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I need a hug! PLEASE!!!!! ( UPDATE!!!! YIPEE!!!!
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Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:09 |
Hi all Im so fed up!!I could cry!! I was supposed to be moving house on the 19 of this month!! as far as we where concerned everything was going ahead as planned until we went to our solicitor yesterday afternoon, to sign on the dotted line!! and POW!!!!! the people buying our house have changed the exchange date!! We have booked our removal vans (paid the deposit which we shall now lose!!) Sorted all amenaties out, told council tax, had new phone number and broadband changed to be in effect from 19th filled in forms to have post redirected! oh I could go on !!!!everything you need to do when you move!!! The problem we now have though, is, the people we are buying from wont change to the date our purchasers want!! So we are stuck in the middle!!! We have a family wedding on bank holiday saturday and of course we have our children coming up on the bank holiday weekend with families, and no-where to sleep!! (they all planned to arrive on the Friday till Monday!!) weve packed everything! Apart from our bed, all beds have been dismantled, carpets taken up! we feel as if we live in a squat at the moment!! not a place to bring the grandchildren to!!! So as you can see I'm a demented wife, mother and Nana!! I so need to be cheered up!! and a massive group hug please!! Thanks for listening Val:~) |
Shirley Ann | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:22 |
I agree with Wendy, surely they have to compensate you in some way. What an awful situation you have been put in. great big hug for you. Shirley Ann. |
Maz from Cornwall | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:22 |
Huge (((((((HUG))))))) on it's way to you babe Maz x |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:23 |
Hi Wendy I dont think that the people buying our house will care!! they will probably say Oh well!! if thats how you feel we shall just pull out of sale and look again!! ( they have the cash so they aint bothered!! they have us by the short and curlies! as the saying goes) So we are treading on egg shells at the moment! Even the solicitor suggests we wait and see what transpires!! we've left it to both parties to come up with a date to suit them both and go from there!! but how long do we have to wait!! Thanks for repling Wendy Val:~) |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:26 |
Thanks for the hug Maz x Shirley I agree with both you and Wendy but we really have to be so careful!! They really are the sort to just back out!! They havent been the nicest of people from day one!!!! Val:~) |
June | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:27 |
Val, Did they give any reason for this. Its most inconsiderate to all concerned, As I said to you last night, the people buying from my daughter had to pay a penalty when this happened. I think your solicitor should be having words with theirs. I wish I could be more helpful. Love June xx |
Mike | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:29 |
(((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) Susan |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:31 |
Thanks June No we really have to tread on egg shells!! They really will just pull out if we make any problems!! They are the lucky ones!! they arent even moving in initially!! they want to work on house before they move in!! Sorry about leaving you like that last night June, my sister rang me to see how things went at solicitor!!! So as you will gather we where on for quite some time!! Val:~) |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:32 |
Thanks Susan Val:~) xx |
Simon in | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:35 |
Big hug from me sounds like you need it simon xxx |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:37 |
Thanks Simon I really do need it!! Val:~) |
AnninGlos | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:42 |
I suggest that after the move has gone through you instruct your solicitor to claim the money from them through their solicitor. If they are not moving in the only reason with them must be finance. If they leave their money in wherever it is until after the end of the month they will get another months interest. It can't be to do with anything else as they don't need the house to be ready a specific time anyway. have they given a new date? Is there any chance they are going to pull out anyway? I do hope not for your sae, house moving is stressful enough without this extra stress. ((((((())))))))) anyway here's a hug. Ann Glos |
Researching: |
June | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:42 |
We understood what had happened last night, we decided we would talk today instead. Yes I agree, its sounds a very tricky situation, I hope that doesn't happen to us. Hugs, June xx |
Jeanie | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:52 |
Hi Val, HUGH HUG comming up. Sorry I haven't been on msn much. Rod has been doing quite a bit of work on it in the evenings whilst I gawp at big brother. When we moved about 20 years ago, at the last minute the first person on the chain dropped his offer by £5,000 the day before the move. Since we had already paid so much for surveyors etc. we gave into the blackmail and everyone in the chain gave £1000. I still regret it. There are some pretty pathetic people out there. I am away for a few days from tommorow and then the following weekend. Once you are settled, send me an e-mail and we'll get together. Loads of love and kisses Jeanie |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 11:56 |
Thanks Anne I think youve hit the nail on the head!!!(this had already gone thru our minds) Interest on the money is obviously more important to them than keeping all the other people involved happy!!!! I cant begin to explain how angry i feel at the moment!! (I didnt think I would ever say I hated anyone but I do now!!!) Thanks for voicing our thoughts!! And thanks to both you and June for your hugs Val:~) |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 12:02 |
Thanks Jeanie hope you have a great few days away!! and I shall look forward to seeing you again!! will definately email you once I know whats happening!! I'm so pleased to say that the horrid people in this world are few and far between!!!! And there are so many nice people on here!! love Val:~) |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 12:06 |
Thanks for replying Bridget and your hugs xx love Val:~) |
Unknown | Report | 10 Aug 2005 12:29 |
Ack Val..god love you.You must be livid.I have never had a house sale and move before so I don't know much about the problems you are going through so please excuse me if you think I'm asking daft questions! Would the removal people give you any lee way on your dates without charging you extra? same goes for the utility people.It's not as if it's your fault.Your the one left in a pickle and people may well sympathise with your situation and help you out.Well...I'd like to think they would. I really hope things get sorted for you.take care. Hop-a-long |
Unknown | Report | 10 Aug 2005 12:50 |
Big hig from me Val, sorry you are having this trouble unfortunately it happens all the time (I am the person they all yell at lol) Unless contracts have been exchanged anyone can back out with no financial penalties! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Julie xxx |
Val :~) from West Wirral | Report | 10 Aug 2005 14:31 |
Thanks for the hug Julie I accept that things can and do change up until you move but now Im having real problems!! no-one will budge!! The people buying our house will only move on a Monday and the people we're buying from will only move on a Friday!! We will be happy to move any day!! We have now told our solicitor to let both parties know that we will go with whatever they decide to agree on between themselves!! but of course it will most probably go on forever!! Thank you too Elizabeth for your good wishes!! Unhappy Val:~( |