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Sorry I have to rant..please read

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Sue Report 24 Sep 2007 20:19

Hello Mary,

Thanks for your post and your understanding. I have decided to keep a detailed diary of the new applications and to manually record 'verbatim' all telephone conversations as far as possible.

I am not surprised that so many other people have experienced the same brick wall. It really does seem that a first refusal probably saves them a considerable amount of money due to genuine people, like Caroline, thinking I don't qualify and those to whom claiming seems like charity.

I wonder if government would be willing to fund another study group, (those who end up stating the bleedin' obvious after spending £50k -£100k) re how much money the treasury saves by families covering expenses themselves! Probably not...

I'll let everyone know how we get on as the weeks go by.


What can I say? we all know that the elderly get parked in the system and bypassed by other 'more worthy' recipients. As to who those recipients are I am sure I don't have to detail them here.

I hate the system, I hate the inhumanity of the system and I truly despair of this country and it's values.

Sue xx