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Sorry I have to rant..please read

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DIZZI Report 23 Sep 2007 12:40

disablity living allowance
is payable wether you work or dont
pitance but all i have
less than £50 a week,inc
love to you all xx ;


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 12:43

Hi Daff,

Yes we are members, both as sufferer and family.
Also members of 'Jooly's Joint' a support site which is brilliant!

I am hoping the friend we are having meeting with will help with the damn forms. Telling the truth but getting the information across in the 'desired way'.

Sue xx


Kathlyn Report 23 Sep 2007 12:45


I only wish yours was an isolated case...We hear so much of this that I wonder if it is robots manning the government departments!!!!

Yesterdays Mail carried a story about a Pole who is working over here legally and he sends money home to Poland each wait for this bit.....because he has a wife and daughter in Poland WE, yes little old you and me and every other tax payer, send her about £100 a month in benefits....

I know of pensioners who barely exist on the miserly pension they get.....deciding do they put the gas fire on or do they eat.......and I kid you not, this is happening.

Hang on in there girl, make a pest of yourself, rattle their cages, call in the newpapers, chain yourself to the railings...and I wish you and your daughter all the luck in the world.

Lots of love and understanding.



Sylvia Report 23 Sep 2007 12:47

I can`t understand why your daughter doesn`t get DLA. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer 3 years ago. To the consultants amazement I am still here.
I am not house bound, some days I am too breathless to go out or walk about but most days I am fine.
I had just retired when it happened and I was sent a form straight away after my consultant got in touch with the DSS or whatever it`s name is now.
I filled it in, got my GP to fill in another form and I get DLA higher grade, plus mobility allowance with a car.
Your daughters needs are much more long term than mine so why the difference?
You can show this letter to anyone you need to prove there is one rule for one and another for someone else.
Yours Sylvia.


MrDaff Report 23 Sep 2007 12:49

It's about 3 years since I was regularly filling in forms for my clients... I had such a hard time with the authorities and awarding bodies, yet these were clients who required full time care in a residential setting!! As you say, trying to be honest, and getting across the full impact without exaggeration or worse in my opinion, underplaying, is so difficult to do.

Good luck, and if you want me to do/research/write to mp.. whatever, let me know, and I will.

Hugs to you both,


Daff xxxx


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 12:51


Thanks for the reply. I don't understand any of it either. I am sorry that you had the worst diagnosis, I really appreciate your posting such personal details.

Sue x


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 12:52



Sue xxxx

Newby CI

Newby CI Report 23 Sep 2007 13:14

Sue , not sure about the other benefits she is entitled to but regarding Housing Benefit , they have a 12 week window to process the claim and query any savings . Go to the head of HB, personally , make a complaint and insist this is now a high priority case . Once you have proved there are no hidden "stashes" and the application is approved , they have to back date the payment to the date you first applied . Like everyone says , fight for everything your daughter is entitled to. Once the first nut is cracked the rest usually follows very fast . Good luck and keep us informed Kim


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 13:17


Thanks, it's a 4 hour round trip to her local office I will have to try over the telephone. I just wonder whether they will discuss the case with me?

Sue x


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 13:24

Hi Lisa,

I am sorry that your friend chose that option but I do understand.

Thankfully Caroline has relapsing/remitting so she is very lucky. We just pray that it stays that way for many years.

Sue xx

Newby CI

Newby CI Report 23 Sep 2007 13:35

Sue , as long as your daughter gives her permission ( get it in writing and send ) they have to talk to you


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 13:36


If we bring here home there is a lot more help here as our GP's know her very well and there are many more people here who we know and are willing to assist.

We also have a hyperbaric chamber locally, which I support, and she could then use that too.

However, she wants her independence and it is a big decision for her to come home. She views that as a failure!

We are trying to say that it will be temporary just to get things sorted and then she can go back.

Thankfully her landlord has put no pressure on her for the rent, he is an angel.

Sue xx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 23 Sep 2007 13:38

i dont know yet what to suggest will get my thinking cap on,
a short hard hitting letter may help to someone in the know, 'The sun newspaper'

its awful when your honest citizen you get nowt,
and other predudices i best not say in public,
i wish you all the luck in the world for you and your daughter, and if she tells you off for helping ignore her,
go for it girl,
MS is an illness ive always had great sympathy for i dont know what it is that makes it stand out from lots of other things, thats not to say im not understanding of others cos i am, its just MS is so sneaky
sending you hugs
and thoughts for success

ive just read your message above this and thought have your local authority got vacancys in their offices, like council office for staff, that sounds like a job she maybe could give , some do shared hours


Merlin Report 23 Sep 2007 13:52

Why not get onto the "10 Downing Street" Website,and send an Email to Gordon Brown? Might they say, Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained. Good luck with your efforts. .M.


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 13:56


I did try when Blair was in office, that was about the benefit system in general reply was 'deathly silence' but yes I will try again.

Julie Ann

I know some departments have a minimum quota of 'disabled employees', there are no vacancies in her area at the moment.

I am working on a council contract and if we get it I have a genuine job for her but there is no guarantee that we will be awarded the work.

BTW Hubby just phoned from work, he says thank you to everyone who has replied x

Sue xx


Jill Report 23 Sep 2007 14:00

Hi Sue,

I have not got any advice really, but wish you and your daughter good luck.

Hopefully the injustice of the benefit system, will soon go in your favour.

Jill xx


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 14:01

Thanks Jill,

Sue xx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 23 Sep 2007 14:09

no probs sue tell your hubby
we are all here for you,
cant you feel the hugs yet, lol

fingers crossed for that contract, less they know then before hand the better, i know its not how it should be done to keep things from them till your awarded the contract but be sneaky like them (the councils that is)
do wots best for you lot


Phyllis Report 23 Sep 2007 14:13

Hi Sue,
You must keep on at dla it took us 2 1/2 years to get dla for OH, and they have to back pay from date of 1st claim but please ask CAB or someone to fight your corner they have the experts. They took on our case and won.
All best wishes to all your family.


Sue Report 23 Sep 2007 14:15

Julie Ann

The tender review panel know about daughter. I had to justify how I would find the requisite number of disabled people and how I would support them all in the workplace.

But I can't rely on that hence the 'fight'. Truthfully it is not just about daughter either. I have always been irate about others in the same position. Like the chap who had a leg amputated and was refused DLA cos his disability was not permanent!!!! Translated that meant he could have a prosthetic leg. What a farce!

Sue xx