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Keyboard lettering

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AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 11:33

This is the second microsoft keyboard that I have had. The same thing has happened with both in that the letters are wearing off badly. This one is only a year old.

Does anyone else have this problem and if so how do you deal with it? I am quite annoyed about it as the keyboards are not cheap. (I don't touch type so need the keys to be lettered.)


AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 11:55

Is it specially for the keyboard (i.e. custom made?)


TeresaW Report 20 Jun 2011 12:03

Ann, you can get them from most PC suppliers. Keyboards are pretty much a standard size. Just google keyboard dust covers, you'll find loads. Amazon do them for about a fiver.

PS because you don't touch type you are probably hitting the keys straight down with the tip of your finger instead of the pad, so your nails will slowly be scraping the letters off, so not only will the dust cover protect from dust and crumbs, but wear and tear too.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 12:12

Thanks TW, it is not all the letters, on both key boards it is/was E N T O &H.

Peter, I suspect it is as TW says, I do hit with my finger tips and thus nails, because my nails are not short.

what I want is a suggestion as to how to re-write the letters on again. What to use etc??


TeresaW Report 20 Jun 2011 12:16

Ann writes quite a lot Peter, so her keyboard is very well used. :-)

Ann, the most used letters,especially e lol..

Alternatively you can get stickers, or just paint them on with nail varrnish.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 20 Jun 2011 12:43

I have a Dell Keyboard that came with the Dell PC & have the same problem with E R & T disappearing . I two finger type so although I dont have long fingernails I guess i hit the keys hard .
I did try a cordless keyboard when I first had the PC some 3 years ago but then had problems with the PC hanging when trying to switch it on. Had a Dell technician come out under warranty to find PC didnt like it the cordless Microsoft so had to go back to the Dell one .


AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 12:58

Shirley mine is a cordless Microsoft. A good keyboard except for the letters. still I now realise that it is my fault rather than Microsofts.
TW do you mean you can buy purpose made stick on letters? Or just the type I use for cards etc?

And yes Peter, i do type a lot, not just on here.


TeresaW Report 20 Jun 2011 13:14

Either Ann, the type you use for cards will work too, just remember they will wear out and need replacing in time but at least you'll know what key is which :-D


SheilaSomerset Report 20 Jun 2011 13:20

I have a Dell laptop which is a couple of years or so old. My 'A' and 'E' keys are worn, also the TAB key, but are still legible. I'm not a trained typist but have been using a keyboard for 30-odd years, so know where everything is! I think mine have got worn this year as I've keyed around 15,000 records for Ancestry!!!


TeresaW Report 20 Jun 2011 14:54

To be fair, even on my laptop, which I use every day and have had for three years, the a,s,e,n and m keys are wearing off, and the space bar is worn smooth and slightly dented where my thumb hits it in the same place every time.


Dermot Report 20 Jun 2011 14:54

AnninGlos - as a last resort, you could limit your typing using the keys which are still visible.

I am certain that some youngsters at the local school do so if their homework is to be believed.



AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2011 16:43

Thanks for that gem Dermot!!


AnninGlos Report 2 Jul 2011 17:19

Thank you Rita, do let me know if they reply to you.


TeresaW Report 2 Jul 2011 17:22

Yep, and mines a Dell. :-D The most common letters used are the ones that have worn. OK maybe you believe they should not wear, but think about how much you have typed since you first had it, how many thousand times have you pressed the letter 'E', for instance? (25 times in this short paragraph alone)

They are only transfer letters, not carved into the keys, it's bound to happen. On mine, it is the E, A,S and M that are worn most, though after three years some of the others are disappearing too. My space bar used to be ever so slightly rough on the surface, but now it is smooth with a dip right where I hit it between every word with the side of my thumb.

Now, if you had a problem with the keys falling off, then there would be cause for complaint :-D

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 2 Jul 2011 17:39

I cannot remember the make of my last keyboard but letters faded on that and as I need to see the letters to type, had to put my old one back on.

xx Jill

Mike. The Leicester Lad.(GC)

Mike. The Leicester Lad.(GC) Report 2 Jul 2011 17:39

Greeting’s. ..Ann.

I too have the same problem mine being E,T,A.S, and N.

My solution for now........
is to replace the letters from a cheap keyboard
And giving them a coat of clear vanish and allowing to dry before you start .

I’m surprised that we can not purchase a complete set of letters from any stores …….

MIKE. ….


AnninGlos Report 2 Jul 2011 22:10

Goodness Mike, Hello. how are you. Actually yes, maybe a coat of varnish when new might have helped. Should have thought of that. I wonder why typewriter keys didn't wear then, they would have had just a smuch use I assume.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Jul 2011 02:39

I do touch type but o.h. doesn't altho you can imagine he doesn't use the keyboard half as much as I do lol

Our keyboard is the Compaq one we got at the same time as the computer which is some years ago now and no problem at all with the lettering. We do cover the keyboard and everything with a set of covers I got from Poundland when we first had a computer here so that would be 2005 and they are still in good nick too, made of sort of black jcloth type fabric/material. Helps keep everything dustfree and clean as the computer is in the kitchen diner so sometimes grease in the atmosphere from cooking.



♥Julia♥ Report 3 Jul 2011 12:01

Hi Ann
I had the same problem,I bought a bottle of T***x correction fluid and carefuly repainted the letters. Doesnt last forever, but easy to redo.

Julia x


AnninGlos Report 3 Jul 2011 12:10

Wondered about that Julia, might try it now.