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For Aussies......and friends

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Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 00:11

Good night Tec


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 00:42

Ah well, I must also away.

Australind is in the Shire of Harvey and I've scored some work with them for two days a week until the middle of September.

The main Admin is in Harvey which is 45kms from Australind. There is a suboffice in Australind which is only a five minute walk away.

Guess where I'm working?......Yep, Harvey

Ah well I can't grumble: Iam charging them from the time I leave home until the time I return!!

I will be back on tomorrow morning



SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 01:00

Bye, Allan. See you when you get back.

Sue xx


Sydneybloke Report 19 Aug 2009 02:36

Bye Allan, I once had a job that involved a 50 km drive each way. I gave it up for a 30 km one.
Just at the moment I have to travel via a site that is only 10-15 minutes from home, then I get to drive onto the M5 parking lot (Sydney joke). Getting through the parking lot can take 15 minutes, then it's a 10 minute run through the M5 East tunnel to work.
However it is a work utility so thay pay all the costs and they pay me for sitting in the queue to join the traffic.
I only recently found out what lol means. In my day it was little old lady, and I don't know any of those.
Have a nice afternoon Sue, Berona, Susan and any I've missed, and a good day Linda, Tec and all our many friends from North of the equator.
Do we have any New Zealanders on this thread yet? xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Aug 2009 09:10

Good day from the frozen north, although to be fair the sun is shining, well sort of.

You may have noticed spring Sue, but we were just saying last night, how dark it is much earlier in the evening, a sure sign of autumn. During the summer we don't bother closing the curtains in the downstairs rooms, because no one can see in, but come the winter,I rush round closing them to conserve the heat, even though the windows are double glazed.It makes it seem much cosier in any case,with all the lamps on. Still hopefully autumn is not here just yet, as it is only the middle of August and is supposed to be high summer.

Today being Wednesday, I get to spend it with my mother.An added task today is to change her library books. Even though her eyes are very bad,she can still read the large print books.She goes to bed very early because she is so tired, but sits and reads until about 11pm when she beds down. That means she gets through an awful lot of books. I keep trying to slip in "better" books, but she is having none of it. The trouble is the library has a limited selection of large prints and she has read just about everything which is suitable. Thank goodness they have a swap every three months with the other libraries, so I get a fresh choice


SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 10:17

Good morning/evening everyone:)))

Colin the M5 is a horrible road as is Cowpasture Road, Northern Road and the old Putty Road to Singleton. We don't have any New Zealanders as yet but there is one who comes on the board on occasion - my friend Tania. I'll talk her into joining us - we'll be the new United Nations:))

Linda I hope you have a good day with your Mum. Actually my daughter took my mum out to lunch today. She gives her a pedicure and manicure and then they go out for lunch and a little shopping every second Wednesday. Sometimes I join them but mostly I leave them to it. They enjoy each other's company and my daughter takes mum to pick the children up from nursery which she enjoys as the children get very excited.

I hope our Pommie friends have a good day and our Aussie mates enjoy the rest of the evening.

Sue xx


Susan10146857 Report 19 Aug 2009 11:07

G'day and all that

Michelle ( from the land of the long clouds ) is from NZ. Not sure if she has seen this thread yet.



SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 12:01

Well if you see Michelle then you must send her over here, Miss Susanwithnumbers:)) Hope you're well.

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 19 Aug 2009 20:31

Hi everyone........

Today has been a strange day weatherwise. Not a sign of the sun, dull and overcast, but a very warm wind off the sea. The sea was rough with a huge swell. I just love to be on the beach in the winter when there's a raging gale off the Irish Sea - very invigorating. There seemed to have been an enormous amout of swallows gathering on the wires. Surely they are not migrating already.
My four legged companion - my black lab - has been having trouble with his ear, and has been seeing the vet regularly. The vet said that if things were not improved this week, then he would have to have surgery. However, he saw the vet today, and the problem has cleared up. So I am delighted about that. My dog is very important to me, and at my side constantly. He does give me some very strange looks at times, and I'm sure he thinks I'm insane.
I do not expect any comments about my last remark from either SueMaid, or Linda thank you. Mrs Tec has said it all before.
This evening "Who Do You Think You Are" is on TV, and is usually quite interesting. Do our Aussie friends get that on TV ?
Well it's after dinner now, and as usual I will be found in the kitchen washing up the dishes - I suggested buying a dishwasher, but she who knows best declined - so I am the dishwasher!
Who was it said it's a mans world ?



Diane Report 19 Aug 2009 20:43

Hi Tec
Mrs Tec's got you well trained hun, good on her, I take it you are form the welsh area, I myself was born in wales but now live in the North West. Been quite nice here today and is still pretty warm.

Hi SueMaid
hope you are well today, I know your not on till later but thought I'd say hi now in case I'm not around when you arrive hun.

Hi Allan
same goe's for you hun as for SueMaid.

Diane x


Tecwyn Report 19 Aug 2009 21:10

Hi Diane,
Yes - I suppose I am well trained - Mrs Tec uses a whip and a chair, you know, like the they do in the circus, with the big cats lol.
I live in Gwynedd - the old county of Merionethshire. Lots of tourists around at the moment.
Take care


SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 21:28

Good morning/evening - I'm up early today:))

Hi Diane - nice to see you.

Tec, I've said it before but the area you live in sounds beautiful. One day I may pay you and Mrs Tec a surprise visit:)) I'm glad your dog is well again. We have a little Maltese terrier who is now getting on a bit. She's showing signs of arthritis and her eyes are getting cloudy. The vet said she's in good health but I worry. We had the most beautiful border collie. Just before she turned 15 her back legs gave way. She looked so distressed and confused that we took her to the vet. She told us that there was nothing we could do and Missy's eyes told her this wasn't what she wanted so we reluctantly said good-bye. It was unbearably sad but we stayed with her to the end. Although the family was grown they were also distressed but we all agreed that it would've been cruel to keep her going.

The weather is shaping up to be another lovely day. It is unseasonably warm but there is that feeling that it can't last as it's still winter. I've noticed that some of the garden plants are blooming a little early and that the little lizards we have in the yard are poking their heads up in the sun. We're also hearing the squawking of new fledglings wanting to be fed. We should have cold windy and wet days but they are hopefully going to by-pass us this winter. The worry of course is the bush-fire season is coming up fast. The last thing we need is a repeat of last year.

I hope you all have a great day Aussies and to our Pommie friends - enjoy the rest of your evening.

Sue xx


Diane Report 19 Aug 2009 21:53

Hi SueMaid, Hi Tec
It doesn't seem 5mins since you had summer Sue and all the bush fire's, I was looking forward to are summer and here we are nearly at the end of our summer and your winter lol
I fully understand what it's like to lose a belovered dog ,I had to say goobye to 2 of mine within a space of 2yrs. The first one I lost was 17yrs old and my daughter and myself were with her and held her as she went to sleep, the second was 12yrs old and I couldn't go through with being there as I'd already said goodbye twice to him, once before his op and then again when I had to take him back after as he couldn't get up and walk because of arthritise in his back legs, I just couldn't face saying goodbye a 3rd time.

On a brighter note, the weather here has been lovely today, I hope it's nice next week as I'm off to the Isle- of man with my employer and his mother, I am his carer and they are going there for his brother's wedding and I have to go with them as his mother is 75yrs old and cannot manage him on her own.

Diane x


SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 22:01

Hi Diane. My OH is a volunteer driver and he often takes people and their carers on day trips. I'm going with him next week to a garden show although not as a carer. I just hitched a ride on the bus because there was a spare seat:)) He also drives people to doctor's appointments and to various hospitals for treatment. Do you find your work interesting?

Sue xx


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 22:24

Hi SueMaid, Diane, Linda and Tec

What a great day at work yesterday. I mentioned on Tuesday that the heavens opened, torrential rain for about 30 mins.

Well in Harvey it lasted for about 90 minutes and knocked out all the phone systems, so that instead of the usual flurry of queries via phone, I was able to concentrate on what I was being paid to do.

On the downside, the manager of one of the local supermarkets was in tizz as he only had a dial up Internet connection so he couldn't place an order with his suppliers for delivery today (Thursday). His next earliest delivery will be Monday.

Don't you just love Mother Nature...definitively female; very fickle




*~~*Posh*~~* Report 19 Aug 2009 22:29

Popping in to say Goodnight to you all, I hope you have had a good Day/Night.
It has been warm here today for a change, so I took myself off to Town to pay some bills and pick up a bit of Shopping....Nothing of great interest. That sums me up really....Nothing of great interest... Lolol
Sweet dreams everyone xxxx


Diane Report 19 Aug 2009 22:32

Interesting in the way other people approach disabled people and treat them sometime's, but I don't think you ment interesting in that way.
I only work with one family and have learnt alot about disabled people being with him and his family. He is physically and mentally disabled, he is unable to talk but he is able to let you know in his own way what he want's. He can't do anything for himself so he has to be fed as well as all other care done for him, he can walk but doe's so on his toe's mainly. He is 43yrs old but he is the size of a 12yr old. The job is interesting in that I have learnt so much more and understand more about their world. It's a hard job physically and can be very stressful especially when I have to work 7dys a week for 12wks and then I have 1wk off when he goe's into restbite to give his mum a rest.

Diane x


Allan Report 19 Aug 2009 22:36

Hi Posh

It's nice to see you here...and don't put yourself down.

I'm sure that you are a very interesting person.



SueMaid Report 19 Aug 2009 22:37

Hi, Posh and Allan. I'll slap you Posh for putting yourself down....nothing of great interest indeed.

Mother Nature is indeed fickle but very clever. Just when we think we have conquered all she lets us know she's still in charge. Very much a woman:)) I remember my mum saying years ago that she didn't like all "this women's lib. business" because she said they gave away too many secrets. She said women had perfected the art of letting men think they were in charge. Then along came a group of women who would very likely blow that idea out of the water. It didn't though because men liked it that way so they chose to ignore the obvious:))

Sue xx


Diane Report 19 Aug 2009 22:43

Posh don't do that
your as good as the next person hun
Were all interesting in our own way as we are all individual's

Take care
Diane x