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Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 09:02

It seems the moral of the story is, do not complain about last night's fiasco on GR. They have removed my thread a couple of minutes ago, with 27 postings, many of which were of a polite but disgruntled nature.
Would appear if we say anything about them, we garner quick attention, but, contact them with a site problem, particularly one that is of their making,and it takes, in my case about six weeks to rectify.
Who said big brother isn't watching us.
Happy New Year to All
Julia in Derbyshire


northenheart Report 1 Jan 2011 09:22

nothing changes julia.


Uggers Report 1 Jan 2011 10:17

Well we know they do that, Julia. And to be honest if we were in GR's position we would probably do the same;)

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 1 Jan 2011 10:31

To be honest I personally cannot complain: I posted this on another thread:

Personally I was very surprised that I managed to get so many records (within the 2 hours & with my own internet connection going down at first) and was even more pleased with the extended time - it ran so much faster too.

I was quite impressed with the layout too - more user friendly than I imagined.

Going from my own experience I have to say Thank you to GR.

(Edit: pity they didn't leave it that little bit longer - I'd just a few more to find ;) )


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 10:33

My original thread was referring to the inconvieniences I was suffering around 6.00 when the Freebie started. I could not change boards, update pages and post, easily, and stated i hoped everything would be back to 'normal' when logging on this morning. I wished everyone a Happy New Year, and logged off. No more, no less.
During the course of the night and early morning, others posted what they had experienced, and benefits they had received, or not, as the case may be.
So Uggers, on your premiss, who is the 'childish' ones. I thought large companies and people in businesses, were supposed to have broad shoulders. You do not see the likes of the electricity people, gas, water etc, cutting off supplies, or such as the police stopping solving crimes because people make disparaging remarks about them. GR should be above this, instead of applying childish, tit-for-tat reactions.
As I said, big brother is watching, and I am not entering into an arguement on this.
Julia in Derbyshire


Martin Report 1 Jan 2011 10:34

It would appear that my small rant has been removed too Julia.

Martin in Derbyshire


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 10:41

OH Kriss, I did not see that, because one or two were still adding to it about breckie time.
Martin, can't say I saw your 'rant' enough for it to stick out.
Us Derbyshire people have to stick together. There are so few of us on here LOLOL
Take Care All
Julia in Derbyshire


Uggers Report 1 Jan 2011 10:42

Perhaps a less aggressive tone if you don't want to enter into an argument, Julia?

Myself, I can't see what all the fuss is about. I know it's disappointing when people think they are getting something for nothing and they don't but it turned out to be a bonus for some people. The rest of us will just have to carry on paying as usual:)


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 10:49

Uggers, my tone is far from aggressive. Merely pointing out that initially my 'complaint' if you can call it that, was my hope that my board was back to normal this morning. Whenever GR do something different, it always seems to affect my computer, and the last lot of 'changes' by them, took 6 weeks to rectify.
I am glad some people were able to receive some positive results from last night, and am equally disappointed for those that did not. And yes, the rest of us will have to keep paying, which includes me also. I diud not take part in last night's exercise.
Julia in Derbyshire

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 1 Jan 2011 12:08

I had a minor whinge, then went back to FB, the food & my family to play that blooming long game of Wii Monopoly (which I won LOL !)

It was free however, and I along with many other members didn't lose anything, in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that important to rant about.


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 12:26

Mildred, and anyone else reading this. I am not, nor was, moaning about last nights freebie, and whether if any people got anything out of it or not.
My original thread, was just a remark, hoping that GR would rectyfy any of the errors that were appearing on my screen as at 6.00 last night. After the last fiasco when they made their changes in November, I had to wait until Boxing Day for my screen to be back to normal. I did not participate in the freebie.
Surely what I have just reiterated was obvious from my previous postings. Others added to the thread whilst I was not present, and it was they that had a 'beef' with GR over last nigh'ts fiasco, not I.
Julia in Derbyshire


Sue Report 1 Jan 2011 12:56

Has anyone asked GR why the thread was withdrawn.?
Some benefitted and some had trouble. How can anyone say that is fair.? Not in my book, anyway.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 1 Jan 2011 12:58

Julia, I never directed my comments to anyone in particular, and did not address you in my post..

Surely the cause behind last nights errors WAS the freebie ?

It was a couple of hours where the site had difficulty. People got in, and people didn't. Its not the end of the world.

Its over & done with, I'm sure they have got the message hence the threads removal - keeping on harping on about it will only encourage more negative remarks which will get removed.


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 13:12

Yet again Mildred, you have failed to read what I actually put in this thread. There are a couple of other threads re last night, floating about the boards, but I do not see you making remarks on those, negative or otherwise.
This thread was about people making negative remarks about GR over last nights events, and then GR removing the original thread because they did not like critisism.
Julia in Derbyshire


JackInTheBox Report 1 Jan 2011 13:40

Of course GR will remove threads which critizise them, if you read a thread about yourself you would ask GR to remove it or the OP, wouldnt you?

Julia what you said to Mildred is somewhat aggressive, so maybe remove that post???


Julia Report 1 Jan 2011 14:05

Mildred, I am suprised at the level of intellingence you are showing here. And that is not said to be patronising you you, it is said in all honesty.

My title of this thread was meant to stand out and shout, and was to point out the exception GR took to my original thread, a thread that I DID NOT add to, but OTHERS DID, voicing their opinions of what occured last night.
I never entered into the freebie offer of last night, nor was it my intention of doing. My original remarks, on the original thread, were about the errors I was experiencing with MY computer, at the onset of 6.00., and the hope that they would have been rectified by GR by this morning.
I am not the only person that wished to use theother facilities of GR last night, but was unable to do so, because of the freebie offer, which was affecting other peoples boards.
Simple, that was what my original thread was all about, and which is being missed.
Julia in Derbyshire

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 1 Jan 2011 14:12

oh dear Barry - I'm sorry. My advice for next time (if there is a next time) is after a while, refresh the page or go back and reselect. That is what i was doing yesterday, it was still slow but it seems to work better.


JackInTheBox Report 1 Jan 2011 14:12

Julia, has your problem been resolved yet?


Merlin Report 1 Jan 2011 14:17

Why don,t you all work on the Principle I do? If anything is offered for free,there,s aways a Snag,and if you complain about it.the people offering the freebee always get the Hump,so declare peace on this New Years Day,and may I wish you all a very happy and prosperous one.**M**.PS. Now please Kiss and make up,life is to short to lose friends over trivia. and Julia, you still have,nt sent my Shallots.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 1 Jan 2011 14:21

Good advice Merlin.

I've received some excellent free gifts from itunes as part of their 12 days of Christmas this year but there's loads of people complaining it's not as good as last year. Personally I think this year is wonderful but you can't please all the people.

At the end of the day GR were only trying to give something back, the same way they did with the Help clinic but we also lost that with all the people complaining. There were some of us that quite liked it.