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so who's voting today?
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Pat | Report | 5 May 2005 22:41 |
Yeah Dave EXACTLY, some people want to see some maybe don't want to. Pat x |
DAVE B | Report | 6 May 2005 07:40 |
Art no matter what government is in power they will try and oust somebody if there is oil at stake! China is left alone even though their human rights record is atrocious because of lack of oil! Do you really not think that Bush wouldnt have backing off Howard if he was returned? Bush is a conservative himself and would prefer Howard in Im sure.Though labour are now milked down tories and not the kind of socialism I prefer, but maybe like I said on another thread they have been returned because there is a little bit for everyone in their policies! Dave |
DAVE B | Report | 6 May 2005 08:11 |
I agree on compulsory voting Art and I am not quite sure about this postal vote yet! Dave |