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Jim | Report | 2 Nov 2004 19:57 |
Hi all. Those of you who have read Steve's prompt reply to my letter of complaint, will know that I have offered to collate all legitimate complaints and lay them out for him should he come back to me as promised.............................................. This gives anyone who has a point they wish to be discussed the chance to get it put where it matters. So far, I am dissapointed that many more have not come forward and added their complaints as well. I have a short list already but if you wish to have these problems sorted let me have BRIEF details on this thread and I will take it up............................... All I ask is that there be as little duplication as possible, serious complaints have been made in the past so join with me and lets get it dealt with now....................................... I am due to have my head chopped off on the 13th so come on start a list while I've got the time pleaseand am still willing. Yours Jim. PS Please keep nudging this to the front or it will get LOST!!! Jim |
Debbie | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:20 |
Move the message boards to the left so you can just click on which one you want. I am so fed up with getting the success board first If I wanted to read it then I would want that to be my own choice, and not forced upon me. I know you can get to the boards through the home page but I dont like it like that. |
SueinKent | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:21 |
Hi Jim, Here are my list of moans:- (1) The view my tree page I find confusing with this allow or remove business. (2) The tick box for viewing trees when sending e-mails should be removed or put in a more visable place. (3) Why are most of our e-mails ignored. Thanks Jim |
Lucky | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:28 |
I'd like a separate board for queries only, that will be answered as soon as is reasonable by GC. Also a better search engine/ soundex?? Diane |
Belle56 | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:46 |
Go back to the old site format, it's much easier to find your way around. And lots of people are offended by the automated response messages. Belle. |
Phoenix | Report | 2 Nov 2004 21:03 |
The ability to view the thread message when you are replying to it. Either you type a message in Word, or you forget who you are talking to. Brenda |
Lindy | Report | 2 Nov 2004 21:39 |
A simple reply to my question as to why I cannot edit details on a specific branch of my tree. Numerous emails have been sent and todate no reply received. Therefore, I am stuck and cannot continue adding names. Its a case of having numerous generations with the same names and something has gone wrong somewhere. I have my paternal grandparents as the parents of my great great grandfather and this same great great grandfather as one of my uncles and therefore one of the children of my paternal grandparents. Very confusing! Lindy:(( |
Steve | Report | 2 Nov 2004 21:54 |
Annoying that we cannot post links I'd like to see a board where we can add details of our own websites and favorite links Steve |
MaggyfromWestYorkshire | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:00 |
My main complaint is because my grandparents were cousins I have to enter them, and everyone else linked to them, twice. Surely this cannot be too hard to sort out. Maggy |
Kim from Sandhurst | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:06 |
Jim I have already aired my views to Estelle, as on your response, although Steve is going to 'sort' it, he is looking after the kids! |
Emma | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:07 |
For the past hour or so , the only writting i could see was THE PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED !! I thought it was something I was doing wrong ! Its soooooooo ANNOYING |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:11 |
Just the three things ... 1 not being able to type a web address in without half of it disappearing - this doesn't happen ANYWHERE else 2 horrid horrid new message system - tiny box and unformatted messages and what a chore to get it to reproduce your e-mail address if you want to correspond direct with someone - it doesn't like ya hoo or hot mail or the at sign 3 automatically ticking the 'allow this person to view my tree box' and then not having it appear on the part of the screen where you are typing your message - so you don't even know you have done it - and then not sorting it out by now .... Maz. XX |
Emma | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:21 |
Nudge!!!!! |
Unknown | Report | 2 Nov 2004 23:43 |
One I just found - why the limited numbe of threads available to search through? it appears that once the number of threads equals 15 pages (screens) then the ONLY way you can read through older threads is to know the thread title or have it be one of yopur own threads. Considering 15 pages equates to about 3 days this seems to indicate that (apart from the chaf) there will be dozens of repeated requests/threads simply because no one can read old replies to previously asked questions.. |
Lucky | Report | 3 Nov 2004 00:22 |
What about having a click onto the latest replies to a thread you haven't read. If the thread is really long it can take ages to find where you were up to. Also why does it always go back to page one on anything. You may have waded through several pages looking for something and when you want to go off it and carry on you are back to square one. Diane |
BrianW | Report | 3 Nov 2004 00:26 |
Get the initial message in a thread to accept paragraph formatting ! |
Researching: |
Pat | Report | 3 Nov 2004 01:06 |
Jim Thank you. agree with nearly all the complaints, justing endorsing the comments as it will nudge this thread. Pat x |
Amanda | Report | 3 Nov 2004 02:26 |
My complaint is: 1) Why can I not upload my updated tree to GR, I have had only one person in my tree now for at least 8 weeks (myself) I originally deleted all of my tree except myself, to enable the gedcom to reload my updated tree. To my dismay, this function still does not work. 2) One of my contacts allowed me to view there tree. However, this tree in particular had over 3,000 names, so every time I tried to view this tree, I received a message saying error, the loading time had time out and to try later. I did try later and again and again. The reply I got from GR was to try again at a quiet time when boards are not so busy. OK, I believe this could be true, however, I live in Canada, so when I go on GR, all of UK, is usually asleep around 3am - 5am in the morning GMT time. So what's the real reason!! PS: A free weeks membership added on for problems incurred does not cut it. Thanks Jim Amanda |
Unknown | Report | 3 Nov 2004 02:53 |
The allow and disallow re viewing the family tree is put in very badly. I had to go and change all mine as I had them around the wrong way. If something says allow you feel that is what you are doing,allowing someone to view your tree. and if it says disallow you abviously dont want them to view. I had to change them 1 by 1 as I cant see how to do it in blocks. Could you put a box beside each one which you could tick to change the permission and click on a box at the bottom for the alterations to take place. When sending a message you should have a space at the top near the names where you could tick allow or dissalow that person to view your tree , or even a spot saying do you want this person to view your tree then 2 boxes with yes or no. You could change the message board the same with the tree column heading do you want to show your tree and a box beside each message with a yes and a no. Just tick what you want. Much easier to follow. Mary |
Lucky | Report | 3 Nov 2004 09:38 |
nudge |