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Whats you fave Montyphyton Sketch ??????
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John | Report | 21 Mar 2006 20:35 |
Steve (Durham etc.) How about:- Travel Agent: 'I'm Bounder of 'Adventure' Eric: 'My name is Smoke too Much - Mr. Smoke too Much ' TA: ' Well, you'd better cut it down then' Eric'I'm sorry ? TA: 'Smoke too much - you'd better cut it down then' Eric' Oh yes, I'd never thought of that. Cut it down Ha Ha' Well I saw your advert in the Bolour Supplement' TA:'You mean the Colour Supplement' Eric:'No the Bolour Supplement. I was frightened by a Bat and I can't pronounce the letter B TA:' You mean a Cat ?' Eric:' No, a Bat' TA:' Well, can you pronounce the letter K ?' Eric:' Oh, yes, Khaki, Kuwait, Kings Bollege Bambridge' TA:'Well, why don't you pronounce C with a 'K' ?' Eric:' Oh, I'd never thought of that - what a silly b***t !' Eric then goes on for some considerable time about the package tour industry - robbing taxi drivers, half-built Algerian ruins passing for hotels, lizards in the bidets, Watneys Red Barrel and Fish & Chips parties of dentists from Rhyl singing 'Torremolinos, Torremolinos, wearing Dr.Scholl's sandals, a singing dago with nine inch hips and a fat tart with Brylcreemed hair and fat a**e dancing the flamenco, and people doing unspeakable things with Cuba Libres Altogether hilarious ! |
Unknown | Report | 21 Mar 2006 21:04 |
Sorry guys i had to do some work but thanks for the laff , is it just me or do threads take on a life of there own? Ya know we should start a Montypython sociaty club on here Steve |
Joy | Report | 21 Mar 2006 21:05 |
Some of them do, Steve!!!!:-) ..... always look on the bright side of life de dum etc |