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For Aussies......and friends

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Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 11:53


Can I come out now?

I can't stand the sight of blood - and we've just had a new carpet!



SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 12:05

Tec I don't like Chanel No.5:)) And don't hide behind Allan - he hasn't even begun to grovel.

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 12:54

Californian Poppy ? From Woolworths?


Sydneybloke Report 18 Aug 2009 13:01

grovel. though i'm not sure why.


Berona Report 18 Aug 2009 13:24

I like Chanel No.5 - chocolates, too and I love going to shows and dining out.

So - we might strike a deal. I'll think about it.

(You don't mean Chanel OR chocolates you?)


Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 13:37

Good Evening Berona,

I'm not some kind of cheap skate - When I treat a Lady - it has to be the works........the full monty

I would like to take you out to dinner Berona - I think it would be fun, and very interesting



LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Aug 2009 16:31

Huh, so you want to take Berona out to dinner, not Sue and I.
And to think that I was just about to forgive you, although when come to think of it, it was Allan who was making the blonde jokes.

Good job I am in a good mood today,having just returned from a lovely day out. We wanted a couple of plants for the garden,so we went via the nearby horticultural training centre and got just what we wanted. They train adults with severe learning difficulties and sell the plants they grow. It is much better than the local gardening centre and cheaper, plus I like to support them.

Then we continued on to look for a pub for lunch, but we came across a village flower show,so got side tracked there. It was nice, but didn't do much for my hay fever. OH realised that there was a tea shop in the village hall,run by the local Woman's Institute. The food was excellent,although the surroundings were rather spartan.
He is a connoisseur of tea shops. He is a member of the Ramblers association, the younger masochistic types do a route march every weekend, but he belongs to the mid week oldies group. They do about eight or ten miles and every walk ends in a tea shop.

We then continued to a nearby stately home and spent a pleasant couple of hours there. As a reward for volunteering in the local tourist office two afternoons a week, I get a pass which allows me into lots of tourist attractions for free. So there is only OH to pay for, because of that we go to far more places than we would otherwise.


Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 17:27

I cannot wait for Allan to come back on this thread - re the blonde jokes -
I'm saying nothing more..............

Linda......I would be delighted to take you all out to dinner - but not all at once.........imagine - I wouldn't get a word in. Probably be ignored .

Your day out sounds really nice and relaxing. I also like to wander around stateley homes. Really would like to go to Blenheim Palace, home of the Dukes of Marlborough - Churchill's ancestors. One day hopefully.



Angie2017 Report 18 Aug 2009 19:40

Hello all,

Did you know that Samantha Janus (Ronnie Eastenders) is the sister of Hugh Jackman, however on becoming famous he decided to change his surname to Jackman. lol

Angie XX

Suemaid, I found out today, that the job interview was sucessful - I GOT the job. x


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Aug 2009 20:13

Congratulations on your job Angie

Tec I have been to Blenheim, but it was quite a long time ago as my children were fairly young. I remember it had nice gardens


SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 22:04

Good morning/evening everyone:))

The day's looking good with more blue skies but I'll be doing a mammoth clean-up today - I need to catch up on some jobs.

Poor Colin's grovelling and he doesn't know why:)) We ladies have got you all running scared.

Linda, your day sounds lovely. We haven't ventured into many stately homes. Castle Howard is about the only one. I loved the house and gardens. We've also been in a few tea-shops although my OH always looks a bit awkward for some reason. I think he's more of a pub man:)) We went to a really nice one in York but I can't remember the name of it. They served tea made with tea-leaves not tea bags and had the best selection of cakes I've ever seen. Most times we stopped anywhere for coffee we went to Costa coffee shops. Lovely big cups of coffee that the men liked.

Angie I'm so pleased you got the job. Well done. Now you can save your pennies and come for a visit. How can Samantha Janus be Hugh Jackman's sister - she's English and he's an Aussie? Show me proof:))

Tec you just spoiled your grovelling by saying that you couldn't take us all out for dinner at once because you wouldn't get a word in. You wouldn't have to talk - just sit and admire the beauty surrounding you:)) Just think of all the jealous looks you'd get from the other fellows.

Enjoy your day/evening:))

Sue xx


Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 22:34

Good morning/evening all

Linda, why do I get the blame for tec's blonde jokes. I only said that I enjoyed them

SueMaid, Berona, my OH is a woman after my own heart...she keeps threatening to rip it out!!

Colin was grovelling beacause it's a male safety mechanism. When a group of females talk about the collective LOOK you do not stop to question whether you are guilty of anything because with the infallibility of a group of women they will assume you are!!

There's no need for me to grovel....I would never tell blonde jokes like: Why do blondes' shoes have TGIF written on them?

It stands for 'toes go in first"

I bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday...I think that I'm going to need them



SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 22:37

Good morning Allan. My,'re looking for trouble. I would think by now you would realise that we are not shrinking violets:)) Be very scared.

Sue xx


*~~*Posh*~~* Report 18 Aug 2009 22:42

Just calling in to say Good night to you all...I am off to my bed now. I hope you all have a good Day/Night and are all feeling in tip top condition.

Sweet dreams xxx

Allan, It might be a good idea to start running now... Lolol


Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 22:47

Good night Posh

enjoy your dreams of a world where women hold dominion!




Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 22:50

Good morning SueMaid

Shrinking Violets is not a term I would use to describe the women on this thread.....I've seen some of the posts that many of you have made on various threads!

Nuff said!




Tecwyn Report 18 Aug 2009 22:52

Good Morning SueMaid and Allan,

Allan.....Firstly, I must apologise that you apparently got the blame for my blonde joke. Grossly unfair.
Why are they called "The Fair Sex" often wondered about that!
Sorry your OH is after your heart.........
The way to a mans heart - is through his chest with a sharp knife!
Now we're being accused of grovelling?
The very idea...........
I'm not scared - are you?

SueMaid..........Hello dear lady........sweet young thing!
How delightful you look this morning.......
May I liken you to a summer rose?

I'm definately not scared.........



LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Aug 2009 22:58

Oh dear Allan,I just looked back and realised that it was indeed Tec who told the blonde joke..
Still being male you were bound to do something to deserve the ticking off and true to form you did..

Sue we have loads of stately homes around here,so we visit them often. I have been to Castle Howard about half a dozen times as guests always seem to want to go there,


SueMaid Report 18 Aug 2009 22:58

Tec - no wonder we missed you while you were away. You and Allan do make me laugh. But.......that does not mean you've been let off the hook:)) By the way - summer roses have sharp thorns.

I don't know what you mean Allan by the posts I've made on various threads. I do stick up for myself and I won't let some people get away with stupid or unpleasant comments - but everyone knows that underneath all that is a kind-hearted loving person:)))

Sue xx


Allan Report 18 Aug 2009 22:59

Good evening Tec,

Nah! I'm not going to grovel.

Women like Linda, SueMaid, Berona et al do not scare least not whilst there's a screen and several thousand kilometres between us.

Now my OH and Janet in Perth....that's getting very close to home!

