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my email an user name
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covlass | Report | 24 Oct 2006 15:55 |
If any of these going in you Inbox I would report as spam before deleting, then run your normal security Is spyware & virus checks. may be we should all complain to GR to get them to take action and quick, not in a few days/weeks when someones details have been used else where |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 24 Oct 2006 15:55 |
Kris | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:05 |
Just a thought - could this be anything to do with GC Photopages because a while back, dating sites were being added to that. |
Unknown | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:10 |
Hi Guy's Here is my info it came from kathyramirez639*h*tmail*. Now I know this could have only ever came from GR as this came in under my birth name. janey : ( |
Elizabeth Anne | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:20 |
Oh glad I am not the only one that received this mail..... mine came about two hours ago and went straight into scrap box. It was from a AnneReed telling me: Its Okay I am connected..... but also addressed me as Elizabeth...... but sent to my husbands mail box..... Elizabeth |
Unknown | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:21 |
Hi Gillian To be honest i dont, if GR security has been breached then its been a flaming good program thats done it. I dont know how Gr names are being harvested and used by spammers, unless someone has sold the list ????? But ITV need to investigate it now as all our details are in their data base's Sorry i cant help much more cep put a list of all the other companys that GODADDY are using and there contact details Sxx Waves to Janey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
West | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:25 |
Hi, i had one this morning,they had used my user name ' west ' from this site. the only way they could have got my email addy and user name is from gr. i have complained to gr but havn't had a reply. paula |
DIZZI | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:26 |
Steve the name they used is the one on here with th symbols i still have the email,i am only dragonfly here not d/lady,and it is my yahoo account |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:42 |
Hi Gwen Pat and all all i can say is that this not a random spamming as you say they are using names including symbols ect that are only used on here. You can pass on all that info i gave you to GR but i dont know if they can or will act on it But the more that complain the better but give clear instructions on how you know it can only be from your GR account that will help them Sxx |
Yellow Mellow | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:43 |
Thanks Steve. Am sending a more specific PM to GR. XX |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 24 Oct 2006 16:45 |
Just discussed all this with hubby (he's in IT) and he is of the same opinion as Steve. Hacking is a possibility, but not very likely as the hacker would have to be extremely clever and have access to a very clever program. Far more likely is that someone at GR - legitimately or otherwise - has sold or passed on membership names and private email addresses. Mandy x |
Yvette | Report | 24 Oct 2006 23:33 |
there was a post some days ago, regarding one gents percieved genius with doing more than colouring thread titles. seemed a little odd. who knows? haven't reciveds a reply yet. off for the morning so its goodnight to you all i suppose love Yvette x |
Researching: |
BobClayton | Report | 24 Oct 2006 23:54 |
Been pondering this for some time. If someone had 'hacked' into GR then why haven't I and others being affected? If some insider had sold the e-mails why use the GR IDs which would point to an insider? Is it possible there is a database of email adresses that are held by (disgruntled) ex GR members ? Bob |
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*Carrie | Report | 24 Oct 2006 23:58 |
hi, i have had email from someone...christine brooks..who ever that is,in my bulk folder..and they are using my user name on here. should i open it or not |
Willow | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:01 |
Re:'Is it possible there is a database of email adresses that are held by (disgruntled) ex GR members ?' I havent given my email address out to anyone on here, nor have I been involved in any of the fallouts. I still havent had a response from GR about this, has anyone? |
BobClayton | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:21 |
I am not trying to cause an argument but if the GR site had been hacked then I think the problem would have been greater as only a small percentage of members use the boards. The effect of opening mail depends on your settings and e-mail client. A plain text mail is more secure than an HTML one. Most e-mail insecurity is based on opening attachments, clicking on links and allowing scripts to run. Bob |
Researching: |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:22 |
Bob Wouldn't it take some time to work one's way through every GR member, which must be several thousand times greater than board users? And how do we know whether or not it is just restricted to regular board users? Surely they would be the only ones we KNOW about? Some members who have received them belong to another site as well, but do not have the same user name there - they have been approached with the e-mails addressed to the GR board name. If it was a 'disgruntled ex member', surely they would have had to have made personal contact with all those affected to have their actual e-mail address? Jay |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:28 |
Bob I know what you're saying - but the mail I received is an exception to that rule. I've never made any secret of the fact that I have three accounts here on GR - my birth tree, my adoptive tree and my husband's tree. My husband's tree is in his name but as I'm the one doing his tree, we use my email address. My husband also has quite an unusual first name. The mail I received came to my email address but with my husband's first name in the subject header. Neither of us ever post under his account, so it can't be limited just to people who use the boards. Mandy x |
BobClayton | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:35 |
I don't say I have the answer Jay! It's just an idea. Until I recieve one I can't have a look at the headers to give an idea of where they are coming from. Bob |
Researching: |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:43 |
That's right Gillian - I'm sure that the percentage of GR members who actually use these boards is probably quite small, bearing in mind the total number of members. The email I received is a good example - my husband's GR account has never been used to post on these boards. Funny thing is, I use the same email address for my own accounts and I haven't received emails using either of those board names! It would certainly be interesting to try and find out just how many 'non board users' have received these emails. Mandy x |