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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 15 Dec 2010 23:08

Hi all~~~

Nice to 'see' you Tony :)~~~~ Don't know about being more cultured but have never heard of you lizard
Take care of yourself , that's a long working day !
Allan~~~ Looks as if we're in for more heavy snow, I'll package it up and send some to you, the amount we usually have will water your garden nicely lol..!
Barbra~~ hope you've fully recovered from your fall .

My dau bought most the xmas pressies for the family, only the 4 of us.
She and my son have just been to As*a,where he works (kept his seasonal job he had when in Uni and hasn't got a permanent job in IT yet)
to buy a camera for hubby . Had a good bargain,the camera was reduced, son has 10% staff discount, he had £20 Xmas bonus voucher so they only paid £40 for it :) Well I'll be paying the £

~~~~~ to anyone looking in or who posted whilst I've been typing..I'm like a snail !!!!


Allan Report 15 Dec 2010 23:16

Hi Sandie,

As one snail said to the other, "let's make tracks"

My typing is of the one finger on each hand variety.

It sounds like your son got a bargain with the camera.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 15 Dec 2010 23:26

Well we hope so Allan,haven't tried it yet, so close to Xmas we can change it if it's not up to our expectations.

Hope you enjoy your social function:) Byeee...Sandie.x


Barbra Report 16 Dec 2010 21:15

Evening folks . did yiu enjoy your function Allan;0))
Sandie i am ok the lump is going down on my head lol
My typing is like your Allan one finger on each hand . when i first started i was answering a post & every body had gone off for the night . didnt think I was that slow x 30` in perth for the cricket . ssh we had the better of the first day //


Allan Report 16 Dec 2010 21:43

Hello all,

Thanks, Barbra, the function went well, but now have to go in this morning for a final clean up as another Lodge is having its meeting on Monday.

I never like tempting fate with the cricket but it does look ok at the moment for England.

Sandie, the snow would be most welcome! On the positive side, ay least it is cooling down in the evening and a breeze has been getting up (lazy breeze, fancy staying in bed until the early evening).

Still, only 4 days to the longest day and then a rapid journey into Autumn.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Dec 2010 22:07

Evening folks~~~

Hope everyone is fine and kicking, I'm nearly falling asleep !
Glad the 'head banging ' is stopped Barbra and the lump is receding:)

Had a nasty sleet shower at midday today, but we are forecast more of the white stuff in the next few days:(

Son working tonight , so awaiting to see what if any goodies he's got :)
He finishes at 10pm... be home any time now !
Found out that that son and dau also had a £5 in store voucher on the camera bought yesterday , so cost £35 not £40 as I first thought (rubs hands with )

I am checking now as to I type how many fingers I use .lol
It's 2 one my left and 3 on my right hand on average :) Still rely on spell check tho, even if it's for missing out the space bar ! That laptop of hubby's doesn't have it automatically on GR, like my 'big baby' does:)

~~~ to anyone looking in :)


10.07 pm


Allan Report 16 Dec 2010 22:17

Could be a white Christmas then, Sandie :0))


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Dec 2010 22:42

No goodies tonight !! Shame I didn't buy bread

Everyone 's probably been buying up the bread cos of the forecast of snow !

Don't mind if it's white Xmas Allan, we don't go far, only out for a walk... to work off all the food we've stuffed !!!



Barbra Report 17 Dec 2010 23:06

Hello All , hows you doing . if i win on the lottery have decided going to live in a warmer part of the world* Ethics* .. must be warmer than up here lol Barbra 23.05 pm friday x


Allan Report 17 Dec 2010 23:19

If you want heat Barbra, try our Kimberley or Pilbarra regions...temps of up to 45c over the last few days!



Barbra Report 17 Dec 2010 23:26

No just want pleasant . 20` . going to bed its warmer . oh turned the heat of m~~~~gt Night Barbra xx

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 18 Dec 2010 01:58

to anyone looking in,

Same as Barbra 20c would do me, I Iike 35c on hols with a breeze, but never experienced 45c !!

Hubby didn't go to work today, about a foot of snow in our street, the council had cleared the main roads but it's been snowing steadily all day.
We've just sold my littlle Vauxhall Corsa (5yr old ) it was like a little snow plough, depending on who was driving it ( all the family were insured on it ).
Hubby is a confident, careful driver and would always use it for work or anywhere in the snow rather than his.(His was newer ! and not so good in the snow) Son or I don't mind driving in the snow,but dau is a not confident.
We've just had 2 new cars (hubby's and balance looks a bit sick, tho hubby had an excellent deal on his,discount cos son works in As*da and,discount from using our Vauxh*ll credit card over £6k saving in total)
so he's more reluctant to drive in deep snow unless necessary now.
Precious car !...or what!?
Didn't mind what he did with my little 'shed' of a car .lol

It sounds rather 'extravagent' 2 new cars, but we didn't want to have 4 cars in the household, but need 3.
Dau need's a car for work(quite often,otherwise she travels with hubby) and for general use cos she's not insured on hubby's or son's and of course now mine's sold.
So I'm insured on hubby's and we share--and when he's in work, I walk where I want to go..good exercise !
Bought son his car for him to travel to Uni,he wanted to commute and it saved us on accomodation costs and he now need one for work.

Shank's pony tomorrow , I expect, for shopping as we have been forecast a heavy snowfall over night.
Hubby cleared around the house and driveway this morning, I did it this aternoon and about and hour ago, just to keep it down, if we get the coucil snow plough and gritter up the street we will then be able to get out !
Nite from me,have a good day down under.
1.57am Sat.


Allan Report 18 Dec 2010 22:44

Hello All

Sandie the weather sounds bad. We have a forcast of mid thirties with rain for Christmas so it should be hot and muggy!

We have two cars but I have decided that if my business doesn't pick up then I will close it and get rid of my car. I can use my wife's car but if I need to go into Bunbury then I can catch the bus. I can get discounted fares using my senior's card.

If we lived in Perth all transport would be free between 9.00am and 3.00 pm



TonyOz Report 19 Dec 2010 01:21

Good Morning from a very O/cast day in Melbourne.

Weather forecast for Melbourne city for Chrissy day is sunny and warm...but that could change in the blink of any eye.....:>))

"Flat out like a lizard drinkin" just a term i use occasionally along with many other Aussie slang expressions.....aka "The Last of the Mohican's" so to
Mostly pub and bushy talk from the older generation during the early years of my growing up, and spending a lot of my young teenage years in the Aussie outback.
The average Australian do not use these expressions on the whole now days ( different generation ), but my father and his mates used them fluently when i was a young kid, so i grew up with it.

Reading these boards there are many words used by U.K peeps that i have no idea what they
Sometimes i read a thread, and have to "google" the word/s so as to understand what some people are saying or talking about.

A funny story.
I have a 3rd cousin living in Essex England, that i connected with some 6 -7 years ago, as that is where my surname ancestors were from. We would email each other over the next two years back and forth talking about our family connections, and how her lot moved around the U.K from the early 1800s, and how my own immigrated to Aussie.
Her g,g,g, and my g,g, were brothers.
I decided one day i would give her a ring on the blower, as we were to meet for the first time, as my OH and myself were coming to England for a holiday for the very first time, and herself and her hubbie asked us to stay with them, and they would give us the guided tour.
Well...if you could have listened in on this very first live conversaton with each other,you would have been laughing your head off mate.
Her very strong English dialect, and my very layed back sloppy Aussie slang.....we kept saying throughout the convesation..... I'm sorry....but what did you say!!...and what does that mean!! ....but we managed a reasonable
It wasnt because of the use of the English lanquage, but more so the "Soundex - Dialect" of the way we spoke.

The way i type and the way i sound ( face to face ) is very different.

Our next trip was to Scotland ( Highlands ) and how i managed to understand what people were saying i was totally lost, and kept saying to my OH....What did he/she say.!!! I had to listen very carefully.......but found it very difficult..

Wishing all great weekend.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 19 Dec 2010 03:11

Hi to anyone looking in~~

Allan and Tony hi~~

Yeap the weather is a pain at the moment , son had to work Sat morning, his car was at the back of our single width long driveway ,so hubby had to clear the overnight snow to move his car and for son get his out ...onto almost a foot of snow on our street ,(someone had driven along it so there were tracks) the main roads has been gritted by the council so were passable.
We are 1350ft above sea level and after 30yrs are used to heavy falls of snow.Don't like it tho !

Wow it would be strange to have a warm
My sister emigrated to South Africa in 1982 and used to sit around their pool in the sun on Christmas morning sipping a Bucks Fizz,, she's now moved to Pennsylvania USA and is back to the snowy wintery Christmas.

Allan, you don't sound like a 'senior' in your postings
Hope your business does pick up, what line are you in ?
And as a 'senior' why are still working?...For the love of it I expect: :)

I gave up work after 30 yrs working full time (with 2 children) for a Government Dept , I loved the first 28 but had to change depts and hated the last 2, so decided to finish. I won't get a pension until I am 60 , but we have saved all our lives so are not on the breadline without my wages.

Tony, I can well understand that you couldn't understand the spoken British dialects.
I speak often to an Austrailian guy and have to keep asking him to repeat himself!
Not just that ,I'm Welsh and have difficulty with a lot of the British dialects ,
Northern Englanders and Irish especially when they speak fast.
We in South Wales have many quaint phrases that those in North Wales wouldn't understand , there must be loads of English and Scottish sayings that I just wouln't have a clue about.
But I find it interesting and love to find out their meanings:)
I could mind boogle you and sign off in Welsh, Tec and I do

Past my bedtime now !

Speak soon
3.13am Sunday.


Persephone Report 19 Dec 2010 10:52

Tony et al

My Dad used to call the a hot-water bottle cover a Jackiehow and my daughter does the same thing and it wasn't till a few years ago long after Dad had died that we found out that Jackie Howe was a legendary Aussie Sheep Shearer and his name was given to the black singlet worn by the Aussies and Kiwis.

Well I must rattle my dags as it is bedtime.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 19 Dec 2010 14:35

Hi all~~

I love these sayings from different areas all over the world:))

Perse , I could hardly understand your post.. brought a smile to my face when reading it :))
Jackhow ..??... know that one now:)
Rattle my dags ?? .. Can guess what it is obviously.

Speak later,......... going to the cemetery to place Christmas wreaths .



Allan Report 19 Dec 2010 22:14

Hello to all

Tony i remember when I first moved into the bush after arriving in Oz back in 1982 I caused much mirth in the office by referring to makeshift accommodation as Humpties! For those of non-Oz origins the correct word is Hummpys.

Sandie, a senior here is a person over the age of 60, when one turns 65 one becomes a pensioner, irrespective of whether you receive the old age pension or not. At 60 (I am 62) in most States you can obtain, subject to certain conditions, a Senior's Card. This gets you a discount in some shops and also reduced Council Rates and Charges. I get 25% off our local rates. Once I become eligible for the pension I will get 50% off

There are also discounts on water and electricity accounts, but not gas, also on driving licence fees.

My business is as a contracting/consulting Environmental Health Officer, mainly to local governments especially the smaller isolated ones who find it difficult to attract and retain staff.



Allan Report 19 Dec 2010 22:49

Hi Barbra.

Still warm here but rain no longer forecast for Christmas Day.

Parts of WA (Carnarvon in the Gascoyne region) are now experiencing the worst flooding in 50 years.

Meanwhile, down here in the SW we had a very light 30 second shower. It didn't enen wet the pavement!



Persephone Report 19 Dec 2010 23:02

And once you turn 60 you can get a free seniors coffee at Maccas providing you purchase something.

Sandie - us Kiwis have adopted sayings from everywhere - we are such a mixed breed here now....

but what really amused me was I turned up for work one day in this blouse over a camisole with a matching long skirt and this very nice young chap that worked with us said to me that I looked like his mother. I burst out laughing and so did my mates when I told them. He is lovely but he only happens to be a Fijian Indian named Mohammed.

LOL Persey