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For Aussies......and friends

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Tecwyn Report 17 Aug 2009 23:47

Hi Allan...........

The trouble is mate, they can't differentiate between nagging - and constructive critisism.

Q. How many women does it take to change a light bulb.

A. None - They just sit in the dark - and bitch............

(Gone to hide)........Sue's about



Allan Report 17 Aug 2009 23:53 you're in trouble Tec! Double trouble if Berona sees the post

........but I did find it very funny



Tecwyn Report 17 Aug 2009 23:58

Well I've been out for dinner with friends over from Vancouver -

and having had rather a lot of AUSSIE wine......

maybe it's Dutch courage



Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 00:03

I hope you and your friends had a nice meal.

I tend to consume copious amounts of aussie wine, mainly of the Chateau cardboard variety.

And now, just for the sake of uniformity, the heavens have opened up!



Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 00:07

Yes thank you, we had a lovely meal. It was such a lovely summer evening, we opted to sit outside overlooking the Mawddach Estuary and the mountains..........

I so enjoy good company and a nice meal.

Sorry it's raining on you. forecast here for Wednesday.



Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 00:09

Chateau cardboard???


Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 00:12

Cask wine: usually in a four or five litre size


Berona Report 18 Aug 2009 00:19



Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 00:20


Do you drink it all at once?

Well I have to go to bed's late

Will leave you with this - Will upset Sue - Berona - Linda......Ha Ha

What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?..........

"Are you sure it's mine"



Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 00:22

Hi Berona..........

I'm sure you wait 'till I'm going to bed.

I'm getting a complex. lol



Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 00:23

Good night Tec...

....and no! It usually lasts a few days!

Good morning Berona...honestly, I had nothin to do with it!



Berona Report 18 Aug 2009 00:33

Morning/Evening everyone.

Sue - hope you have success in keeping things the way you want them. I've heard similar stories so many times from others. Don't let them beat you.

I won't even comment on Tec's and Allan's comments on nagging wives!!!!!(don't start me!).

As mentioned before, my family don't like the idea of me driving far - which I no longer do. Not for any other reason than I have no need to go very far. They do tell me that I'm a good driver and that my responses are very quick, etc. Their problem is that they think EVERYBODY over the age of 55 is likely to drop dead at the wheel! I wouldn't mind if I had ever had a heart atteck or a stroke, but I haven't!

I do feel capable of driving anywhere and heavy traffic doesn't worry me - but I keep well away from it all and take care at all times - mainly because, if I did have a 'prang', I can see the newspapers bringing up the old question of when people should no longer be allowed to drive! (written by young journalists, of course).


Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 00:46

Berona, I still drive long distances in connection with my job, but mainly on quiet country roads. I do have to be careful of the wildlife and straying stock but that is about it.

If I didn't have my own business, I would happily get rid of my car and just use the OH's.

I don't drive a big car and I regard them as a means of getting from A to B not as some sort of status symbol



Alison Report 18 Aug 2009 04:28

Hi All,

I've only just read the last several posts and wanted to add.........Here's to Chateau Cardboard! We drink a nice drop or three of Shiraz Cabernet in Chateau Cardboard.

Also make that TRIPLE TROUBLE Tec.

Alison xx


SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 07:14

Good afternoon/morning all. Too early for our Pommie friends I think and perhaps it's better that Tec gets a really good night's sleep because he is in soooooo much trouble:)) It's amazing what courage a few glasses of red can give a person.

The weather has been ok as far as I can see - sunny though a little chilly. However my OH put the washing out this morning and I've brought it in dry so I'm happy.

Well I'm off to make a cuppa and have a sit-down. Talk to you all later. Except for Tec - we ladies aren't talking to you:))

Sue xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Aug 2009 08:58

and I am not talking to Allan!!

I did point out that as a natural blonde, jokes of that nature are not allowed.

Good morning Sue, I think the men on here are becoming a bit uppity and deserve a collective LOOK


SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 09:52

Hi, Linda. Having been quiet and polite to start with they are now starting to become a little too brave for their own good. I don't think they could handle a collective "LOOK".

Sue xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Aug 2009 10:01

Yes I noticed Allan was trying to blame it all on Tec, he obviuosly understands the consequences of female wrath.
I think that Mrs Allan must be a woman after our own hearts, i am sure that we would like her.


SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 10:37

Yes, we must arrange a little chat with both Mrs Allan and Mrs Tec:)) That'll pull them into line.

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 11:51

Hello Girls,

Isn't it a beautiful day - sunshine - birds singing - balmy breezes off the sea.

My - how beautiful you all look as well. Each one of you a vision of a Greek Goddess......Venus de Milo (with arms)

Such beauty should be rewarded.......

So - feeling rather generous today, I come bearing gifts...........

A huge bouquet of exotic blooms from far away places.........
To each a box of Thorntons Continental Chocolates........
Chanel No5 perfume.........
Two tickets to the best show in town..........
and dinner at Romanos after............

Now - I know what you're thinking - "He's grovelling"
Well, I'm not......I've never grovelled

It's just that a man of such suave sophistication as me, is given to showing his appreciation of such beauty on this thread.........

Have a lovely day.........and enjoy.........
