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For Aussies......and friends

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Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 22:46

Germaine Greer has a lot to answer for!




SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 22:46

Diane, I do a lot of work with oncology patients, although not so much these days. I have learned a lot about people and their strength of character over the years. I've learned that firstly they are people and that their disease is only one part of who they are. I guess that's the same with any disability. My OH was nervous about working with people who have disabilities and how he would react and cope. He will now tell anyone who wants to listen about one person's sense of humour or another person's compassionate thoughts for other people's misfortunes. He's discovered the personalities beneath the disabilities. Perhaps the work isn't always interesting but meeting people always is.

Sue xx


SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 22:48

Oh Germaine Greer is just an unpleasant woman in my opinion. I never had much regard for her although I know a lot of people admire her.

Sue xx


Diane Report 19 Aug 2009 23:06

that is so true, I never have a problem approaching any disabled person since I have been doing this job, before I was alway's wary of how to approach a disabled person. Now I cringe when people talk to the person with a disabled person about them and most of the time ignore the disabled person when a lot of them are able to understand and speak for them selves. The other thing I dislike is when they stare at the person and even make a comment about them. I think it is so rude and thoughtless.

Hi Allan~~~~~

Well it's time I was off, up at 5:40am for work so until next time, have a nice day or goodnight sweet dream's
Speak to you all again soon

Diane x


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 23:08

Goodnight Diane

Sleep well



SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 23:09

Good night, Diane:)

Sue xx


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 23:15

It's very quiet on this thread today,

I hope that we haven't frightened everyone away!



SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 23:17

Your bad jokes have turned everyone off, Allan:))

Sue xx


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 23:25

OK, I apologise!

*goes to stand in the corner*



Tecwyn Report 19 Aug 2009 23:31

Good Morning Aussies
Good Evening Poms,

Posh.........Everyone is of great interest - I have never met anyone that is not interesting - some maybe more interesting than others, but everyone is interesting in their own way. So you must be too.

Allan.....You seemed to have had a wonderful time weatherwise - I hope things are better now you're home.

SueMaid...........Yes - this is a great place to live. It wouldn't suit everyone, because it is so quiet. There is a little shop that sells newspapers and is surprisingly well stocked with day to day things - get three people in there and it's packed lol.
There is beautiful little church, a pub, and a school with 32 children, which is under threat of closure. That's it really. Population 400.
The nearest decent supermarket is 45 miles away, as is the nearest hospital. The doctor is 10 miles away.
We moved here 15 years a
go, from a busy little town, with everything on the doorstep. We had a
rather smart modern house with all mod cons.
This house is 100 years old, and was in need of everything when I bought it. Wanted re-wiring, re-plumbing, damp coarse, complete refurbishment as nothing had been done here for 30-40 years. I have still got lots to do.
We survived the first winter with one coal fire, and an ancient Aga that heated the water but exploded if you looked at it the wrong way.
Living here is just a matter of being organised. We travel to the supermarket once a month to do a big shop, and we have two freezers.
It is a bit like stepping back in time living here - everyone is very friendly, and everyone stops for a chat whether they know you or not.
Welsh is the first language of local people, but that is not a problem for non Welsh speaking English people, as most Welsh speaking people will change to English if they realise someone doesn't speak Welsh.
The only blight on the area is that being almost exclusively a farming area, there is very little work for young people, who have to leave the area to find work after leaving college or University.
The economy of the area is almost totally reliant on tourism.
I've travelled the world, seen enough of big cities. Been at the sharp end long enough - tired of wearing a uniform or a suit. Now just content to shuffle around like wurzel gummidge in my own time - watching the tide come in - and go out again.



Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 23:39

Tec, that sounds idyllic.

We have always lived in smaller towns or villages rather than in cities. It probably stems from spending my childhood in Manchester.

The town centre was so crowded on a Saturday that I was always terrified of loosing my mother.

Afew years later the thoughts of going in to the centre made me physically ill.

Since then I have always tried to avoid crowds



Tecwyn Report 19 Aug 2009 23:46

A (sp)llan........
I can understand your phobia of crowds - I've never felt comfotable in a crowd.
When we were away last week I just not believe the crowded shopping malls, I think they are called - very claustraphobic

To be honest we couldn't wait to get back here really and be able to breathe again - phew!



Berona Report 19 Aug 2009 23:47

I've been here for a little while but I've been busy reading posts to be up to date!

Your stories of losing your dogs made me sad because I, too, have been through that and it brought back memories of when we had to say good-bye.

Your other comments about how some people treat disabled people also brought a few stories to mind. Don't people realise that these folk are only disabled in one or two areas of their bodies? Why do some people treat them like they are not even there? or like they are the baby in the pram and don't understand what is being said? That's just plain ignorance to treat people that way.

Well, I'm off to completely clean out my brother's computer and start again. Haven't done this for about twenty years, so I hope they still do it the same way now. It has a virus and he got the usual runaround from the big names when he rang. I picked up a few hints last night from Geneeral Topics - so fingers crossed. Wish me luck!


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 23:52

Ive always enjoyed my own company.

When I was a teenager I used to love walking on the moors at the back of Lyme Park (Disley Cheshire) and thren drop down into Whaley Bridge and then back to Lyme Park by a different route where my parents would meet me.

I have also spent many happy days camping and walking in Snowdonia, but not on my own in that rugged area!



Tecwyn Report 19 Aug 2009 23:56

Yes Allan - I'm the same, happy to walk miles on my own - always did it as a boy, would spend all day out on the marshes where we lived at the time, looking at wildlife etc.
Now I walk with my dog into the hills, or the beach, sometimes lose track of time.



Tecwyn Report 20 Aug 2009 00:11

Hi Berona,

Hope you get the computer sorted out...........
You are clearly cleverer than me - I wouldn't know where to start on that job
good luck



Tecwyn Report 20 Aug 2009 00:19

Off to bed now.....

So enjoy your day down under........
and have a good night up top



Allan Report 20 Aug 2009 00:21

Hi Berona. My apologies
I wasn't ignoring you but have been in the kitchen having some breakfast and preparing a sandwich for lunch.

Like Tec, I know very little about computers and if things go wrong I have to rely on my son who is very techno savvy



Allan Report 20 Aug 2009 00:22

Goodnight Tec


Allan Report 20 Aug 2009 00:34

And now I, also, must go. Will try getting back later after I return home

regards to you all,
