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Mother Dear part 3 +

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ChrisofWessex Report 16 Feb 2012 21:30

Oh Uzzi - have a big big hug. <3


Kay???? Report 16 Feb 2012 21:46

hope you find things ok Uzzi

she may want to go back with you,,,,,,,, :-0!!!!


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 17 Feb 2012 05:20

Good luck Uzzi, hope all your plans go well, and MD doesn't cause too much hassle while you are with her.

Hope you enjoy the meet, wish I could get there but too much going on and o.h. wouldn't drive that far at this time of year, maybe if you visit again in the summer I can persuade him that your neck of the woods is one to spend a long weekend in lol as I have with Sheffield and Liverpool meets in the past.

Take care, safe travelling



wisechild Report 17 Feb 2012 08:08

Wishing you all the luck in the world Uzzie. You´re going to have your work cut out, but try to have some "me" time now & again.
The problem with old people is that they behave like children, but you can´t treat them that way, because they suddenly become adults again & insist that they know better than you.
Take care of yourself.


Penny Report 17 Feb 2012 08:40

One or two bits that you may or may not be able to firm up on with both Home & GP.

Legally - assuming you have no siblings and that your mother is not married , you are her next of Kin. Next of Kin is a legal standing, and not something you can choose to hand to the next door neighbour. In that you are her next of Kin your name should be on paperwork and recpords and stated as such.

The person your mother chooses to appoint as a person to be contcated in an emergency is different - name who you like.

Talk to her GP, make an appointment and say you'd like to express concerns about your mother state of health. They dont have to tell you otherwise, but at least get them to listen to you, tell them what you are telling here.

Try not to worry tooo much about what they neighbour/carers / Joe Bloggs says - you are not there to see and if you didnt know how on earth can you be expected t do anything helpful? The neighbour might well be totally tiddled off- They should have spoken to you before now and told you what was going on , it seems they have kept a lot from you - you dont have a crystal ball.