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my email an user name
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An Olde Crone | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:51 |
There are several threads going about this, both on this site and elsewhere. Someone pointed out the small print in the GR T and C's. They will not divulge our email addresses to anyone - but they will share them with their sister sites, which of course now includes the ITV database. I was slightly concerned today to receive the usual GR Newsletter, in which it quotes me email address - ok - and then gives me a prompt for my password - my password is 8 letters long and they have substituted three letters with asterisks. Hardly a problem to reconstruct my password, is it, for anyone who happened to be able to use my computer? Other sites give a prompt as a clue - 'i'ts wet outside' or something, not h*l*d*ys. (Not my password!) Not as important as having my email addy passed on, or hacked, or whatever, but still slightly worrying, I think. I did wonder if it was ONE disgruntled ex GR member (not a gang) but on reflection, think the emails would have been much nastier than they are. OC |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:57 |
The disconcerting bit is that:- it could have been going on for some time we are unaware of the scope probably GR is too? Jay |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 25 Oct 2006 00:59 |
I've just received a reply from GR about this - see my thread. Mandy |
Patricia | Report | 25 Oct 2006 01:35 |
Oh blimey. I got that one enjoyyoufeelings.. something like that, and because I didn't recognise sender I deleted.. Oh dear worrying .. Pat |