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For Aussies......and friends

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Allan Report 4 Aug 2009 23:27

Goodnight SS

Hi Tec: Iam tired after the travelling but what a fantastic time of the year. After all the rain, the rgion I visited is a most vivid grrn with all the new growth in the paddocks. Canola is a major crop in the area so in a few more months the paddocks will be a bright yellow as far as the eye can see.

Also have to pass through a major sheep rearing area and all the lambs are gambolling away. I don't know how something as cute and cuddly as a lamb can grow into something as stupid as a sheep!

Enjoy your change of scenery, and no doubt, pace of life



Janetx Report 4 Aug 2009 23:34

Hi all..

Has been a couple of really busy days for me this week...Have the morning to myself to catch up!!

Sandie you were lucky to have known your grandparents. I did not know my grandparents as we left the UK when I was a baby. Always wondered what it would be like to have them around but that was not to be. I have been given some jewellery from my parents that belonged to my grandparents and that is very special.

Tec.. your post did make me laugh !! Hope all goes well with your house swap.

Good to see you Allan and hope all went well with your trip.

Have a fabulous Day/ night all...````````````to those looking in .



SueMaid Report 4 Aug 2009 23:39

Hi Tec and $$. We'll miss you Tec and your interesting posts but you'll have lots to tell us when you get back - enjoy yourselves:)

$andie - you are lucky to have so much to remind you of your parents and grandparents. As we came to Australia when I was very young we have nothing really that belonged to anyone. My mother, to our dismay, threw out a good deal of my father's stuff when he passed away. I think it was her way of dealing with her grief but I had to ask her to box his things so we could look through them. She's always been like this - replacing the old stuff with new things and there is very little in her home that I would keep as they have no memories attached.

Sue xx

Hi, Janet didn't see you there:)


Allan Report 4 Aug 2009 23:45

Hi Janet, most of the trip was good but on the way out, thick fog from Collie to Kojonup. 150 kms of the stuff. Fortunately, the roads are fairly quiet until the Albany Highway just outside Kojonup. A case of Take a chance, turn right, and if there is no sound of screeching brakes or the squeeling of metal, then the road was clear!



Tecwyn Report 4 Aug 2009 23:58

Hi to $andie - Janet and Sue.

I am not looking forward to the driving back in civilisation. I have become so used to empty roads - no traffic lights - no roundabouts etc.
It will seem very odd to have cars in front of me and behind me.


Anyway assuming I survive the stress and trauma of all that, I look forward to catching up with you all on my return.
I really feel as though I've made a new circle of friends here, and look forward to reading your posts every day.

So have a great day my friends wherever you are,
and a good night to those up here.

Bye for now


Allan Report 5 Aug 2009 00:01

'Bye, Tec, enjoy the change




Carolee Report 5 Aug 2009 00:58

Good morning /evening to all

Its a nice cool, sunny day here down south.

Talking about things that were passed down.
My Grandfather when he was younger, made furniture. My parent's were given a side table that he had made, which was given to my younger brother. When he married, his new wife, without asking threw it into the rubbish skip.
So sad, my dear mother still asks me have I seen it, I haven't the heart to tell her what actually happened to it.:(((((

When I was born, the Mayor of Huddersfield presented me with a silver spoon, I was the first child to be born on Christmas day! It's fully engraved and I cherish it. So I will pass that down to my children.

Tec... Enjoy your escape to the big smoke, we will miss your posts.

Allan... Thank-you for your history on Albany, Hope I can visit one of these days!!!!

Sue... Happy Birthday for your twin Grand children, 3 is a great age!!
It's my Nephew's 21st Birthday on Friday, we are going out to a nice old pub to celebrate with family! I am looking forward to catching up with them all:))

Hi also to Linda, Sandie and Janet:))

Have a great day all :))))

Carole xx


Berona Report 5 Aug 2009 00:59

Hello all. Apologies for not saying 'good morning/night' earlier, but I have been caught up on other threads - sometimes adding my little bit.

Wish I was changing places with you, Tec. Anything is better than Suburbia! I live neither in the city, where something is going on everywhere all the time - nor in the country, where peace reigns! Hope you enjoy the change.


SueMaid Report 5 Aug 2009 10:06

Good morning or evening all:))

We've just returned from visiting our grandchildren as our twins turned 3 today. We gave our grandson a guitar and he was so excited - "look Mummy - a titar". We gave our little girl a broom and mop set because she's always wanting to help Mummy around the house. Well, the little fellow played with the housekeeping set and our grandaughter played with the "titar". They also got a garage with cars and parking station but the box was the favourite bit:)) We thought their big brother may be a little put out but he was so excited and sang Happy Birthday with such enthusiasm - as did the twins:)

The weather has been lovely today so we spent some time in the garden just pottering. There's not a lot to do at this time of year - I can't wait for spring when everything comes to life.

What will we do without Tec over the next few days - he is so interesting and I really enjoy the conversations between him and Allan. I'm sure Tec will have so good stories to tell us when he gets back.

I've had a couple of PM's from people saying how much they enjoy reading this thread - well I know I do.

Enjoy your day Brits - and your evening, Aussies.

Sue xx


Bobtanian Report 5 Aug 2009 11:41

Pheww!! I could'nt find this thread, thought it had met its demise.......

got this in a nemail today fort u mite like to have a gander

The Australian Medical Association has weighed in on the Kevin
Rudd's Proposed Health Care changes --

The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists
advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but
the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.

The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a

Ophthalmologist considered the idea shortsighted.

Pathologists yelled "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians
said, 'Oh, grow up!'

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the
Radiologists could see right through it.

Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the
Plastic Surgeons said, "This puts a whole new face on the

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists
were pissed off at the whole idea.

The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and the
Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire
decision up to the assholes in Canberra!


Alison Report 5 Aug 2009 11:54

Very good Bob!!

Yes, SueMaid, this is a lovely thread and that would be because we're Aussies!!! *puffs chest up with pride*

Love the "titar" by the way. So cute!!

Hope everyone is well. I had a beaut day yesteday, received the probate packages I ordered of my g g grandparents. Had a giggle, as my g g grandfather specifically requested that his bullocks and dray be given to one of his 2 younger sons, whoever was "the more deserving"!! Hope the bullocks lived long enough to be inherited!!

Have finished my wine, so might go and have a shower and do some more family history reading. Good night all and have a pleasant night/day.

Stay beautiful!!!


Berona Report 5 Aug 2009 12:06

I'll bet you had a lovely day with the little ones, Sue. Hasn't the weather been great? Looks like it might end after tomorrow though. Wind is forecast for Friday and Saturday - and it's AUGUST! Oh well, we can be thankful for what we have had, I suppose.

How nice to be able to read your ancestors wishes, Alison. I sent an email to Durham Records Office earlier in the year, to see if they could help me with mine. In April, I had a reply stating that it would cost 25 pounds for a search, so I answered immediately and gave them the 'go ahead'. A couple of weeks ago, I emailed again (very politely) asking if they actually received my earlier email, but no answer to date! Don't know if they are snowed under with work or if my kind of request goes to the bottom of the pile - but I'm still waiting.


Sydneybloke Report 5 Aug 2009 12:16

Now Bob with the GPS reference, no politics on this board.
Seriously, though, if you look at the left side of the page, below the boards summary, you will see a little box with a link called "My threads". Clicking on this should bring up For Aussies only ....... It is pretty active.
Time for bed. I know it's a bit early, but I have an early start. Colin.


Alison Report 5 Aug 2009 12:20

Hope you get an answer soon, Berona. It can be so frustrating, waiting. Don't these people realise we want these things yesterday?!! I only had to wait for mine to come from NSW. That Archives Investigator is a great site. I also got a lot of good stuff from the University of New England. I got Wills belonging to another set of g g grandparents from the Uni's Heritage Centre. They also sent newspaper clippings of the reporting of my g g grand-dad having his silver watch stolen by a "bushranger." I was thrilled to be able to send all of this info to the lady who has done most of the work on our shared ancestors and has shared it all with me. I felt like I had returned the favour - somewhat!


SueMaid Report 5 Aug 2009 13:40

Hello, everyone:))

It's still here, Bob - hopefully for a long while yet. I love your post - very funny:)))

How exciting Alison - some interesting reading there I should think. My friend Uggers helped me with some research from the Criminal Register on Ancestry. Looks like one family were rogues. My 3 x great grandfather up for larceny although he was aquitted. Two other rellies transported. One stupidly aquitted on her first offence, gaoled on the second and transported on the third. Still - not such a bad punishment being sent to Australia:)))

Berona, the weather has been wonderful but as you say it won't last much longer. I hate the wind.

See you all later.

Sue xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 5 Aug 2009 20:29

Good evening everyone.
I have been missing because my mouse suddenly died, the computer type that is. It is one of the cordless rechargeable type and had been playing up all day,then it turned it's little clogs skywards and gave up the ghost. I had to get some new rechargeable batteries and leave them to charge up. In the meantime I intended to use an old mouse, but of course it would seem that son and heir took it with him when he moved out.

I hope that Tec is enjoying his time in the city, I am going away tomorrow for a couple of days as well. I cut lots of coupons out of the paper and got some very cheap rail tickets, so we are going to Berwick upon Tweed, which is on the beautiful Northumbrian coast. Of course I have had to pay for two nights in a hotel, so maybe it won't be such a cheap deal at all.

Sue, if you have found the details of the court cases, the ymay well have been reported in the local paper, or in The Times on line. If you don't have access to the gale newspapers, or Times Digital archive, I do. Send me the details and I will look for them. I answered a look up request for the criminal registers for someone the other day and then I found th newspaper cutting which gave the full details of the trial.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 5 Aug 2009 21:11

Hi all ~~~~~
As usual Bob, love your jokes:) ~~~
Is Tec gone to the Big smoke !!.. he says 'country mouse goes to town' could be any big city for us country folk .lol
Linda ~~~
it is pain when your key board or mouse goes nuts on you , but hubby builds puters so always has spares, I just have to ask my son to put then on for me !
Hope this gets thro as I am having probs at the moment can only get into some threads !


SueMaid Report 5 Aug 2009 22:38

Good morning/evening all.

I never thought of that Linda - newspaper reports that is. Thanks I'll send you the details. I hope you enjoy your time away. We love Berwick on Tweed. My OH and brother went out at dawn to take some photos of the sunrise over the water. We had a walk along an embankment which had some historical importance that I can't think of at the moment. Mum and I peeked into some gardens along the way and had my OH take photos of plants in pots and garden ornaments. An old man saw us and waved us over to show us some of his fuchias that were growing so beautifully and made us so jealous. We do grow them here but they have to be mollycoddled because of the heat - I never have much success.

The day is a little overcast but shaping up to being another nice day. Shopping is the order of the day today. Mundane things like food.

Hope you all have a good day and evening.

Sue xx


Allan Report 5 Aug 2009 22:49

Good evening/morning to all Aussies and Brits and anyone else who may be present,

Bob, loved your post.

Suemaid, it sounds like you had a great day with your grandchildren. Happy birthday to them from WA. At the moment my OH and myself only have great nieces and nephews.

Good morning, Berona, Colin, Alison, and SS

Hi, Linda you have just made the green eyed monster appear within me. I have fond memories of Berwick, a very nice place.

regards to you all



SusanWA Report 6 Aug 2009 00:48

Hello all, Just passing through quickly (on the way to the shower actually) as I have the plumber coming again, for the third time this week, to repair yet another leak in the water pipes, and I knowthe water will be turned off for a few hours again. Have filled up buckets and jugs etc, but you dont realise how much water you go through in a day.

Will drop in later this evening when all is quiet here,
