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old game shows and tele programmes(kids and adults
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AnninGlos | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:24 |
Brings back memories, anyone mentioned What's my line with Barbara Kelly? Or is it before all your time? Ann Glos |
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Chris Ho :) | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:27 |
erm, haven't seen that one here Ann, think that was Eamon Andrews.. |
AnninGlos | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:29 |
Kids programmes, the original Dr Who when my daughter really would hide behind the armchair. Sooty Dare I say Muffin the Mule? What about radio? when we didn't yet have TV? Dick Barton Uncle Mac Toy town Ballet Shoes Just William In town tonight Wilfred Pickles "Give him the money Barney" Tony Hancock Ann Glos |
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The Mad House | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:30 |
what about the crankies i use to love them they dont make them like they use to do they |
Chris Ho :) | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:33 |
Pat, who was the grumpy old man?.. sorry Ann, hadn't seen you'd put Barbara, for What's my line |
Chris Ho :) | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:34 |
David, have been looking for you!, have you tried Lynda's anagram qiuz thread?.. |
AnninGlos | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:42 |
Yes my kids watched Andy Pandy, and wooden tops. True story: We were helping our friends move into a new house in Cornwall, about 1970 so were in our early thirties. Tony and John were fitting a carpet in the lounge, one at each end, the front door was open, Tony and John are 'playing' at wooden tops "Ooare spotty Dawg" and other suitable comments, both of them broad Devon accents. I happened to come out from the kitchen to find the baker (I think it was, a tradesman anyway), standing in the open doorway with his mouth open. He must have thought some very weird people had moved in there. Ann Glos |
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Chris Ho :) | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:43 |
Was there a Mr Pastry?.. |
Sue | Report | 30 Sep 2004 21:52 |
Christine Telly Addicts.......that's it! Thanks :o) Told you my brain had worn out! LOL Sue |
VIVinHERTS | Report | 30 Sep 2004 23:42 |
Going a bit upmarket here. There used to be a classical music quiz type programme where the presenter had a 'dummy keyboard' and would 'play' a piece of classical music and the three contestants had to identify it. Think it was called 'Face the Music' on BBC2 in the 70's. Viv |
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Pat | Report | 1 Oct 2004 00:08 |
Viv That was a terrible programme, I hated it, we had to watch it my Dad liked the bloke who used to sing on it, I think he was Welsh, can't remember his name though. Another horrible programme was that Brian Ingles (is that the way you spell it) "All Our Yesterdays" my Dad insisted he had to watch this Second World War stuff, so I had to do without "Top of the Pops" as it was corrupting my mind that was after he heard me singing along to the Rollling Stones song "Let's spend the Night together" when I was very young and hadn't a clue what it was all about anyway. Those bad old days when they had that other awful programme "The Good Old Days" a take on the old Music Hall theme, it seemed to always have that Bl***y Danny La Rue on it and Max Wall yuck. Loved Andy Pandy, Bill & Ben and Woodentops, Trumpton etc., Pat x |
Carol | Report | 1 Oct 2004 00:15 |
Rag, Tag, and Bobtail Remember that quiz show in the 80s called Three Little Words. Can`t remember who hosted it. Contestants gave 3 one word clues to the winning word. What was that game where they were given 3 letters and had to make words with those letters in and in the right order. I remember one lady coming up with a very very long word, cant remember it, and even if I could, I couldnt spell it. |
Daniel | Report | 1 Oct 2004 19:11 |
One more that's gone from our screens- Supermarket Sweep. I did enjoy that show. But then again I was only about 7. Couldn't tell the diffrence between what was good and what was bad. |
Geoff | Report | 1 Oct 2004 19:21 |
kb Was it "Screen Test"? |
Chris Ho :) | Report | 1 Oct 2004 19:23 |
Was that The Movie Game?, hosted by Jonathan Morris? (Adrian Boswell from Bread fame!)!. |
Charles | Report | 23 Feb 2015 17:36 |
Trying to find out more about a quiz on ITV (1960/61) called "Pencil and Paper |
jax | Report | 23 Feb 2015 17:58 |
Welcome to the boards Charles |
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UzziAndHerDogs | Report | 23 Feb 2015 18:10 |
Welcome to the boards Charles ..11 years to make a post must be a record ! |
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AnnCardiff | Report | 23 Feb 2015 18:32 |
so old the opening post mentions Jimmy Saville "fixing it" |
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Joy | Report | 23 Feb 2015 22:36 |
Well, a post was requested for review 30 Sep 2004 15:49. |