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so who's voting today?
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Deanna | Report | 5 May 2005 14:40 |
My husband was first there this morning 7.00. No candidates there at that time. He has my proxy, so 2 votes at 7.00 am. Son went down to vote at about 12.30. different polling station. DIL ? dont know, she is at work just now. Lovely day here today, so no excuse for not voting. Deanna |
Valice in | Report | 5 May 2005 14:53 |
going out in 20 mins, and taking our 2 mums to cast their vote, and popping our postal votes into the box. Val |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 5 May 2005 14:55 |
Going there this afternoon. |
Kerry | Report | 5 May 2005 15:12 |
I went this morning! Everyone should go out and vote, if you don`t, then don`t complain about the state of the government. Who I voted for may not get in but at least I made an effort! xxx |
(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ | Report | 5 May 2005 15:37 |
i'll be going this evening with the other half |
Jean Durant | Report | 5 May 2005 16:06 |
Voted early this morning. I can't believe the number of young Mums at the school who say they can't be bothered. As far as I am concerned anybody who 'can't be bothered to vote' can't be bothered about anything. People can change things by voting. I don't care who you are going to vote for just get out there and do it. Women died to get us the vote. Jean x. (Off her soapbox now). |
Yvette | Report | 5 May 2005 16:31 |
I've was a bit of a family outing, lol Hubby actually voted this year,(only taken me 10 years to convince him its important!!!) and our middle one came along for his first vote. Poor lad was a bit bemused by the whole campaign thing, but at least he had a go. It was really hard not to influence him to vote the same as i did, but i wanted him to make his own mind up. As for my eldest...she is in a right mood, she can't vote even though she is old enough. She didn't registered to vote when she was living away from home, and didn't realise it would stop her! It's been quite funny listening to her complain. Heaven help the country next time round, she will be on a mission and a half, lol. Yvette |
Bec | Report | 5 May 2005 16:58 |
Not me.... My friend's doing it for me by proxy! |
Laura | Report | 5 May 2005 17:00 |
Have just voted and am cross that my preferred party havent a person for my area!!! Maybe I'll stand next time! |
Poolmaster | Report | 5 May 2005 17:22 |
right i'm off to cast my vote. bye bye everyone.... |
Zoe | Report | 5 May 2005 17:29 |
I went down first thing this morning on my way to work. Was just me and an elder lady there. Have to confess I only went that early in hope catching a real-life glimpse of this years ugliest candiate: http://www(.)conservatives(.)com/ |
Unknown | Report | 5 May 2005 17:34 |
Just going in a minute - I've got the national election, local council election and county council elections to vote in! 3 for the price of one, must be a special offer! nell |
DAVE B | Report | 5 May 2005 17:35 |
Do you think Im sad but I actually like polling night on TV probaly stay up very late to see how thinks evolve. Dave |
VIVinHERTS | Report | 5 May 2005 17:35 |
Did it on the way home from work this evening. I ALWAYS vote.... I think of all those poor woman who died to get us the vote. Viv |
Researching: |
Zoe | Report | 5 May 2005 17:36 |
Dave I love it too. Only ever originally watched it for work (not wanting to be caught out going into work and not knowing who we'd be putting in the paper as PM!!!!) Now I find it fascinating Z |
Pat | Report | 5 May 2005 17:42 |
Dave I stay up late love watching the results come in, I also enjoy watching Peter Snow's antics LOL. probably fall asleep in front of the telly, it's about the only time I watch so much TV in one night, besides the European and World Cup coverage ;-) Glad to see so many here think it's so important to make use of OUR democratic right :-) Pat x |
Linen | Report | 5 May 2005 17:42 |
Postal vote for me Vivienne |
Joe ex Bexleyheath | Report | 5 May 2005 17:43 |
I voted for the party that promised to give more care of the elderly - maybe they know where my gggpa is ! |
~♥ Daisy ♥~ | Report | 5 May 2005 17:44 |
Walking down to the Polling Station in about an hour and will stay up half the night watching the results and hoping my friend wins his seat. Daisy |
DAVE B | Report | 5 May 2005 17:46 |
Glad some of you others love polling night as much as I do! Dx |