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For Aussies......and friends

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Alison Report 9 Aug 2009 10:11

Hi Alison,

Must be something about our names - I also don't have credit card but do have a visa debit card. Just as good but no interest charges. i use it for quite few things now.

Berona am I right in assuming you were saying that we can order UK certificates through the GRO in the UK? I tried to look into this but it seemed like I couldn't do it and have been using a transcription service instead. I am almost done with my UK certificates (I think) and have probably paid too much. Oh well, live and learn.



Janetx Report 9 Aug 2009 10:17


Alison... I have ordered and received certificates through GRO online with my credit card...

Carolee and Alison...have heard of the debit card recently, probaly a safer way to go and reduces the chance of over spending..



SueMaid Report 9 Aug 2009 10:21

Hello people - this is the site I order my certificates. They charge 7 pounds and that includes postage. You register first and you give a user name and password which makes every transaction easier after the initial one. I use a Visa debit card. It's very efficient and I've personally never had problems.

Sue xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 9 Aug 2009 11:26

Good morning all.
I am back after my sojourn to Berwick. I love the Northumbrian coast, the sands are so nice and there are lots of castles etc. I have visited lots of it over the years, but we usually take the car because it is so remote.
I haven't been to Berwick before, probably as it is tucked away in a corner and easy to bypass on the way to Edinburgh. This time we went by train and once we got past Newcastle, the journey up the coast was really nice.
I was very impressed by Berwick, surrounded by it's Elizabethan town walls. We took a guided tour around the walls, which lasted about an hour and a half, well worth doing because of the huge amount of information which the guide imparted.We also visited the barracks with all the museums inside. For once the weather was glorious, so we were able to walk around the coast and spend time sitting admiring the views, instead of having to keep walking because of the chilly breeze.
I researched the hotels on the Trip Advisor website and the one we chose lived up to it's write ups,so I must remember to send in my own review.

The weather here is glorious today,so I shall potter about in the garden while I can, as the forecast for the rest of the week doesn't sound too hopeful.

Sue I sent you a couple of marriages for your convict lady, she seemed to have bumped off husband number one fairly quickly,although it seemed odd that she remarried in her maiden name, or maybe she didn't as those results were from the convict permissions to marry. She should appear on the ordinary NSW site


SueMaid Report 9 Aug 2009 13:01

Linda, I don't know how you do it! Well done - to be honest I wouldn't know where to start with some of the records. Colin has been most helpful in giving me some websites. I take it that permission to marry didn't necessarily mean she did marry.

I'm glad you had a good time in Berwick. You're right - the Northumbrian coast is lovely. A few years ago we went to Lindisfarne and we found that to be an interesting trip. Isn't it funny. We've been to Berwick a few times and you've never been. My parents always said they saw more of Britain on their trips back than when they lived there.

Enjoy your day in the garden and thanks once again for your help.

Sue xx


Berona Report 9 Aug 2009 13:27

Sorry about just getting back to you Carolee, but it seems that the others have answered your questions. Yes, I'm sure I got my last certificate from the GRO, although it was about four years ago. I was shocked to get the phone call about my number not going through, but it went through OK when she tried it again. Don't know why she didn't give it a second try before making the phone call!


Allan Report 9 Aug 2009 22:31

Good morning/evening all

Janet, if you mean Denmark in WA it is a beautiful spot. I've been there a couple of times for meetings. it is about 60kms from Albany, and depending on the way you go/return, the Stirlings and Porongorups are also worth a visit as is Pemberton.

If, however, you mean Denmark, Scandinavia....sorry I can't help. Closest I ever got was carrying out inspections of the regulartrading vessels when I was doing port health work at Grimsby in the UK

Another cold front moving in... rain forecast for the next few days

Hope evryone's week end went well




SueMaid Report 9 Aug 2009 22:50

Good morning Aussies good evening Poms.

Allan I had a really nice weekend thanks. This week looks like being busy and a little confusing. I may have to do jury duty but won't know until 5 pm when I need to ring up and see if I'm required. As I have commitments for Tuesday and Wednesday I can see me phoning up at the last minute and saying "sorry...can't do it". No dramas just annoying.

The weather goes from sunny and warm to cold and cloudy then back again - all in one day. Last night was very cold and it's chilly this morning.

Hope everyone has a great day and you Poms enjoy the rest of the evening.

Sue xx


Allan Report 9 Aug 2009 22:58

Hi SueMaid,

If called on for Jury duty over here you have to attend the Court every day unless told otherwise on the first day! Can only get exempted on certain grounds

I was called last year and was moaning about it to my GP during my six-monthly check-up. She asked whether I wanted to do it and I said no. She gave me a medical certificate to have me exempted as "the stress would be detrimental to an underlying medical problem" She also bulk-bills me so it was a double bonus!

Ironically, I have now been called for Jury Service 6 times, and my daughter 3 times.

Neither my OH nor my son have ever been called.

Go figure!!


SueMaid Report 9 Aug 2009 23:22

Allan, this is the 2nd time this year. My OH hasn't been called for about 5 years. Over here you get a letter with about 6 weeks notice. You are in a panel i.e. panel A, panel B etc. Then the night before you ring a number and a recorded message tells you whether you are required or not. This time the message told me that my panel had been deferred and I needed to ring tonight to see if I'm required on Tuesday. I've never actually made it to the court house!

Sue xx


Allan Report 9 Aug 2009 23:31

SueMaid, here you have to go to the courthouse, then all the potential jurors are shown the same boring film about what the process is, how the jury for an actual case is chosen. I have never actually sat on a jury, but it is a waste of a Monday Morning....although you can claim loss of wages and there is a fixed payment for out of pocket expenses.

My daughter has had to sit as a juror on one of her calls


SueMaid Report 9 Aug 2009 23:35

I actually wouldn't mind Allan. I'd be interested in the process and in actually sitting in on a court case - providing it wasn't gory:) A friend once had to sit through a really nasty murder trial and we couldn't support her because we didn't know until after the trial that she had been a juror. It took her awhile to be able to sleep at night.

Sue xx


Berona Report 10 Aug 2009 00:24

Hi all. Better late than never.
I have been called to do jury service three times within three years. My phone calls said I was required so went along to do my duty. First time, sat around outside for an hour before being told the matter was settled out of court. Second time got into the courtroom but enough jurors accepted before they got to me - and third time actually got sworn in - then rejected by the accused's barrister.

That was nearly twenty years ago and I haven't heard from them since.


Allan Report 10 Aug 2009 00:34

Hi, Berona

I hope that your weekend went OK.

I have just filled out a proposal form to renew my Public Liability (PL)Insurance, and my Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance.

$10,000,000 PL insurance cover last year cost me $500.00
&1,000,000 PI insurance cover was $3,500.00

Heaven alone knows what it will cost this year. I am only giving the same advice as when I was employed. Not designing bridges or buildings, only making recommendations to Councils which they can accept or not!

Sorry about that...I feel better now


Carolee Report 10 Aug 2009 00:41

Good morning all

Thanks everyone for your advice on the GRO, very much appreciated;))

Ive only been called up for jury duty once. (long time ago)
We have to front up to court every day until dismissed.
I got to the selection process and was rejected by the apposing barrister. I was actually disappointed because I was curious to learn more about how our court system works.

Its a cold, wet day here today, I long for some warmer weather!!!

Have a great day all :))

Carole x


Janetx Report 10 Aug 2009 00:56

Hiya Everyone..

Thanks Allan for the info regarding Denmark..Far enough for us to be away and yet close enough to come home if needed..Now have to find accommodation which is proving to be difficult as they are booked so far in advance.

Have never been called up for jury Duty but OH has three times. Does anyone know the process in which they select people?

Enjoy your Monday !! Sleep Well !!


P.S does anyone have trouble with this site jumping around??


Allan Report 10 Aug 2009 01:04

Hi Janet

Web addy for the Denmark Tourist Group:

or just do a google search, but remember to put WA in the search otherwise you could be swanning off to t'other place




SusanWA Report 10 Aug 2009 03:44

Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend.

Thanks, Berona, for your instructions on how to show living members of my tree. All sorted out now.

Linda, glad to hear your trip to Berwick was enjoyable. Have used Trip Advisor myself to check out acommodation before booking, and found it pretty reliable. Nothing worse than arriving at a place and finding it does not match up to what they advertise.

Alan, do you remember all your jokes, or do you have one of those joke books to remind you? Think we have a couple around the house, maybe we can have a a "jokers duel", then again, maybe not! You'll probably win.

Had occasion to be clled up for jury duty earlier this year, and was looking forward to it, but my group were not needed ad the cases were adjourned.

Spent 13 years in Canberra working for the law courts preparing the transcripts of all the court and tribunal proceedings - Supreme court, petty sessions family court, arbitration tribunals and some High Court. Spent a lot of time, too, sitting in the courts recording the proceedings on tape, which was then passed to audio typists to type into a transcript..
I loved the job; it was so interesting.
Occasionally shorthand writers were used where there was no recording equipment installed at a hearing, and you had to type while the reporter read out their notes. Some of the girls used to type nearly 120 wpm. and that was on a manual typewriter!Now my typing is just so-so - have now acquired long fingernails and they get in the way! We were exempt from jury duty because of where we worked.


Janetx Report 10 Aug 2009 06:46

hi all

Thanks Allan for the website addy, will have a look.

Susan that would have been an interesting job to have and I too have the problem of long fingernails now to

Have a great Monday !!



LindainHerriotCountry Report 10 Aug 2009 09:28

Good morning all. After the lovely weekend, we are back to normal and it is raining!

Susan, Trip Advisor is very useful, but you do need to be careful because some hotel owners write their own good reviews, they are supposed to weed dodgy ones out. If there are plenty of reviews, you can usually spot a misplaced one.

I am feeling left out here because I have never been called for jury service, neither has OH and we are both fine upstanding citizens,well most of the time anyway!

I have an exciting day ahead - well not really. I have to go and collect the new cushions I have had made for the dining chairs, then make my weekly visit to the supermarket. As it is the school holidays,there will be lots of out of control children rampaging around. Then this afternoon, one of my voluntary stints in the Tourist Office, smiling and being oh so helpful at all times. I went on a long boring training course on how to be helpful,still I got a nice badge for sitting there all day.