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For Aussies......and friends

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SueMaid Report 10 Aug 2009 09:42

Hello to all our Aussie and Brit friends:)) Hope you are all well.

Well no jury duty for me. Just rang and the recorded message told me that I'm not required and have been discharged:)) Susan your old job sounds very interesting. I liked the old manual typewriters. I also used to like the old "cords and plugs" switchboards. I used to work one in the 70's that was old then. It was a big wooden and bakelite one. I had 5 outside lines and 12 extensions and I loved working it.

The weather has been cold and dull today. Winter is back:(

Linda - thanks again for your information. It's given my brother a tangent to work on. He's googled the convict ship my ancestor sailed on and found some interesting background stuff.

Hope you all have a good evening/day.

Sue xx


SueMaid Report 10 Aug 2009 09:49

Hi, Linda. I took a break from typing and in the meantime you posted:) The schoolkids here have just gone back after mid-year holidays and I know what you mean about shopping with loads of not so well-behaved children.

Sue xx


Berona Report 10 Aug 2009 10:02

I've been going back over this thread for a few pages and found that I neglected to answer a question which Alison asked of me. My apologies, Alison. Thankfully, your question was answered by others.


SueMaid Report 10 Aug 2009 22:31

Good morning Aussie friends and good evening Pommie friends. Someone told me that Pommie was a derogatory word but I write it with great affection and respect for our British friends:))))

It looks very dull outside but I won't be spending much time outdoors. I have a couple of meetings to go to and they will take up most of my day. If you are thinking that I seem to go to a lot of meetings you're right - at least 2 a week at times. Some I chair but others I sit and listen. They're the ones you learn the most from:)

I had a quick phone call from my daughter last night to tell me that the children are having a wonderful time on holiday. She said that she is so proud of them as they are behaving very well especially when they sit down to a meal in public. Like all children they have their moments but my daughter has done a great job with them considering she has 3 under 5 years and she's done most of it by herself.

Hope you all have a great day whatever you're doing and our Brit friends enjoy the rest of your evening.

Sue xx


Berona Report 10 Aug 2009 22:44

Good morning everyone. Yes, it's dull here with an expected top of 19, but I'll believe that if it happens.

The term "Pommie" (or Pommy) is an affectionate term, so don't take offence. Americans call them "Limies" (sp??). - Well, we call THEM Yanks - no difference.

I'm about to venture onto the board to see if any more threads have been whooshed. It seems that every time I submit a post, the whole thread disappears! This is the only one I feel safe on. Mind you, I don't think it is my post which causes the whoosh, but I'm beginning to think I'm a jinx!

Hope you all have a lovely day and hope the Pommies have had a lovely one too. Sleep well.


Allan Report 10 Aug 2009 22:52

Good morning/evening all

Susan, I used to be quite good at remembering jokes but I must admit to making the trip to the old joke books on the odd occasion, usually in the hope that they are so old no one will remember them!

SueMaid, glad your daughter and your g/kids are having a great holiday.

Berona, overcast here and I have just visited some other threads: I always seem to miss the action!

Regards to all



ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 10 Aug 2009 22:55

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to Allan :-)

Mad people are always welcome on my threads lol ;-)

*sticks flag in again*

Someone seems to have got rid of the other one and I know how much you liked it Sue ;-)



Allan Report 10 Aug 2009 23:07

G'day Cat,

I have to have my mad moments to compensate for my serious ones....hopefully nothing offensive during my nad ones!!




ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 10 Aug 2009 23:08

Not that I've seen Allan and I totally agree about mad moments lol


SueMaid Report 10 Aug 2009 23:19

Our Allan injects lots of humour on here, Cat - so I guess we'll keep him.:)) Please watch where you put that flag - we don't want any injuries:))

I'll be glad when Tec comes back. I really miss him - his posts are so interesting. Not that I'm saying no-one else is interesting:)

Berona I really don't think your posts have anything to do with the threads whooshing. When we were trawling through the market at Robertson on Sunday a man called my OH a limey - although in the friendliest way. He asked him where he hailed from and they had a long conversation about the different areas of the UK he had travelled.

Sue xx


Diane Report 11 Aug 2009 00:22

Hi again
Just popped in to say my turn this time SueMaid { TAKE OVER } LOL
Nite Nite hun x


SusanWA Report 11 Aug 2009 02:11

Hello all!

Another day, another visit by the plumber (groan...) No, the problem has not been fixed, yet. Told me last week the glue on the joins needed 24 hours to set, but I could probably turn the mains back on after 8hrs.
Waited 10, turned it on, one join dripping! This time it will be off for the full 24hrs. No more mention of plumbing, regardless of the outcome - promise!.

Have been following some of the other threads on the boards - some people are so clever with their posts, they really have a way with words , even if some of them only have four letters! Must try to find my list of abbreviations my son did for me, as I miss half of the message.

Janet, I have the problem with trying to post but not being abe to ssee whaat I'm typing - like now. Will have to roll it back to pick up all my typing errors. Maybe its a way of keeping me from waffling on to much. Is there any solution to this, or do I jusst have to live withit?

If anyone is interested in watching how the courts run, they can always visit their local courthouse and observe from the public gallery. . Some hearings could be in a closed court, but if you approach one of the court orderlies and tell them you would like to sit in the public gallery and watch the proceedings, somehing interesting like a trial, for instance, they might help you. If there is a high-profile case on it might be difficult to get a seat.


SusanWA Report 11 Aug 2009 02:18

Damn - got cut off before I could finish.Hope you all have a good day if you're an Aussie, and if you are a Pommie( yes, it is said with much affection) that you are having sweet dreams.



Carolee Report 11 Aug 2009 02:31

Good morning/night all:))

Its quite overcast here today, we've had some rain over the last 2 days.
I saw the weather forecast for the weekend and its going to be 20 degrees/Celsius both days" yippee"!!!

Welcome back Linda, Glad you enjoyed your break.

Whats with all the wooshing of threads anyway?
Although I saw one thread the other day which explained the meaning of a horrible four letter word which I found pointless.

I found a site on here somewhere yesterday which I found really interesting, It was the National Archives of Australia.
http:/ It hold lots of interesting information and photos if anyone is looking for Australian Army/Naval/Airforce.
Thank-you to who ever it was that put that site up:))))

Have a great day everyone where ever you are:)))

Carole x


Berona Report 11 Aug 2009 03:13

Hi Carole,
I have nudged up a thread on "Abbreviation" on the General topics board.
You will find a few posts there giving you all the meanings you want.

As for the 'whooshing' - we have a few WUM's (Wind Up Merchants) who delight in getting others so mad at them, they invariably forget where they are and use 'inappropriate' language. The WUM's then hit the Request Review button and the thread is whooshed by the administrators.

It takes all sorts.....


SusanWA Report 11 Aug 2009 03:21

Thanks, Berona, just noticed your nudge on the General topics, and thought you must have just read Aussies. Will copy it. Susan..


Berona Report 11 Aug 2009 03:29

Sorry Susan, It was you who wanted the abbreviations, not Carole. She will wonder what I am talking about.

I have an excuse. Old Age. I use it all the time.

Best of luck with the plumber this time.


Alison Report 11 Aug 2009 05:05

Good afternoon/ morning - oh heck - just HELLO will do for all!

Yep, I have problems with the site jumping - don't dare type a long message. I was on jury duty once, about 20 odd years ago. I enjoyed the food! I received a letter a month or so ago to go in, but I can't as I still have treatments every 3 weeks, plus regular scans - every 3 months, so as sure as eggs, jury duty day would fall on one of those days.

Have a great day, everyone (too many to mention individually). I suppose I'll go and unpack the groceries. Hate that job.

Hooroo (as a well known gardener would say here in Aus)


Carolee Report 11 Aug 2009 05:07

Hi Berona

I thought you meant the abbreviations on the four letter words...PMSL:)))
Beroana... I'm just like you, I get confuzzeld sometimes..its ok:))

I'm aware of those WUMs, sad lot that they are. I feel so sorry for them. NOT!!!

Carole xx


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 Aug 2009 09:40

Oh bother, having typed out a long reply, I then clicked on the reply button instead of submit and lost the lot.
So now I am going to do what I was going to suggest to Susan, that is type it in Word, where at least you can see the whole thing and it is easy to correct. Then I will cut and paste it into the thread.

I was saying good morning to one and all from sunny (for a few mins) England.

Today I really must get down to the allotment and sort out the fruit bushes. All of the old wood needs cutting out of the Blackcurrants and Raspberries and the new Raspberry canes need tying up. I must remember to wear a long sleeved top, or my arms will be shredded.
OH is going to dig up all of the potatoes. There has been such a lot of rain, that they were showing signs of blight. He cut all the leaves off a couple of weeks ago and is going to lift them today. Hopefully the blight will not have got down into the tubers. If it has, there will be nothing for it, we will have to emigrate, either that or starve, just like our Irish ancestors during the Potato famine.

Tonight it is our turn on cinema duty. We have a really old fashioned cinema in town which is run totally by volunteers. We are open seven days a week and show all the latest films, just a few weeks behind the large multiplexes. Lots of people who come have no idea that every single person involved is a volunteer, they just assume it is an ordinary cinema.

The original building was put up in the 1840’s as a Mechanics Institute to further the education of the working man. In 1912 the cinema opened in the building and it was altered to provide balcony seating. It struggled in the 1970’s and closed, but reopened in 1983 and ran until 1994 when it closed again.
It was at that point that a group of volunteers was set up to get it going again and in Feb 1995, it reopened. The last paid projectionist volunteered his services and along with others still shows the films. There are committees who select and organise the films, others who deal with the finances, others who deal with the building etc. There is a large team of volunteers who turn up once a fortnight to do the front of house duties. This involves selling the tickets and sweets, taking the old fashioned ice cream tray round mid way through the film, tidying up at the end etc.

After realising what an excellent asset the cinema is to the town, OH and I eventually became volunteers. He is now on the main committee, a director of the board no less! It sounds grand, but it was realised that those on the main committee could be financially liable should anything go wrong, so a limited company was set up. He had to buy a pound share and be registered with companies’ house. That pound is now the limit of his liability. He doesn’t do any of the high flying stuff; he was coaxed into joining because of his prowess at odd jobs. He spends a fair bit of time there sorting things out; there is always something which needs tending to. As is the way of these things he does more and more, so also does all of the banking of the money. I do worry about him sauntering through the streets carrying hundreds of pounds, but it seems to be safe enough.

For the interest of our Aussie friends, we are twinned with Mount Vic Flicks which is in the Blue Mountains near Sydney. The owners there have made several visits to us and various volunteers have been to them is our website