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congratulations Tony
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DAVE B | Report | 7 May 2005 07:38 |
Peter sounds to me like you are a bitter man must be all those sour grapes you have eaten over the last couple of days! Dave apart from that this is congrats thread you dont have to come on it if you dont feel like congratulating Tony Blair. Start your own thread if you are not happy. |
BrianW | Report | 7 May 2005 08:39 |
It's true that the unemployment figures are artificially depressed by several categories that have expanded in recent years. Not only is there a higher proportion of single mothers on benefits; doctors are signing far more onto long term sick benefits, particularly those over 50, as that gives the patient more money than being on the dole; the Government has taken on more employees in 'non-jobs', far more than in front line services; schemes like the Congestion charge (750 in Coventry?) need hundreds of people to administer; the extra 4,000 speed cameras soak up people to empty the films, process them, send out tickets, collect the fines, add points to licences - all of which adds not a penny to the Country's wealth. More kids are staying on at school and University, maybe not a bad thing in itself, but until they leave education they are not in the labour market. |
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Lily | Report | 7 May 2005 15:45 |
There were some interesting points made by everyone on this thread, just shows how clued up the electorate are now! Personally, I would like to see a coalition of the best men/women from all Parties forming the next govt. Dream on! Lily (Lifelong Liberal) |
GillfromStaffs | Report | 7 May 2005 16:09 |
I think alot of you people must be living in a differant country than me. In the last eight years everybody i know is better off than they ever were before.I think Michael Howard is doing the first decent thing he's ever done.(going) Gill |
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