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Depression / Anxiety

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YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 11:55

I'll have a look for the gel cushions Gail, thanks for letting me know.
Caz xx


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 12:24

Dave I know the feeling. I get very anxious waiting for things. Think of it this way, you did the interview, if you don't get the job this time there was a lot of competition! Look out for the next job you might be interested in.

Gail you have a toy boy!!! lol xx

Caz in Cumbria, sorry I missed you out!! Were you trying to hide? Nice to see you looking in. How is the weather up there? I haven't been out but it looks lovely here the sun is shining. I'm off out in a min when I have dried my hair and had another coffee. Must walk poor Coco our dog xxxxx


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 13:31

Hey Gail, I got a toyboy as well. Will remember advice on cushion, thanks.

Anyone want to swap places, I'm still waiting for my water.

Caz xx


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 13:38

Another one with a toy boy!!!
My oh is three months older than me, people keep telling him he looks years younger than he is. Likes to come home and tell me who said what about his age!! No one tells me I look younger than my age ;o( xx


Linda Report 8 Feb 2008 13:57

Hello everyone,
It has been a while since I first posted on this topic.

Dave, I hope you hear soon where the Job is concerned,

Ann, gg, you are an inspiration, a breath of fresh air to everyone on here.

To everyone else, to day is more easier than yesterday.

I am plodding along each day, coping with how I feel.
I am so tired, I will be seeing my pychiatrist on tues,
I have an under active thyroid & my kidneys are
not working too good,so I have an appointment on wednesday to go for a scan at the hospital.
I have been told this may be the reason for me feeling so lethargic, my whole body feels as if it has been battered about, especially my ribcage. to top it all I am lucky to sleep about 3 hours a night.
I could go on but won`t!
Take care
Linda x
p.s. this thread is a godsend.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Feb 2008 14:44

Hi folks, sorry can't get my brain working yet, only been up an hour and a half lol, stripped bed and linen in washer, lovely bright day outside so must make an effort to get dressed and go out for a walk, and have to get my lottery tickets too. I don't want to miss out on a chance of that £95 million squid!
Catch you all later, and will do pics then,
love and hugs


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 14:59

Liz, what time do you call that getting out of bed? Did something/one stop you sleeping at the right time? lol . Is that why sheets are in the wash?
Just kidding! Are you okay? xx


Kerry Report 8 Feb 2008 15:04

Good afternoon all..
Thanks to all for the conrats on the job and you will be pleased to know i have accepted it as when i spoke to them thismorn and told them and i start on the 18th feb so am getting anxious already but am hoping by me working its just what i need to kick this anxiety.I want to get out there and meet new people and not sit around waiting for nerves to start again....Sorry to rant...


Kerry Report 8 Feb 2008 15:05

Oh and by the way my Thyriod blood test came back negative so i guess its hormonal.(fingers crossed it is anyway)...


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 15:08

Kerry that is great news. You will be fine, it's just the anxiety playing on your mind. Take the rescue remedy with you discretly, it'll back you up when you panic a bit. You might get so involved you won't have time to think about the anxiety. Carole x

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Feb 2008 15:12

Kerry, well done for accepting the job and hope it works out well for you. I am sure you will do fine and meeting new people and having something else to think about will not leave time for anxiety. Just keep the Rescue Remedy to hand for back up and before you know it you will forget you once needed it lol Good news re thyroid.

Carole, I didn't go to bed till 6 am - that is the way I live my life, topsy turvy lol Means I don't have to spend too much waking time with o.h. lol
off to put sheets on line, and no they just needed freshening up lol
I am ok, just another day of memories that's all. Will be fine by next week. Thanks for caring hon.


Deanna Report 8 Feb 2008 15:26

Well here I am again folks. Been trying to read through as many of your messages as possible.. no way, it is becoming like a book.
I will have to try and come on more often, but I am never on in the evenings.

Jules, your poem really touched me . It was spot on.
I feel so secure with the friends I make on here, as we are friends of *who we are* rather that what we have or what we look like.

Kerry, you take the job love.
I suffered with agoraphobia for years.. it actually never goes away, it is just kept under control.
The best way to take your fear away is to 'get out there ' and meet new friends.
I am not telling what to do, I am merely telling you how I did it.. with the help of a neighbour whom I met at the school gates!

And Dave , I hope whatever it is you are looking for, just turns up... and I will share the money with you.... just to be friendly you understand?? ;-0)

Keep this up, it is a great and special thread.

Keep up the good work Caz... See you later maybe?

Deanna X


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2008 16:06

well that Kerry all sorted out!! Great news by the way. Now it's Dave we have to sorted - just remember that if you don't get this job there will be another - you will win through in the end!! I have a lottery ticket for tonight too and if I win there will be a massive meet all expenses paid in the Cardiff Millenium Stadium! wouldn't that be just fantastic! We can dream


Deanna Report 8 Feb 2008 16:11

We have a SOLOMN DUTY to dream Ann.
Praying for the job Dave... x

I've never been to Cardiff....

Deanna X


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2008 16:42

thank you for your kind remarks Linda - much appreciated. All fingers crossed for Dave now, and Deanna, Cardiff is a lovely city - I've got room if you want to come and stay and I'll show you around!!

Linda - sorry you're feeling a bit rough, but so glad you are getting some comfort from this thread. Thyroid problems can be pretty awful - OH had an underactive one and it virtually changed his personality - fortunately it was diagnosed and medication restored him back to normal.


Deanna Report 8 Feb 2008 17:04

Thank you Ann, but son and husband would need to come too. I'm in a wheelchair... so I need them.
Neither of them talk as much as me, so I'll let them go off for a wander around your lovely city.
Deanna X


Deanna Report 8 Feb 2008 17:06

Well done Kerry.

You will love the company. All you need is a start.... god bless.

Deanna X


AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2008 17:08

Ann (GG) You have invited so many people of these board to stay with you that one day you are going to wake up to a queue at your door!!

I am so pleased that you have accepted the job Kerry. you will be fine and will have fun I am sure. lovely working in a school. In the 70s I was a lunchtime supervisor in a large comprehensive. we had great fun.

This thread has certainly leaped on since I looked yesterday. haven't been on the computer today as this room is being decorated. A lull now until tomorrow when chaos will reign again. We have to do it wall by wall so that I can empty the bookshelves and then put it all back when that wall is finished. So much stuff in hear with family history files, craft stuff for card making and books to read!!! OH is very patient I am pleased to say.

Caz (yorks) glad that you now have a week off from chemo, it must be a relief when you do.

Haven't got a lottery ticket for tonight so I am hoping that if one of you win it you will be kind and spare a few 'bob'.

Jules, you are like me, having trouble catching up. this lot can talk for England once they get going (and Wales, Ireland and Scotland too!)



AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2008 17:13

Deanna - I have room for son and husband too!!!!


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 17:19

Hi Ann and Deanna, see you are having a good gossip there, nice to see you on here Deanna, it's a godsend for some of us, and Ann keeps us all in our place, ha ha! Ann did colin ever come back with any information about the memories being made into a book? I keep looking but not seen anything.

Well done Kerry with the job, as Deanna says it is always there this agrophobia, I got so as I couldn't go hang washing out when I was bad.

Liz I seem to have missed you for ages, you were going off as I came on, will have to try and meet again. Mind you, I nearly joined you at 2-30 this morning, I came down for a painkiller and was tempted to put pooter on.
We are being naughty tonight as water board man has just gone, so hubby has gone to chip shop, haven't had any for ages.

Caz xxx