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Huia Report 4 May 2006 20:57

Reading this thread I have come to the conclusion that a woman-hater is responsible for all the shop windows and changing room mirrors. They are designed to make us look miles fatter and dumpier than we are. (Yeah, right as one of our beer ads says). I gave up wearing dresses years ago, wear separates with the top outside the skirt/slacks as I have a (comparatively) small waist which accentuates my big boobs and hips. It is a real b....r.


SheilaSomerset Report 4 May 2006 21:09

I have trouble too, although I don't think I have a particularly difficult shape to fit - general size 10-12 top and bottom, and on the short side! Trousers lately seem to be a nightmare, even in shops where I could always rely on a good fit. I'm either floating around in yards of material made for someone about 9ft tall (with no waist and skinny hips) or I can't get them past me knees! I've found some catalogues such as Wrap are much more consistent with size (and they do shorter lengths).


Unknown Report 5 May 2006 06:50

Huia and Shelia, you are in good company, seems there are a lot of us having problems ;-))