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For Aussies......and friends

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LindainHerriotCountry Report 6 Aug 2009 09:01

I hope your plumber turns up Susan, they are like gold dust here, you have to book them ages in advance and once you find a good one hold onto him.

One I won't be having back is the nice young Aussie one. He said that he had come over here to play semi pro cricket (I remember seeing an article about him in the paper), then met a young lady,so had stayed. We needed him because OH had put a new radiator in the bathroom and the water pipe coming up through the floor wasn't quite in the right place to join onto the new radiator. He altered the pipe, soldered it, or whatever it is they do and connected it to the radiator. Unfortunately when he turned the water on, his joint failed and water was shooting out all over the place. Most of it went down through the floor and ruined the ceiling in the room underneath, which OH had just decorated.

Berona I noticed that you said some of your ancestors came from Berwick, that is where we are going for a couple of night,but we are not going until lunchtime. Allan, your fond memories of Berwick sounds so romantic, but that is just a woman's view, you probably enjoyed a hard drinking rugby tour there, or something equally manly

Sue If you send the trial details, I will see what I can do, it depends on which area of the country they came from, but you might get lucky.


Berona Report 6 Aug 2009 09:05

Just found myself feeling very teary when I read that Sam, the Koala bear who was featured with a Fire Fighter during the February fies, has been put down to-day.

She was suffering from a life-threatening illness which is common to koalas, and which was inoperable. The vets said there was no way they would be able to manage her pain, so she was put to sleep.

She epitomised so much during those fires, it's sad to think that she survived them, only to suffer from a natural disease. She will be remembered by many.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 6 Aug 2009 09:29

that is sad Berona. I remember the poor little thing as well. The pictures were shown all around the world


SueMaid Report 6 Aug 2009 09:59

Hello all - hope you are all well.

Susan I hope your plumber has sorted out your problem - some tradespeople seem to be able to pick and choose who they do work for these days. We've gathered the names of tradesmen who we know we can rely on and we hang onto them:))

Weather's been changeable today - one minute the sun's shining next it's dull but I don't care because we've had lovely news today. Our son in Hobart rang me to tell me that he and his partner are now engaged. His fiancee has two gorgeous little girls so our family has just expanded:))

Sue xx

Edit - sorry Berona - I didn't see your post. Yes it is sad but better that she's no longer in pain. She's a very famous little koala.



Janetx Report 6 Aug 2009 10:00

Good Afternoon/Morning..

Just a quick helllooooooo its my day off today and it has not really felt like it...Busy, busy.

Hope you have all had a great day so far..Berona that is sad to hear about Sam.
Off to read the paper then have some homework to do...A presentation on hazardous substances and the environment....ughhhh.

Enjoy the rest of your day !!!!!



Janetx Report 6 Aug 2009 10:02

Congratulations to your son and his fiancee Sue....lovely news for your family...



Berona Report 6 Aug 2009 11:41

It's good to know when the young ones make up their minds about settling down, isn't it? Best wishes to your son and his fiance, Sue.

Just wait until you try putting this on your GR tree! I have a son whose partner was divorced and had a daughter. She now has a son with my son.
When I try to show this on my tree, GR puts the male on the left hand side of the female (on the screen), It comes out that my son is in the first box, with his son in the box below it - then the ex-husband in a box - then the wife, with daughter in the box below - making the ex hubby look like the 'mother' of my grandson! I tried leaving out the ex, but unless I put the wife's former married name, it makes us look at the stepdaughter and wonder "where did she come from?" Anyone know how to get around this?"


Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 12:18

Hi, Janet, SueMaid, Berona, Linda,

SueMaid, congrats to your son and his fiancee,

Berona, I was also upset when I heard about Sam

It's also nice to post on a thread where you don't get growled at for posting something humorous...and completely inoffensive. SueMaid has the details




SueMaid Report 6 Aug 2009 12:27

Thanks for your good wishes:)) We're so happy to see our son happy again - he had his heart broken and it took him awhile to meet someone else. His fiancee is a lovely girl - she must be because she's put the smile back in his eyes. His little boy gets on really well with her daughters so it's all looking good. The only funny thing is for some reason our grandson doesn't like the girls calling my daughter "auntie" - he insists that she is HIS auntie yet is quite happy with them calling us grandma and grandad.

Berona I have an offline family tree program that allows for step-children and former partners to be added. More than one partner can be added without attaching them to the other partners children - if that makes sense. It also allows me to attach a partner whilst stating that they arent married if I want to. I don't have many people on my GR tree - just enough to make contact with other people through my direct lines.

Sue xx

Edit - yes Allan that was unfortunate. There was really no need for Rita to have a go at you but never mind - we know you've got a crazy sense of humour:))


Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 12:43

Hi SueMaid,

Actually, Rita responded to say that she wasn't having a go at me so all's well...until the next time my humour gets the better of me.

I may even c&p my infamous life profile that I wrote before I finished work.

I was asked to write about my work and career. I've never been much good at that, preferring to beaver away in the background rather than blowing my own trumpet.

I sent the CEO a very sarcastic profile, which, needless to say was returned promptly with a terse instruction to do a real one.

Yeh, sure...guess which one got read out at my leaving do...the sarcastic one: together with a policy which I had written about developing policies and I had totally forgotten about. The b*st*rds



SueMaid Report 6 Aug 2009 12:49

Allan, I noticed. Perhaps we get a little touchy at times - after all we can't see facial expressions or read body language so we aren't always aware of the real meanings behind what people write.

I would love to read your "profile". Come on give us a laugh - unless of course it contains something that may get this thread deleted :))

Sue xx


Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 12:56

OK but it may take a couple of posts


Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 13:04

I was born at an early age, in a village just outside Wedlock. The actual name of the village was Much Fumbling in the Meadows. This quaint name was derived from the tradition, still carried on today, of all the young men and women going to the fields of a balmy summer’s Friday or Saturday evening to sow their wild oats. This would then be followed by a near perfect attendance at church on Sundays with everyone praying fervently for a total crop failure.

Indeed, it was from this tradition that the original Maiden’s Prayer was written:

“Oh gracious Mother we believe that without Sin you didst conceive.
Teach us maidens then, thus believing, how we may sin without conceiving”

My childhood was the same as every other child’s of a similar age, and I can still remember rationing and food coupons. I admit that this was an unusual diet but times were hard

A famous Prime Minister once coined the phrase, “Every child a wanted child” and this was particularly true in my case, usually by the Police and assorted shopkeepers who wanted in depth discussions with me regarding broken windows.

It was about this time that my parents began moving around the district, but I usually managed to find them. Indeed, on these occasions my mother was extremely grateful for she would burst into tears and loudly exclaim “Oh God! He’s found us again.”

As for my education, this was undertaken at the school of Hard Knocks from which I graduated to the University of Life. Unfortunately, I was expelled from here three days later after having been caught cheating in my exams!

In my late teens, I joined the Army Reserve. My total service was fourteen years and I rose to the dizzying heights of WO2 (Warrant Officer 2nd Class). I also received my Efficiency Medal. This was issued after 10 years service and was regarded somewhat cynically as the Government’s way of saying: “Congratulations. As a soldier, after 10 years service, you must have done SOMETHING against either Queen’s Regulations or the Laws of the Land but we haven’t been able to discover what. That deserves a medal”

By the way, if anyone is interested in purchasing a fully equipped Armoured Personnel Carrier, circa 1975 vintage, I may just know where one is being kept.

During this time I also found time to qualify as a Health Inspector, marry and have two children, not necessarily in that order.

And then, in 1982, we heeded the siren call of Australia, in particular of Western Australia.

We caught up with my brother, who I had not seen since 1966, and also my father, who had been here since 1973. This family reunion had such a profound effect on me that I immediately found myself a position in the middle
of nowhere.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Edited to say only the one post..Allan


Janetx Report 6 Aug 2009 13:46

Nite, nite aussies...I am exhausted my eyes are closing and its only 8.40

hope the day is great for you all...

ttfn xxx


SusanWA Report 6 Aug 2009 15:24

Congratulations to your son and his fiancee, Sue. Hope they will be very happy together. Any wedding date mentioned yet?

Sorry, Allan, that your post ended on a bit of a down note. It was going along really well, then... Never wouldhave taken the meaning that way.
Liked your 'profile' too. Bet that got a few laughs when you left work!

By now, Janet, you are probably asleep and having pleasant dreams - not ones with hazardous substances in them I hope!

Hope you got your treematters sorted out, Berona. I thought I would delete the names of my living family today and substitute "living" No success. Does anyone know how to do this?
My plumbing problems are not over - just went outside to turn the water back on after 10 hours, waiting for the glue to dry on the join in the pipes, and it is still leaking!! Think I will have to go to the hardware store and buy something to do the job myself tomorrow...just leftthe room for a little scream........

The weekend is coming up, hope you all have a good one. Bye bye.


Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 22:54

G'day all,

Hi Susan, I do have a 'sharp' sense fo humour and can see a funny side to most situations. I used to be a senior manager in local government and had to attend many meetings with people who were full of their own importance. After about half an hour in such a meeting I just had to seize on something humorous for my own sanity. I think that the only reason I wasn't fired is that deep down everyone else thought the same. Either that, or I was considered the last of the court jesters.




Janetx Report 6 Aug 2009 23:29

Good Morning to you and Good evening to you

Hello everyone looking in.. Out like a light last night and slept like a log.

Susan I do hope that you are able to get your plumbing problems sorted today.
Allan didnt get to read your post but have posted myself to have something said to me and then I have to take a back seat as it were. Its like any site we are all typing away and when people do not know the typist and their ways they can quickly take it the wrong way.. Texting is the same.

Have a great day and sleep well...xx


Janetx Report 6 Aug 2009 23:31

Sorry folks, post went weird...jumping around...sorry again.



Allan Report 6 Aug 2009 23:36

Thanks, Janet

I was a bit bored trying to do two asignments from a course I was on recently (due in today and still not quite finished...will have to complete, scan and whizz them off by email) so I just posted a bit of a thought!

Actually it all sorted itself out so all's well that ends well....or Much Ado About Nothing. Now that would make a great title for a play!




SueMaid Report 7 Aug 2009 00:04

Hello everyone:)) Hope all is well.

Allan your profile is hilarious - bet that raised some laughs as well as eyebrows at your send-off:))

Susan I do hope your plumbing problems are sorted today - especially with the weekend coming up. You must be tearing your hair out.

The weather isn't looking too bad here but apparently we are to return to winter by the weekend. We have a quiet weekend coming up as my daughter and grandchildren are going up to the Gold Coast in Queensland for a few days. As they usually come over on Saturday afternoon we won't know what to do with ourselves:)) It'll be even quieter as our son will be housesitting so it will only be us two oldies. He's even going to take his washing with him. So no noise, washing and only meals for two and the computer to myself. Sounds dreadful doesn't it....not:))

Enjoy your day Aussies and the rest of the evening, Brits.

Sue xx