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Is it just me..or do people add only to the thread
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Mandy | Report | 24 Jun 2005 09:18 |
Hello Deb I'm not fussy I'll kill anyones thread!!!!!!!!!!!! The different time zone is no problem to me......... I'm usually on a different planet anyway. Were you planning a GR Mars Meet then? I'm up for that!!!! LOL Mandy |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 09:22 |
Hi Deb, I look at the Gen Board most days and will always gravitate towards threads begun by people who have caught my interest in the past. I'm not shy - I'll even add to threads of people I don't much care for, if I have something to say. It is sometimes disappointing to strike up a friendship with someone on the Board and then find they're ignoring you, but I've been told I appear to do that myself. Sometimes people are just too busy or too wrapped up in other things to keep many conversations going. I did read your 'Mars' thread but, from my astrological textbooks, was already aware of the planetary activity. Even so, I found the detail you gave interesting, and I wish I'd added my appreciation, so you'd have known I was 'there'. I've often found that serious subjects don't attract many replies here. It's just a matter of who happens to be around on the Board when they appear, I think. Also, it seems most people who are regular contributors here see this Board mainly as a light-hearted social forum and somewhere to share views and laughter with others with whom they may not otherwise be able to communicate. I often feel 'left out' of threads because they involve people much younger than myself and their interests and/or experiences are very different from my own. That said, I don't feel I need to shy away from contributing, I'm just not surprised if what I say is ignored. Please don't feel left out. Further astronomy threads might not attract a huge following - I can guarantee an audience of at least one! Best wishes, CB >|< |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 24 Jun 2005 09:22 |
I add to any.If there are some you 'know' on it , there can be a bit of chatting goes on between the ones who 'know' each other. You would think they were the best of buddies on some of them, all good fun unless they start to 'fight ' lol Marion |
Shirley Ann | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:11 |
Guinevere, ok completely ,lol |
marie from stoke | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:15 |
I dont know anyone personally on here, but I do reconise lots of the names that pop up regularly, and if anything no matter who puts it on here is something that I am interested in I add to it. Marie |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:24 |
Shirley Ann and Gwynne! I won't have that. Not 'completely'. Well not quite yet, anyway! LoL He is lovely to have around, though, isn't he? CB >|< (Hoping for a good table at Dave's bash tonight!) |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:27 |
Mandy BKs, I'm up for the meet on Mars! So long as there are free bars, I'll hop across from Pluto and see you there. (Mars bars, that is!) CB >|< X |
Valice in | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:30 |
Hi Deb, There are so many threads put up over the course of the day, that I find it impossible to look at them all. Some I look at but pass on without comment, maybe because I either have nothing to say, or don't have time enough to respond, or someone else has already covered my opinion. 'Everyone' seems to feel that they have killed a thread, myself included!! I don't really bother about who has done the posting though. Val |
Shirley Ann | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:35 |
CB, yes he is good to have around, but come on he is completely. Shirley Ann |
~Little Ray of Sunshine~ | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:43 |
I'll add to anything me, unless i know that the person who started the thread is a trouble maker. But i will say that i added to a thread the other day when help was requested and was completely ignored, so i'll be ignoring those culprits in future c x |
Bobtanian | Report | 24 Jun 2005 10:43 |
Debs, I didnt add to your 'mars spectacular' because I have found that in the UK its not much point in making arrangements for stargazing, because the conditions always seem to be useless.......... Bob |
Researching: |
DAVE B | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:06 |
Hey I resemble that remark 'slightly mad' lol! Davex |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:10 |
Hi Deb, I reply to anything and anybody... stick my nose in all the time, not fussy me! ;)) |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:11 |
I add to anything! lol |
Joy | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:12 |
you do resemble, Dave!! :-) Joy |
Deanna | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:15 |
Deb, when I started to read these threads, I did not know a soul. I had to pluck up the courage to join in. I now have made some good friends, I see them as such anyway. AND a couple of great ones, but, I will join in any thread I feel interested in. Deanna :-0) |
~♥ Daisy ♥~ | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:16 |
Well I know I added to the Mars thread Deb and generally I add to those which interest me, or to give support to someone. However, like most people I usually take a peek at any threads posted by people I 'know'. Daisy |
Unknown | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:20 |
Hi Deb I always read threads by people I know or by other people who I find interesting (either because of their sense of humour or the way they express themselves or the types of threads they start). But I also read threads if the title interests me - never read any sports threads and usually leave threads alone if they are too personal or if it's by a person I don't like. Probably like a lot of people I read many more threads than I answer cos I haven't always got anything interesting to add:) |
Poolmaster | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:20 |
im not fussed who i answer or chat to. everyones fab. im what you might call a cyber slapper! |
Pat | Report | 24 Jun 2005 13:34 |
Hi Deb Think you may know that I am not fussy I add to any thread that takes my fancy, regardless of who the author is :-))) I read many threads and don't answer them. It also depends on my mood, there are days I fancy serious topics and then other days I don't. Oh and like you and Mandy BK I'll kill anyone's thread, not fussy there either lol. I shall be honest here and say different names mean different things, some make me feel better than others, which is bound to happen, when you get so many different people on the board, I find its amazing how stong these feelings can be, as I have never met anyone from the board it is very perculiar to have such strong feelings on them because of their postings. Pat x |