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congratulations Tony

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DAVE B Report 6 May 2005 17:02

Sour Grapes Peter what a shame! all that and Liverpool may not be in champions league next season either bad day Peter.


DEBORAH Report 6 May 2005 17:23

me too , im happy , i knew we didnt have anything to worry about :)


Unknown Report 6 May 2005 17:31

I'm glad your happy Louise but I ain't :(


DAVE B Report 6 May 2005 17:42

David you wouldnt be you defected to the LIB DEMS lol! only joking! Dave


SheilaSomerset Report 6 May 2005 17:45

Unhappy bunny here too, but not a surprised one! Another 4 years of that cheesy grin....!


Unknown Report 6 May 2005 17:47

lol Dave - I've always voted Lib Dem:)


Suzy Report 6 May 2005 17:47

Comfort blanket... what a lovely image. I would love to think my husband thinks of me in that way. At the end of the day, they are a very happy couple; even if some of us are not keen on them. They have a lovely family and are obviously all very close. Can't say the same thing about that lot at the Palace!! Suzy


Brian Report 6 May 2005 17:58

I'm also pleased that Tony Blair got back in. There was no way I would have voted Conservative and have Michael Howard as Prime Minister. I thought his constant, public attack on Tony Blair, calling him a liar, was an absolute disgrace. I reckon that alone cost the Tories a good few thousand votes nationwide. Hindsight is the easiest vision anyone can have, using it to their advantage whenever there is a gullible audience. Thankfully, we Brits are not that naive; saw through that ploy in no time. Insofar as the Iraq issue played its part in the reduction of total votes for Labour, the Prime Minister acted as he did on the best advice of the nation's Intelligence Service (as did George Bush with his). That's what they -- the IS -- are paid for after all! He (nor Bush) could hardly pop over to Iraq and have a look around themselves, could they!!? Tony Blair responded to a request from our closest allies in the world to support their proposed invasion of Iraq. Think on that point. Our history has shown that we would have lost WW2 had it not been for the assistance of American armed forces. A recent trilogy on BBC1, called D-Day to Berlin, brought into sharp focus how invaluable the GI's help was. Tens of thousands perished alongside our troops, incidentally. So it was that British armed forces fought (yes, and died) alongside the Yanks in Iraq. OK, so 'the told-you-so's' in government, and those 'hindsight experts' gloat over the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq (not YET) so we went to war unnecessarily, and our brave soldiers have been killed and injured over there, but did you hear what Michael Howard said on TV last week? He said 'we (meaning a Tory government at the time) would have gone to war with Iraq even if there were no weapons of mass destruction'. What a bl**dy hypocrite!! The British Intelligence Service is non-political; Prime Minister Tory would have had the same advice, from the same people in MI5 or MI6, as did Tony Blair, and would have invaded Iraq even though the possibilty of WMD was not an issue!! When I heard him say that, almost in the same breath as calling Tony Blair 'a liar', it made my blood boil!! One final comment for those who have reservations about the nation's ultimate choice. The age-old saying 'Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't !' Brian, ;~)


Suzy Report 6 May 2005 19:13

Well said Brian. :)


Unknown Report 6 May 2005 19:17

Beautifully put Brian.


Unknown Report 6 May 2005 19:22

i agree louise....well done tony. bryan.


Unknown Report 6 May 2005 19:42

Well said Brian - thanks:o)))) jude sarf wales

Is it a bird? is it a plane?

Is it a bird? is it a plane? Report 6 May 2005 19:59

Ah... the title of this topic lulled me here under the impression I was going to read some fantastic news about a GR regular named Tony, hopefully something heart warming... instead I find its about Mr. Blair :( Ah well... nevermind...

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 6 May 2005 20:00

glad your happy louise me not


Christine Report 6 May 2005 21:55

Just to reply to Brian's comments....I think that you will find that Bush used OUR intelligence to back his cause for the War - picture Jack Straw sitting next to Colin Powell at the United Nations. OK neither Bush nor Blair could 'pop over there' but they had 'weapons inspectors' and they were finding nothing...! ! We were then told that Saddam had weapons that could be launched within 45 minutes - Tony Blair stood up in Parliament and told us that....we were in danger...this was - to put it mildly - an 'untruth' and this was the reason we were given for the War...Saddam had weapons and he would use them. I am not denying that he was, and is an evil man...but so is he a target ??? What about North Korea and their atomic weapons - too big a target ???? What about Iran??? We won't mention Saudi Arabia...the 9/11 members all seem to have come from there...but they are 'friendly'.. Now we are told that just being rid of Saddam is a cause for rejoicing...the real reason for the war??? ... but why not say at the beginning that - we are invading Iraq to get rid of him????? ...because no-one would have gone along with it. The Iraq War was illegal and we were told lies....time after time.... And as for WW2...the USA only joined in because they were bombed at Pearl Harbour....their troops did die alongside ours, but the war could have been over a lot earlier if they had listened to our pleas and joined in earlier. By the time they did joined they had loaned us money to 'help' us - money it took years for us to repay - I am by no means denegrating the brave men who died in the cause along with ours - As for the Conservatives - they say they would have still gone to war but would have told us 'the truth' - hats and eating come to mind Sorry - I can't congratulate Tony


Christine Report 6 May 2005 22:26

Thanks Peter Tony was intent on could persuade him otherwise...he can never say he was was his 'moment' in history


Ben Report 6 May 2005 22:50

its funny all the good guys are dead john smith donald dewar tony blair was a certainty the opposition was so poor i could have stood a better chance, blair will prove the doubters wrong and go down as one of the better pms of our time, i have never been better of and that goes for everybody i know, so why change, i dont want my mortgage to go to 15percent as it was the last time the torys were in.


Felicity Report 6 May 2005 22:51

I'm not sure I understand the idea that any particular section of the population did not vote the government in. A party 'rules' on the basis that it has a majority of seats in government, and by implication those who didn't vote didn't care enough to want to change things so still bear some responsibility for the results of an election. Bottom line is that there is always room for complaint no matter what happens. One has to have a particular kind of personality to be a politician frankly, most of the general population wouldn't want to be in office anyway. Wouldn't it be nice if politicians were recognised for what they are - just people, like the rest of us, living the best lives they can. They could probably pick fault with everyone else too! :-)


Ben Report 6 May 2005 23:07

i detect a bit of sour grapes peter, you know he is the man for the job, are you not pleased with your lot at the moment


Felicity Report 6 May 2005 23:08

Is this what you're saying Peter - when the Tories were in office and interest rates were high it was the fault of 'world economics' and if Labour had been in power it would have been the fault of the Labour party? I know how that goes - when my car makes funny noises people ask what I've done to it, me being a woman and all, but when my husband's car makes funny noises, people ask him what's wrong with his car -couldn't be anything he's done!! :-)