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only child or do you have brothers and sisters?

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AnninGlos Report 7 Aug 2013 16:32

Not inappropriate at all Paula, I hope all goes well for your BiL.

I have one sister almost 7 years younger than me. We get on ok(ish) although don't see much of each other. Will see less now as she has gone to live in Turkey, she is twice divorced, very independent, a believer in spiritualism and always, always right!!! :-D We are in frequent contact by e mail and F Book.
We didn't get on when young as I was always having to look after her at weekends because Mum had a job on Saturdays. (looking back I realise she needed to to get extra money but at the time it was a chore and she was a whinge). She was even with me when I met up with my other half for the first time.