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Spelling - not having a dig....

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TheBlackKnight Report 28 Dec 2007 03:19


Request review
Today at 02:02
what bothers me is how will the non-spellers ever hope to get a hot match.?

You won't believe the number of spelling mistakes on peoples trees ?????

Hi Lindsey
They may not be spelt in error. Please bare inmind years ago, most people could not write, let alone spell, and if they could write then often they spelt things as they sounded. With that in mind... for example the name Taylor may have been spelt Tayler, Taylar or Tayller depending on what area you came from. Just a point that might be worth considering. Hope you don't mind me saying so.



Lindsey* Report 28 Dec 2007 04:31

I have discovered so many spelling mistakes and mistranscriptions on all sites, and poor spelling is not just a problem of olden times.My grandson ,who has 10 O'levels and 4 A's ,all grade A's ,cannot spell to save his life.Whereas my generation would have been marked down for spelling mistakes.
It is a sad reflection on the quality of teaching , that kids rely on spell-checkers for reference.
There's one annoying me on the definite thread title!
It's worth bearing in mind when searching for a particular name to actually mis-spell it !I have one relative who failed to insert the proper spelling and missed the fact that she was related to a prime minister, chancellor, admiral and senior churchman!

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 28 Dec 2007 08:13

I think spelling correctly is important in the real world........... but on message boards I only get upset when people are unpleasant to each other.

Spelling mistakes have led to some really funny posts on here before now......................poor Hayley was turmatised and I have been called itty a few times :))

Maths frightens the life out of me....................I just hate it! *shudders*



Bobtanian Report 28 Dec 2007 08:29

G'Mornin all.......

having said ALL THAT, "chaps"

Liz, What was the "D" word in question?
and what was the answer?

Goin out soon, Catch you all ratel

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 28 Dec 2007 08:38

Morning Bob....................I don't know what it is either :))



AnnCardiff Report 28 Dec 2007 08:40

spelling correctly is high on my agenda too - well I was a secretary all my life! but as for maths - der!!!!! I quickly realised after entering these boards that spelling doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things and must admit to having a wry smile every so often, but hey - we're all good at something or other so what the heck! Love Ann X


valinkent Report 28 Dec 2007 08:53

A couple of years ago there was some one who picked up on peoples spelling and punctuation, to me this is wrong comments like this makes people not want to add to threads.
After all we can usually understand what people have wrote.
So leave us poor oldies alone lol.

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 28 Dec 2007 08:59

I had a book out of the library recently and somone had corrected some errors with a pencil...........................they put an asterisk over the word and the correct spelling in the margin!

Oh well.....................each to their own I suppose:))


Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 28 Dec 2007 10:16

Linday as for hot matchs...

Joe Bloggs born 1832 manchester

Joe Bloggs born 1832 London......spell it how you like never be a match

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Dec 2007 14:46

Val, I put this thread up to draw attention to the Urban dictionary I found when I checked a word on a thread title! I did say I wasn't having a dig as I know how it upsets people with dyslexia etc and wouldn't hurt anyone therefore I won't be saying which word I noticed. The more I saw the word the more I doubted my own spelling of it which is why I checked then started reading the U.D. site and found it funny.

Huia, no I am English all through, but have always used the word spelled, smelled etc instead of spelt and smelt? Happy New Year to you, btw.

Bob, I am not going to mention it as don't want to upset anyone, as I just said to Val, this thread is about the U.D. site and the word was just by the by. It has been mentioned by someone in the thread but not saying who, now there's a puzzle for you all!

Kitty, when you see words like traumatised etc turned round it is usually a typing error - I make them myself when I type too fast but because spelling properly is ingrained in me, I do usually check what I have put or it will jump out at me anyway, so I can correct things. The typing errors always make me laugh!
I did say at the beginning of this thread that if anyone was upset I would delete it but it seems to have been accepted in the vein it was written.
Lizxxx who if anyone has noticed often spells LIz incorrectly cos I don't move the shift key fast enough lol


cariad Report 28 Dec 2007 14:55

sometimes I spell a word incorrectly for comic effect - like norty (naughty) but the bad grammer is all my own, type as I would speak to you, without close thought of grammar (is it an e or an a) oh bother who cares, you know what I mean.


Merlin Report 28 Dec 2007 14:58

What the Hell does it Matter as long as the "Gist" of the message gets through.**M**.


cariad Report 28 Dec 2007 14:59

I always get the gist Merlin.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Dec 2007 14:59

Have any of you looked at Urban Dictionary and chosen a word to test out?



cariad Report 28 Dec 2007 15:24

mctyt - will try to remember for next year.


Carole Report 28 Dec 2007 16:06

I just hope if I miss spell anything every one will think I hit the wrong key!


Peipal Report 28 Dec 2007 16:13

Quite a lot young people use this form of language on online gaming forums ect

/\/0r|< 7|-|1$ 0|\|3 0U7 L0L

that means "Work this one out lol"

But my spelling is very poor as most of you know

my typos are very well known



Huia Report 28 Dec 2007 18:59

Havent seen Steve The Flirt for a long time! Where have you been hiding? Have the husbands or boyfriends been chasing you? Or did some girl take you too seriously.


Jackie Report 28 Dec 2007 19:29

my spelling is quite good but my typing is terrible keep hitting wrong keys
Love Jackie

*Helen S

*Helen S Report 28 Dec 2007 21:45

Jumping back to Kitty's comment on page 4 of this thread about someone correcting spelling mistakes in a library book, well I am a library assistant and I've seen it a few times, sometimes people tippex and correct, one person went through an entire book changing American spellings to English, this in a book by an American author published in America, we couldn't understand why the person took the book in the 1st place!
Although we did have a laugh lately at a book with Ewan mcgregor and his mate on the front as someone had stuck Ant and Decs faces over theirs.