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Lets have the truth, how many of us are...
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Sun Lover | Report | 5 Sep 2005 08:29 |
If you have to watch folk of all ages, day in day out, gasping to take the smallest breath because of smoking related diseases you'd throw the packet of fags in the bin and never buy another one. OK you may be alright now, but at 50,60,70 plus you can still have a very active life but not if your heart and lungs have been knackered. I'll put my soapbox away now. |
Roxanne | Report | 5 Sep 2005 08:46 |
Hi all, none smokers and smokers!! I am not a smoker, and I agree its not one of the best habits to have but I do think that smokers have a rough deal everything is blamed on smoking or passive smoking, well folks Who drives a car? if the answer is you do then sorry but your guilty of POISIONING THE AIR WE BREATH! asthma is on the increase, and there are fewer smokers so anyone who says its due to smoking is talking rubbish! ITS THE AIR WE ARE BREATHING OUTSIDE!!thats the biggest killer!! so if your so anti smoking get rid of your CARS!! Roxanne xx |
Germaine | Report | 5 Sep 2005 08:47 |
I agree smoking is a bad habit makes you and things around you smell, looks awful but I still do it. Not as much as I did not supposed to smoke at all. Tried everything gum, patches, will power and bought one of those wrist bands that act like acupunture (lost that heaven knows where didn't seem to be working though anyway) only thing left is hypnotherapy. Smoked over 40 years now. What I don't understand is how some people it affects others not. My FIL was a heavy smoker drank a lot too. Lived till he was 82 my own Dad gave up smoking in his 50's was only a social drinker and died 69 riddled with cancer. Germaine x |
Shirley Ann | Report | 5 Sep 2005 08:55 |
I agree with you all, but its one of them things, you either do or you don't. and the more people that put preasure on me to give up the harder i find it to do, as my lot have found out. When i gave up the last time, i told no one and no one noticed i wasn't smoking either, odd that, every one nagged when i did, no one noticed when i didn't ? Wish i hadn't started again, but thats my problem to solve, when I am good and ready . Shirley Ann. |