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Barbra Report 30 Nov 2010 23:16

Remember the commodore64 .we had one of those . , I just look forward to keeping in touch with people .the comp has opened new avenues & friendships ;0)) we havent had a lot of snow but has been bitter cold .. right well of to bed now . warmer in there . Take care night & G`Day
Barbra x


Allan Report 30 Nov 2010 23:19

Good night Barbra...stay warm if you can



Barbra Report 1 Dec 2010 10:07

Morning Ethics . couldnt sleep last night . wasnt cold just some nights get like that .nice sunny morning here hope folks are ok Bye for now Barbra ~~~~~~~~~~ to All x


Barbra Report 1 Dec 2010 22:25

Good evening ~~~~~anybody there . ????


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 22:36

Knock once for no, or twice for yes





suzian Report 1 Dec 2010 22:40

or three times, for a lady

Sue x


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 22:45

Hello Sue, we haven't 'spoken' for some time.

How are you? Surviving the cold snap, I hope.



Barbra Report 1 Dec 2010 22:48

. who`s that knocking on my door . will he huff & puff & blow the house down . or just leave the parcel as he does every morning on the doorstep . bldy crows Barbra xx


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 22:55

Good evening Barbra, I see that you have changed your Board name to a festive one.

Is it still cold in Scotland?

I spent most of yesterday trying to restore my email system, which I eventually did with help from my ISP



suzian Report 1 Dec 2010 22:59

HI Allan

Still surviving the cold snap, thanks - doing a yo yo impression. Get half way to work, can't get any further, turn back until the next day. Then get half way to work etc etc

Sue x


Barbra Report 1 Dec 2010 23:05

Allan, do you like the festive name . what will yours be ? still cold but snow free here. a lot of the country really snowed in,, Aberdeen >Northumberland . southern countys` its going to be long winter Brrrr . can see you laughing as you bask in the sunshine . hmm Barbra x


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 23:05

Sue, I know that feeling well, but due to flooding.

Many years ago when I was working in the Goldields, I had to take my car to Kalgoorlie for servicing.

We had torrential rain and the whole area was flooded. Each day I could get further out of town but had to turn back when the water became too deep. It took a few days before the floods had receded sufficiently for me to get through.

I'm pleased that I wasn't paying for the petrol :0))



Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 23:09

Barbra, I'll not be basking in the sunshine, another very hot Summer is forecast and although it has cooled a bit at the moment I dont want any more temps in the high 30's.

We just turn into troglodytes and don't go out between 10.00am and 6.00pm.

I'm not going to change my name I'm too conservative and frosty :0))



Barbra Report 1 Dec 2010 23:16

You frosty, no way man . in that heat phew ;0))
nighty night x


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 23:20

Barbra, I even put the red wine in the fridge in Summer!

If you drank it at room temperature as the experts say you should, you'd burn your mouth :0))



suzian Report 1 Dec 2010 23:25

God, my heart bleeds for you, Allen

White wine at room temperature just vaporises here!

Sue x


Allan Report 1 Dec 2010 23:49

lol Sue



Sydneybloke Report 3 Dec 2010 08:28

Nice to see you back, Allan.
I see that it has been very hot in Perth, unlike here. Not so much cold, because it is December (the beginning of summer) here but rainy, cold and miserable.
I have just completed a week of night work, doing dust monitoring at a very public building. Cannot say where for confidentiality reasons but you could guess. We cannot start until the public and most of the staff have left, usually about 11 pm and by the time I get away from the office it is about 5:30 am. Dawn, so with the splash of daylight my time clock resets. It knows it's morning and nothing I can do fools it. Not even a cup of warm Milo. Milo is a chocolate flavoured malted barley additive that you stir into milk.
One night the start was even later, 1 am. I knew in advance but don't really understand why. OK, it was possibly a security lockdown. Even the night supervisor was told to come in late. Not sure who they were protecting, possibly the governor general, less likely the prime minister. My guess is Bono.
In case you think that's silly the whole East Circular Quay area will be in lockdown on December 14th. Buses will terminate several blocks south of their usual terminus, I wonder where the ferries will stop. Mid harbour? And I don't know if trains will stop at Circular Quay station. They didn't for the Asia-Pacific leaders conference a few years ago. This time, it is all for the benefit of Ophra Winfrey.
God help us. The city shuts down for an American TV star. It was bad enough a couple of years ago when the city shut down for the Pope.
And since the racecourse was handed over to his visit for ten weeks, we poor sods collectively had to front up with $40 million compensation to Racing NSW. Who really need the dough.
I wonder whether the long suffering British and Aussie tax payers will be paying compensation to the organising committees who failed to score the 2018 and 2022 World Cup. Not enough back-handers and smooging of delegates perhaps? And how many soccer players does Qatar actually produce, as distinct from buy?
Grumble grumble definitely not in the Christmas spirit. xx Grumbleb*m


Barbra Report 3 Dec 2010 09:53

Hello Colin
Grumble all you want . our David Beckham & William. couldnt secure world cup,,. dont want to say a lot .but money does the talking
It is really bad over here snow & ice & freezing temps .the roads are in total chaos . lets hope it easys` off a bit . people are panic buying . if you just keep a good store cupboard & make your own soups . & bake thats my way doing things ,.Anyway Colin. Take Care young man Bye for now Barbra xx


TonyOz Report 3 Dec 2010 12:16

G'day from a very wet, but humid Melbourne, and Victoria in general.

Our states northern communities cant win at the moment with this up and down erratic weather.Flash flooding causing havoc in some towns.
Pity the poor farmer working on the land at the moment too.......its either not enough rain, or to much rain, and recent flooding destroying acres of farm land, wheat belts and fruit crops. Some will try to salvage what they can, but another loss seems imminent. Just to make thing worse than what they are already, our news this morning tells us that a swarm of locust 25km long and moving south has crossed the NSW border into Victoria, and will most likely devistate what may be left, if anything.

On a lighter note, hope everyone is keeping well.
