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I Am Disgusted
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Margaret in Herts. | Report | 25 May 2005 00:18 |
Jackie......I think your idea of a curfew is a very good one and like you say it would be a starting point. Len.......try this website, to get hold of your MP http://www(.) Margaret |
Milliesmate | Report | 24 May 2005 23:38 |
Remember not all youth of today are bad. lots are good. its not always youths who are bad either. |
Christine | Report | 24 May 2005 23:25 |
I have read the first page of this thread and can't read anymore. My blood is boiling and i am in danger of exploding. I have to say that I haven't heard of this particular 'craze'. That's one that doesn't appear to have reached here yet(the U.S.). I gave up reading the papers here a long time ago. I couldn't bear to read about another sick act being committed by kids. They have the added bonus of having guns to play with here. With the state this worl is in today i don't even want to think about the horrors the future holds. Christine. |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 24 May 2005 23:11 |
George Do you know anyone who would lend you an optical SLR camera? With a long lens (say a 300mm) and a good flashgun with a factor of say 34, you could get a good portrait at 75 yards. len |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 24 May 2005 16:17 |
I once saw a list of MP's e-mail addresses. Anyone got a current one or know of a relevant website? Len |
Stelly ♥♥ | Report | 24 May 2005 02:20 |
Just got to add that my nieces and nephew......are very aware of what they are doing...........and they don't get drunk........... Nephew going into the police soon as he can Am aware that it's easy to enter that world! Just don't.... |
George | Report | 24 May 2005 02:20 |
Nice one Len, I've tried to get photo's of the local yobs who insist on dumping the cars they've stolen at the back of my house. Trouble is the digital camera takes too long to be ready for a picture!! 'Course there is something we all can do about the vocal minority that's brought about the lack of punishment to the brain dead idiots, and that is to become the vocal majority. eMail your MP and the local Councillor they'll soon get fed up and do something about it!! |
Bec | Report | 24 May 2005 02:16 |
<bec waves at Stelly> hello honey, you and me awake again at this time of night/morning! |
Stelly ♥♥ | Report | 24 May 2005 02:14 |
I do think that the majority.........have been brought up well......If you go by the papers...........god help you! My children are very aware of 'older people' RESPECT...............if it's deserved. Littlle town.........and great taxis...........say what you want (and great taxis at weekend) Read it all! Stel... Not bothered actually.......but awake and fair! |
Bec | Report | 24 May 2005 01:50 |
I agree there are many unruly kids who need to be controlled. BUT... My 16 year old brother is an asset to society. He will instantly give up his seat on the tube, he would die to protect me and is disgusted by his peers who terrorise adults. He knows right from wrong and it's not because he's scared to go home and get a thrashing... it's because he has a conscience. I am so proud to be related to such a decent, kind and caring young man. If he hears I'm upset he will ring me up just to tell me he loves me and thinks I'm great. He may be part of a minority... but that minority exist! Love becx (An incredibly proud big sister!) |
Roy | Report | 24 May 2005 01:26 |
David, violent and yobbish behaviour began when the people with power (teachers) were banned from using corporal punishment.As for keeping control with a severe glance or a few sharp words, not a chance if thats the limit of their powers. Roy. |
Rosalind in Madeira | Report | 23 May 2005 22:37 |
Len, I think it is only illegal if they accidently catch themselves on it. We used it once and it was very visible. Have also used carpet gripper but it wasn't much good. Hope they catch the little b*******. Ros |
Jacqueline | Report | 23 May 2005 22:32 |
A change in the law is required. Laws regarding crimes committed by youths has not been changed in an extremely long time i.e children of today, are not the same as children back in the 30's or 40's. What about having a curfew from say 21:00 onwards for those under the age of 18. Anyone below this age, found on the streets could be arrested and taking to a holding pen. The parents would have to be contacted and made to pay a fine or something for allowing their children out after the curfew. I know this won't help in every case, but could be a starting point. What do you think? Regards Jackie |
Juliette | Report | 22 May 2005 23:27 |
Well done Len, You're the sort of bloke who should be the Prime Minister. My 16 year old lad was slapped in the face, whilst walking home from School- the day after that programme was on.I reported it to the School, but there was little they could do, because it happened after school.It is so frustrating. My lad was picked on because he is very quiet, but he still chased after his attacker, who didn't expect that. |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 22 May 2005 22:34 |
Good for you, Len. You're 100 times more of a man than that lot of scum could ever hope to be. |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 22 May 2005 22:31 |
I had a run in with four youths ( they looked about 14 years old) last Thursday when they broke my back fence, climbed over my garage breaking a security light in the process (trespass with criminal damage), then running off up my drive. I was alone at the time but gave chase but they were faster than me. I am only 81 but still strong enough to have disabled one had they pulled a knife and I would have had no qualms about it. They came back about an hour later with much abuse and foul language (which, of course, I did not understand). I called to them from an upper window and got three good photos with a long lens when they automatically looked up. They made off when they realised what had happened. I will make a complaint at the police station tomorrow, together with photos - much good will it do me. I will try Ebay for some 36 grenades or anti-personnel mines. I understand it is illegal to put up barbed wire. len |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 22 May 2005 22:07 |
It was in today's paper that a 71 year old man had been set upon by youths in High Wycombe and killed. Len |
Lily | Report | 22 May 2005 20:30 |
Me too, Bev. But we only get to hear of the 'bad' kids, there are lots of good ones, doing kind deeds. Lily |
Unknown | Report | 22 May 2005 19:51 |
Hi Bev No worries - I wasn't offended and am sadly no longer a youth lol - just thought it needed saying:) Hello Roy Personally I think that teacher behaved despicably - is that not violent and yobbish behaviour from someone abusing a position of power? The most respected and inspiring teacher I had at school didn't have the option to use physical discipline - but she had the ability to control a class merely with a severe glance or sharp words. |
Daniel | Report | 22 May 2005 19:33 |
I do believe that this yobbish culture has reached a peak which is totally unacceptable. This has been allowed to progress over time; some of todays yobs are second and third generation crooks. The Government can bring in policy after policy but unless things change at home, within the family, they will make no difference. |