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Depression / Anxiety

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Carole Report 10 Feb 2008 14:55

Fi you shouldn't just stop taking the tablets. Seek advice from your dr re cutting down the dose, maybe taking them everyother day, or get a lower dosage prescribed. And you shouldn't drink while on them I don't think. Naughty naughty.
So you are a Pieces sensitive spiritual bla bla bla...don't do all that rubbish really but I'm Feb 28th and just know sensitive!! Off load your troubles we'll try to help take the weight xxxCarole

Elaine you are welcome, wish I could do more xxx

Fi aka Wheelie Spice

Fi aka Wheelie Spice Report 10 Feb 2008 15:02

Hi Carole,

I was only on 10mg once daily, cant get lower.

26th Feb me.



AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 15:04

Fi - agree with Carole - you should not just stop taking them - not just like that - withdrawing from mediction has to be done gradually and with GPs support - my advice is see GP before you decide what to do and be guided by his advice - in the meantime, keep popping on here - there's usually someone about to talk to and to listen Ann XXXX


Carole Report 10 Feb 2008 15:08

Fi you can get lower by taking one every other day. But tell doc what you want to do. xx


AnninGlos Report 10 Feb 2008 15:16

My sister's birthday is 26
feb too.


Jude(sarf wales) 7602736

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736 Report 10 Feb 2008 15:24

Fi - definately talk to the doc - my son ended very very ill because he came off on own, admittedly he may not have the same reason for being on them - but he went through hell and back.

Take care.

jude :o) xxxx


maxiMary Report 10 Feb 2008 15:25

Fi, just my thoughts, it could be dangerous to drink very much with these tablets/capsules, I'd be very cautious.
There is absolutely no shame in having to remain on them, your body needs them to balance the chemical activity in the brain. I had taken myself off them several times because I felt better - of course I did, my innards were more balanced!!
It took me years to come to terms with the fact that my particular body chemistry needs a bit of help to stay on a relatively even keel. Now, taking my med is just part of my bedtime routine. If I'd been diagnosed with diabetes I doubt I'd stop the insulin or oral med, knowing what could happen.
Yes I do still have a glass of wine once in a while, but no longer down the whole bottle!! LOL.
Have a great evening, Come on here if you need to unload.
I have to leave for work shortly and brave the new snowstorm which has arrived.

Fi aka Wheelie Spice

Fi aka Wheelie Spice Report 10 Feb 2008 15:28

my gp didnt prescribe them, my consultant did and only he knows me 100%.

I dont visit my gp unless I am very very sick and in the 8 weeks I have been on these he has never asked to see me.

Anne, We pisces are nice people. I cant tell you how many people I have heard of who share my birthday. I know 3 people from work and 1 cousin, plus I have heard of a number of others too.


AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 15:38

well go to your GP just the same - he can contact your consultant if needs be or refer you back to him - which he probably would do, so my advice would be stay as you are for now, keep taking the tabs and seek advice!! I am on antidepressants for the rest of my life - Vewnlafaxine" - just one a day most of the time but up it to two if I feel myself slipping, which I do very occasionally. Tried coming off them under GPs guidance but failed - he said then that I will suffer from clinical depression for the rest of my life and I can take the tablets for the rest of my life, so there we have it - just one tablet every night at bedtime and I'm fine!!

Kathy near the

Kathy near the Report 10 Feb 2008 17:08

Thank you all for your kind welcome and thanks Carole for the pm .

Most important for me is to set goals and try to stick to them . I think if I post them on here I am more likely to succeed . Here goes
I will drive to the park one day this week and report back

Kathy :-) xxx


AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 17:26

we look forward to hearing how you got on!!!!

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736 Report 10 Feb 2008 17:42

Hello Kathy - thats fantastic, look forward to seeing your report:o))

jude sarf wales :o) x


Julie Report 10 Feb 2008 19:49

Hi Everyone ~~~~Waves~~~~

Sorry I've not been around much but as you may know I have my Girls stopping the week with me n to be honest I'm not going to get much of a look in.....there's not enough hours in the day for them both to chat on MSN plus me popping on...!!

Anyway....Lovely to see some new 'posters' n good to see the old ones too... :o)

All ok my end....still taking the tablets n doing ok.

Liz....thanx for the picture n your reply to mine. Hope all's ok with you..??

Is anyone else exchanging pictures...???...if so pm me.

Hope to catch up soon...

Love n hugs one n all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fi aka Wheelie Spice

Fi aka Wheelie Spice Report 10 Feb 2008 19:52

For the record I have taken todays tablet tonight.

I will continue on them!

Thanks for your thoughts and support!

Fi x


AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 19:59

that's my girl Fi, good for you - you are getting there!!

Jules - I've exchanged photos today with Carole, who started this thread, and with Yorkshire Caz - we are all absolutely beautiful!!!!!! Although having said that, my photo has to go with two others - one of a rabbit and one of my son's 84 year old mother in law - when I get asked which one are you I am mortified!!!!!!


Julie Report 10 Feb 2008 20:06

Hi no. I'm sure they're just joking..??

I will pm you my addy so you can send them onto me....I'm sure I will know you're not the fluffy one with the big ears...pmsl.

Hi Dave.....Ummm...kind of, the thoughts been there at Serioulsy tho, had done it 3 times last week so am starting gradually. OH still going for a few miles every night!

Hi Fi....glad you're doing ok.



AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 20:08

let's be having it then Jules!!!!


AnninGlos Report 10 Feb 2008 20:18

Hi Jules, hope you are havinjg fun with your daughters.
Kathy we will be waiting to hear how you get on with your drive to the park. But no criticism if you don't make it.

I will exchange photos with anyone when I get back on my main pc. (a couple of days)


AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2008 21:04

very worried now - I sent Jules my photo over an hour ago and have heard nothing since - I think she may have slipped into a coma

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736 Report 10 Feb 2008 21:15

Good for you Fi:o))

jude sarf wales :o) xx

Farmer Giles:

Pmsl means - p--g my self laughing:o)))