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GR Relay Team. Looks if it is going to be possibl

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Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:06

Re my Furthest North to South Thread and Furthest East to West thread. I am wondering if we could have a GENES REUNITED RELAY. For charity. Not just GR members, but their family and friends also. Obviously a run or walk from town to town would be great. But it would probably have to entail cars or other methods of transport. I am mad or what? Jenny. *****Update.***** What started out as just an idea looks as if it could be feasable. I am all for one big relay. So to include all that want to join in. Where I think a trail run, such as East to West, then a North to South, then the Big one is a good idea, it means that such a lot of members would have to wait weeks possibly months before they could join in the fun. Summer holidays will soon be being booked if not already. Lets go the whole hog and do a one big one. I am going to get a huge map of Great Britian up on the wall. The Big Teddy Bear is a fantastic idea. Just a few questions first. Are we all agreeable on the Charity? Pink Diana's Fund? Do you think all participants should have to be sponsored? I don't think they should. Please let me have your views and ideas. Jenny.

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 5 Apr 2005 23:08

Yes, you're mad alright! But it's a lovely idea. Just wondering about the practicalities. I'm going to bed soon, though, so if I don't reply, that's why. G.x

Malc /GG and Jackie

Malc /GG and Jackie Report 5 Apr 2005 23:08

thats not a bad idea


Unknown Report 5 Apr 2005 23:11

this sounds a good idea, although would take some organising. perhaps you could tie it in with the stuff Diana's doing ?


Unknown Report 5 Apr 2005 23:11

sounds like fun!!


Annie Report 5 Apr 2005 23:12

A PINK John O'Groats to Lands End? I'm all for it! A xxxx


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:12

Yes I am sure the charity would be PINK's Fund. Jenny.


Julie Report 5 Apr 2005 23:13

sounds good...would get nationwide coverage..


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:16

It only needs someone to be in John O Groat's at the right time to start it all off. Even if they could only travel say 20 miles south to meet up with the next leg. Is anyone with me? Jenny.


Unknown Report 5 Apr 2005 23:23

You could do better than that. What about Beacons? That way every participant gets on their nearest hilltop and looks for the Very lights, then lights theirs. It also means not giving away too many personal details.


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:25

Hi Brian, I agree with you completley. What do you think about my idea? Jenny.


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:35

Grandpa Jim. Nice idea. I know the Barr Beacon in Aldridge in the Midlands very well. Open to suggestions. Jenny.


Vera Report 5 Apr 2005 23:43

This all sounds like a lot of fun and a good idea but without putting a damper on your enthusiasm wouldn't this take a lot of organising? I really like the relay idea and how we as members could link up all over the country but not sure how you would pull this one off. Perhaps we could all put our thinking caps on, now that the seed has been planted.


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Apr 2005 23:50

Thanks for your support Vera. It was just an idea I got out of the blue. I am sure if we had enough members and their families and friends we could just pull it off. Perhaps the easiest at first would be a relay from the East Coast to the West Coast first. If we could get someone say from the furthest point on the East to walk, run travel by car whatever, to the next leg, make contact ie, pass the baton, for want of a better word and so on till we get to the West Coast. Any ideas gratefully received. Jenny.


Vera Report 6 Apr 2005 00:00

Ok, how is this for an idea, the person on the east coast fills a bottle with sea water and then passes it to the next in relay, and so on until it reaches the west coast, where it is emptied back into the sea!! By the way I live on the east coast and I am about 15 miles from the sea but sure there must be someone closer. As we are talking about going across country we could have more than one relay running in different parts of the country!!


Julie Report 6 Apr 2005 00:02

Jenny I just had a thought, how about if you were to do it through the site. If everyone were to e-mail you where they were you could do maybe 3 routes from John O'Groats to Land end. Then do 3 threads with everyones name on it in the order they need to come down and when they come on the site they add to their thread and see who get to the end first.


Vera Report 6 Apr 2005 00:03

Another thought perhaps the team could then meet up later in the year, a way of meeting other members?


Guinevere Report 6 Apr 2005 07:15

Hi, How about buying a huge pink Teddy or similar to use as a baton and friends and family could sponsor the Teddy's journey? Maybe the time taken shouldn't be an issue as long as it gets from A to B. I quite like the idea of picking up a huge pink teddy from someone at Coventry station and taking it on the train to Leicester, for example. Maybe photos could be taken along the way which could appear on the GC photos page. Any HGV drivers could have the teddy sitting in the passenger seat. The Teddy could keep a diary of its adventures on a certain website. Those with custody could maybe take it to Alton Towers or any other tourist attraction while they had custody. Perhaps we could start with it on the prom at Aberyswyth. And end up on the prom at Lowestoft (most easterly point of the UK). Then we could repeat north to south. Gwynne


Mommylonglegs Report 6 Apr 2005 07:27

Brilliant idea Gwynne. Huge PINK teddy it will be. Never thought about the train. One teddy going North and South then East to West. What do you all think. My sister is a Wolves fan. She had a model 'Bully' As a practical joke one of her friends took it abroad with them. She has not seen it since. It has been passed on and on over the years. She gets postcards from all over the world and photographs of strangers with it tucked under their arms Catch you all later. Jenny.


June Report 6 Apr 2005 07:28

Good Idea Jenny, I think the idea of putting a diary/log with the baton/beacon/teddy is a brilliant idea, then people could sign it, putting who they picked it up from and whereabouts and who they are handing it over to and where. June xx