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Bobtanian Report 23 Jan 2009 16:06

Another one that comes to mind is the F1 drivers' ........." For sure"
why not " Certainly"?


DAVE B Report 24 Jan 2009 10:09

I also hate end of the day, I have a friend who says it all the time,

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 24 Jan 2009 10:14

An ASS is a donkey!

The good old English and Australian spelling has 4 letters!

xxxxx mick


WhackyJackieInOz Report 24 Jan 2009 11:16

I hate the word BASICALLY

Well Basically I got out of bed this morning
Well Basically I have two Children
Well Basically I had three Meals today..

Grrrrrrrrrrrr it makes me mad
Very American but is used more and more here in Oz
I get really riled up when I hear it. especailly when it's ever other sentence

Also when you are watching a Tennis Match and they say things like " he has had 6 aces THUS far" or "THUS far he has beaten his opponent 3 Times"
What happened to the word THIS far I know THUS is in the dictionary but I can't stand the word.

Couple of Swear words I absolutely hate F word and C word



AnnCardiff Report 24 Jan 2009 11:22

donlt like the current trend of calling people Bazza when their name is Barry, or Shazza for Sharon etc.

Donlt like mothers calling chldren "Babes" which is quite prevalent here in Wales, donlt know about other parts of the country

Calling your Dad "my old man"

people who sign off "take care" and "have a nice day" - irritating!

"At this moment in time" instead of "now"

and "absolutely" instead of "yes"

I could go on and on, which is also irritating!!!!!


Angela Report 24 Jan 2009 11:30

I can't stand the words basically, kids, fart, swear words and i know if I get past 70, i'm going to be a really grumpy old person who moans about everything and goes around saying; 'when i was yiour age' or when i as young....'
I'm just going to walk with a stick whether i need it or not and use it accidently on purpose on those people who edge closer to you in queues until they are right up your backside and those people who think i'm invisible!


GRMarilyn Report 24 Jan 2009 11:44

Oh Ann,

I do often use the term 'Take care' I'll have to be a bit more thoughtful I hadn't realized it could be a little Irritating !!

I'll have to think of another !! LOL


AnnCardiff Report 24 Jan 2009 12:12

or "Basically, at the end of the day, when all's said and done!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

and people on Eastenders - which I watch very occasonally - saying aks instead of ask!!! it is so difficult to say, why do they do it?


Helen Report 24 Jan 2009 12:19

Can't stand the word 'Pal'

O.K. Pal ?
Thanks, Pal ?
Anything else, Pal ?

This is from complete strangers I've never clapped eyes on before. Some of them young enough to be my children.

I've heard parents calling their children, Pal.

There's even a song....Pal of my cradle days. (the pal in question being the mother)


AnnCardiff Report 24 Jan 2009 12:41

forgot guys - what are you guys up to today then - even if your female


Sharron Report 24 Jan 2009 13:20

"Mind how you go"and, even worse,"Drive carefully."

I would rather not fall and hurt myself and have you seen the price of motor insurance?

When did railway stations become train stations too?


Tina Report 24 Jan 2009 13:42

My pet hate at the moment is when you go out for something to eat...................anywhere maybe for a burger, a good old fashioned pub meal or something a bit more upmarket and the person that gives you the food just says................................"Enjoy"....................................nothing else at all just enjoy..........................sorry but enjoy what exactly.............the meal, the service, the weather, the day, christmas, ??????????????

I mean they could at least add "Have a nice day!!"" AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

~Mama*HOTLIPS* Rambo~

~Mama*HOTLIPS* Rambo~ Report 24 Jan 2009 14:40

I cannot stand the word "Mate" I hate it with a vengence.

My hubby once called me it and I went potty "I'm your wife not a monkey" was my reply. He hasn't said it to me since.

Pal is another one "I certainly don't look like a tin of dog meat"

Suzy Camay   ▀

Suzy Camay ▀ Report 24 Jan 2009 15:08


As in "that's sick"...........It's a word that the children have just started using at school, well the the last 6 months or so. They use it instead of great, fantastic, wonderful ect, eg....At wet play a few weeks ago I showed them a card tick. All I heard for the rest of play was, " that card tick was sick", or if they think that something is cool they will say "Thats well sick".
I am still wondering where it came from, as my son does not use it, nor, come to think of it does his mates. Thank God :)))

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 24 Jan 2009 15:29

funny enough i hate hearing the word babes,
but i say it,
i call my son it and grandaugther
but i also say darling,
ok darling? thats my favorite,

oh sorry it was thread about not favorite
well i hate swear words, but i do slip up,
only in house,
never in work, and outside
i hate it if youngsters say it and usually a disapproving look is enuf to make um acknowledge they shouldnt, thats others youngsters not mine

i hate the phrase
at the end of the day

you feel like saying well actually its not just at the end of the day cos your comment applys to all the time


CATHKIN Report 24 Jan 2009 15:40

yous or wer -meaning our


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2009 17:13


Read through this thread and see how many of the words and phrases you use yourself! I have spotted quite a few I use. And I have never though they could irritate. I usually sign off letters with Take care (or similar), always say to family when they leave, 'drive carefully', do sometimes say 'cheers' instead of thank you and do also sometimes say 'oh bless!'

I am one very irritating person obviously. (But well meaning, honestly!)


Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 24 Jan 2009 19:37

I hate the f word, c word and the s word. Also dont like a railway station being called a train station, too. Dont mind being called sweetheart, but hate Madam. It puts me right on edge from a person serving in a shop.


EyebrowsEd Report 24 Jan 2009 22:56

One that makes me cringe is "know what I mean?" at the end of every sentence.

Funnily enough, I have quite a good understanding of English, so unless the person is speaking total gibberish, then I probably do.

Kid doesn't worry me at all - I seem to recall reading somewhere that the word "kid" was an Anglo-Saxon word that means "child", which was later used to refer to the offspring of a goat.


Clou Report 24 Jan 2009 23:27

Here is another

That wench! A word for a girl or woman