01:20

Night Night all If your going camping don't forget your wet weather gear and two sticks to stand your wellies on. I think we should call this the night owl patrol I an signing off See you soon Trish


Cheshire Report 1 Sep 2005 01:27

Just popped back to say remembered a verse of the red men. We tie captains to the stakes, bake their inards(sp?) (it is late)in to cakes All of us are red men feathers in your head men down among the dead men pow wow Trish

The Bag

The Bag Report 1 Sep 2005 07:55

We are the Red men tall and straight in our feathers and war paint POW WOW, POW WOW We're the men of the old Dun Cow HOW all of us are red men feathers on our head men Down among the dead men POW WOW, POW WOW We come home from distant shores Greeted by our low nosed squaws POW WOW POW WOW We're the men of the old..... We can fight with sticks and stones Bows and arrows sticks and bones POW WOW, POW WOW --------------------------------------------------- In a round, patrol by patrol.... Camp fires burning Campfires burning draw nearer, draw nearer in the gloaming , in the gloaming come sing and be merry -------------------------------------------------- Did anyone else sing or remember '' Last night i had the strangest dream ''???


Fairy Report 1 Sep 2005 08:36

I was a Brown Owl which I loved doing. Before that I had to become a Girl Guide. I think I must have been the oldest girl to make my promise to the Queen at 30.

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 1 Sep 2005 08:44

We sang golden cow!!!!!! Ex brownie, guide, Sea Ranger and Guider...... I'll have to find my old song book :)


Dancing Report 1 Sep 2005 08:50

Last night I had the strangest dream I've ever dreamed before, i dreamed the world had all agreed to out an end to war. I dreamed I saw a mighty room And the room was full of men, And the paper they were signing said They'd never fight again. And when the paper was all signed, And a million copies made, They all joined hands and bowed their heads, And grateful prayers were said. And the people in the streets below Were dancing round and round; And swords and guns and uniforms, Lay scattered on the ground. Last night I had the strangest dream I've ever dreamed before, I dreamed the world had all agreed To put an end to war. I don't remember singing it in Guides, but later on when I was involved in the folk scene - mind you I'm not just sure when it was written! Sheila


heleninrotterdam Report 1 Sep 2005 09:35

I was also an ELF and then a SWALLOW. We had 2 brownie packs and 2 guide companies in our village when I was growing up. I loved all the activities we got to do, got loads of badges and was even a Queen's Guide. All my friends went too. It is a real shame that guiding is not 'cool' amongst youngsters these days.


Rugby Report 1 Sep 2005 09:49

There's along long worm a-crawling across the roof of my tent. There's the morning whistle blowing and it's time I went. There's the cold cold water waiting for me to take my morning dip, and when I return I find that worm upon my pillow slip. That worm he kept on crawling throughout the heat of the day, Round and round the tentpole but he would not go away. There's the warm warm water waiting for me to have (take?) my evening wash And when I return and lay me down that worm wil go SQUISH SQUASH! :) Amazing what lingers at the back of your mind, waiting to resurface many years later. Just offered my help to the local unit after many years absence to marry and start a family. I'm struggling with the culture change - much less regimented, no familiar games and the girls treat taps like a race! Do I feel this because I'm so much older? Or is the difference because of the district? I grew up in Berkshire and am now in West Yorkshire. Vicky


Janice Report 1 Sep 2005 10:10

'Amazing what lingers at the back of your mind' Helped set up a campsite this summer - pitching tents! Managed to impress my 24 year old son and his mates by teaching them how to tie a sheepshank to shorten the guy ropes. Can anyone remember their semaphore? Just tried and can only manage about half the alphabet now. Janice

Maggie in Leics

Maggie in Leics Report 1 Sep 2005 10:17

I never escaped either - never wanted to really!! Currently a Ranger Guider - had the most fun as a ranger. Also involved in a little international camp next year - anyone want to come? www(.)charnwood(.)org - the idea of having a genie tent with internet connection is growing (would need some 'genies' to man/woman it!!), and we have an active genie thread on the staff section of our camp message board!!


Dancing Report 1 Sep 2005 13:55

Janice Yes, I can remember my semaphore (just done it mentally), and that goes back to Brownie days for my Golden Hand! Only ever once used it for real, but that's another story. I was a Brownie, Guide, Cadet (anyone remember them?) and at various times Brown Owl, Guide leader, and Ranger leader. I only really gave up because I was working full time and studying as well and couldn't give the commitment necessary. Nowadays I'm involved in other work with children, but I have many fond memories of my time in the Guide Movement. Sheila


Unknown Report 1 Sep 2005 14:31

Forgot to say I went to a rally in Port Sunlight oncee, guide and Brownies from all over the world,,,and Lady Baden Powell was there


Linette Report 1 Sep 2005 15:09

Greetings All, Like Maggie I haven't escaped from Guiding either. I have been it it since I was a Brownie and moved up through Guides and Rangers, became a Young Leader and am now a Brownie and Guide Guider. I also mentor new leaders too. As a Guide I gained my Queen's Guide award. I really love Guiding and have learnt so much and met great people world wide. Guiding has changed a lot and is very much girl led now. They get to go to pop concerts and all sorts now I've got so much out of Guiding I enjoy giving a bit back Lin Hoping I don't sound too blue knicker brigade!!


Cheshire Report 2 Sep 2005 22:57

Hi It is so good to hear from other guides, It is good to see some youngsters still are interested, though in a different way. I always remember my Brown Owl saying on You can naver unmake this promise once you have made it and it is so true.I feel guiding still influences me after all these yours Getting nostalgic Trish


Cheshire Report 2 Sep 2005 23:00

Anyone remember a camp fire song called Barges, written by a dutch guide when she was in hospital, evedently she could see the barges on the canals from her bed It began out of my window looking in the night I can see the barges flickering lights I used to love it Trish