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For Aussies......and friends

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Allan Report 7 Aug 2009 00:16

Good morning SueMaid,

I'm glad you enjoyed the profile...if anyone finds it offensive i am quite willing to delete it.

Tomorrow is my Daughter's birthday....29! Where have the years gone!

We are going round to her and her partner's place for a roast..not our usual Saturday night meal. No doubt her partner's parents will also be there: his Mother is also into genealogy and we are both members of the same Family History Society here in Australind.

If you do visit WA we should try to arrange a meet in Perth. Kings Park would be a good venue...panoramic views over Perth and just generally a very nice place. Also central for WA members and plenty of parking




Berona Report 7 Aug 2009 01:02

Susan, to make your living relatives 'private', you go to "My account" at the top of this page and there is a facility there for you to select.

If there is no Date of Death, all persons born within the last 120 years will be shown as "Hidden" - but NOT ON YOUR TREE! You will still be able to see all their details, but if you give access to others, THEY will only see the word "Hidden". You need to contact someone who has access to your tree to check it out.


SueMaid Report 7 Aug 2009 11:24

Good morning/evening, friends:))

I've had rather a quiet day except for an hour long meeting which was so boring I could've dozed off.

My daughter sent me a photo of the children walking along at the airport pulling along their little suitcases - very cute:)) They will be away until next Wednesday so I'll be hanging out to see them by then.

The weather has turned cold and windy after a morning where the temperature reached 22 degs. Amazing for winter. I think we could possibly do with a couple of nights of good solid rain as everything is looking a little dry at the moment. Never happy are we?

Hope you all have a good weekend. Allan I hope your daughter's birthday dinner goes well - best wishes to her:)

Sue xx


Sydneybloke Report 7 Aug 2009 13:03

Hello all and good g'day Brits. Just popped in to say I'm still in the land of the living. Day off today; went out to Windsor to do some checking of parish records. Some clarity setting in, corrected one error and cofirmed another date. One of my marriages also appears to be wrong, as they are not in the parish register I expected. I will have to find the certificate..
Working tonight for one night only so have slept through the worst of the cool change, but I believe there was no rain.
Allan, loved your profile. I wish I was that clever. I have written an MSDS for a colleague as if he was a chemical substance, and assessed him as not hazardous. It was not that good.
Sorry about Sam the koala. She did become a symbol. Koalas by tyhe way are marsupials, have a pouch and sleep most of the day. So would you if you diet consisted almost entirely of eucalyptus leaves. In that way they resemble the lifestyle of the panda or the sloth. An interesting example of convergent evolution.


Allan Report 7 Aug 2009 22:39

Good evening/morning all

Colin, writing a MSDS for a colleague as a chemical substance sounds hilarious, and would have taken a deal of thought and wit

SueMaid, how I remember boring meetings! When I was at one, if I could, I would inject something humorous or even sarcastic if someone used a wrong phrase: or even worse if they were just rambling on. Interupt them midflow and ask them to explain the first part because you did not undertand it! It alwys shut them up

G'day Berona and Sue

ps back to rain (light) and overcast this morning




SueMaid Report 7 Aug 2009 23:27

Good morning/evening to all. Nice to see you again, Colin. Is it difficult researching Australian ancestors? I've had no real reason to do that until the other day when a friend on here found two relatives had been transported here in the 1800's. Must check up on that.

Allan - I'm usually quite happy in meetings. We have a speaker at some of our big meetings and that's always interesting. Sometimes we have these little meetings to clear up a problem or to work out financial assistance for a patient etc. and they are also often interesting. This one was boring because we needed to discuss the purchase of equipment with the head of a department in the hospital and he was trying to convince us about something that we had already done research on. I kept trying to tell him that we had really already made our decision but he wouldn't listen.

The day is looking good at the moment - especially after the way the weather turned yesterday. I'm hoping to sort out some old photos - or I should say continue to sort out. It's an ongoing project at the moment.

Hope you all have a good day and enjoy the rest of your evening, Brits.

Sue xx


Berona Report 8 Aug 2009 00:08

Morning/Evening everyone. Yes, a promising day, so far - but so was yesterday until it changed its mind half-way through and gave us a taste of the August winds - but they stopped (how long for?).

Just checking. Maybe I've missed a post somewhere - but Janey's thread on page one concerning the Nigerian scam letter, asks "did any Australians get it?". I have answered that I don't think so, but if anyone did, can you let her know on her thread? It seems that GR got straight on to it and removed the "new" member. They'll try anything, won't they? They need to update the wording of their letters though - same wording been sent out for years. The one about the little girl needing an operation her parents can't afford makes me want to cry - EVERY time I have received it. I don't get them since I changed my email address a few years ago - but I know they are still being sent.


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 00:28

Hi Berona,

I did not receive anything on this site and did respond to Janey. On my hotmail site however, nearly eery other one is from a banking executive, high ranking chinese official and any number of lotto sites.

if they were all true I'd be a multi-multi-multi millionaire. Would have made last weeks $80,000,000.00 lotto look like chicken feed. I just delet or report them as a phishing scam.




Sydneybloke Report 8 Aug 2009 05:21

Good morning Brits (when you wake up) and good afternoon Aussies. Sue, I have sent you a PM about researching australian ancestors. I was lucky in that much of my father's ancestry back to the 1840s was in NSW. Yet one of his gt-grandmothers was born in Ireland and came to Oz as a child. I got her birth some time ago but only recently found her immigration with her family.
Definitely cooler today. Little rain.A work colleague was in south west NSW last week and his description in two words was "so dry". You could probably walk across the Darling River and the Murray is not much better.
I haven't had any spam through GR, but a member has asked for money for a good cause in a PM, twice. I haven't reported her yet.
On my old work email I used to get "Nigerian scam" emails, but the spam filter on my current one is much more efficient.
Then again, our IT guru says we are now getting 80,000 messages a month, of which 98% are spam.
At home, my ISP and spam filter catch most of my spam, but I still get some phishing emails. I have had several recently asking me to reactivate my bank account with account number and password. Banks where I don't have accounts. On the other hand I got one supposedly from my ISP, which was a little scarier but it was so obviously fake that I just deleted it.
Allan, do you have sulphur crested cockatoos in WA? There was a query in the paper today about a painting in a dutch gallery predating white settlement of Australia. And, while your paper may be much ado about nothing, perhaps it will be all's well that ends well, and not a comedy of errors. Somehow, I don't think it will be.


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 09:06

Hi Colin,

Yes we have sulphur crested cockatoos in WA and regarding the dutch, whilst they may not have settled here, there were plenty of landings/wrecks of Duth vessels around the late1600's

In WA the most famous was the Batavia. Also, Rottnest Island, about 20 kms off shore from Perth, was named by the Dutch. They saw the native Quokas and thought that they were rats..hence the name Rat nest island (literal translation). The Dutch did most of the early exploration of the Australian Coastline, presumably beacause of the trade with the Dutch East indies



SueMaid Report 8 Aug 2009 09:12

Good morning/evening friends:)

Is Van Diemen a Dutch name, Allan? Also Abel Tasman? I should know but it's so long ago since I was at school that I've forgotten:))

Sue xx


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 09:27

Hi SueMaid,

I think yes to both..certainly Van Diemen's land.

I've put up a thread on chat for yourself and Berona....enjoy!

must go soon and prepare for my daughter's birthday dinner




SueMaid Report 8 Aug 2009 22:55

Good morning/good evening all:))

Where are all our Pommie friends - have we scared them off? I know Tec's away and Linda's in Berwick but where are the others?

The day is shaping up to be another nice one. We are taking mum for a drive up the mountain as there are a couple of markets on in Robertson and Berrima. She loves anything like that - as we do. Better clear out the boot - she'll buy lots of plants and will insist on buying me a couple too whether I want them or not:)).

Allan I hope you and your family had a nice birthday dinner at your daughter's last night. Not too much vino I hope or you'll be feeling the after effects this morning and the jokes may be even worse than they are now:))

Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy your Saturday night, Poms.

Sue xx


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 23:07

Good morning/evening all

Hi SueMaid

Dinner was great, jokes were awful. A little bit too much red but now ready for the day ahead, which I hope will involve trying to demolish a bit more of our back garden.

I could have combined your jungle joke with my halfpenny one and: a gorilla with bad arthritis in his knees is told his only hope for pain relief is a new pair of knees.......he rushes back home to see how he can pay for the op, grabs some cash, rushes back to the doc's and asks..........................

"Can I have two ape knees for a penny?"

See, they can get worse

Regards to all



Amanda2003 Report 8 Aug 2009 23:18

Hello I really found the ape knees joke very

~~~ to SueMaid. I hope you enjoy your dayout : ))


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 23:23

Hi Amanda

I hope that you are keeping well. Please don't encourage my jokes: you'll only end up just like SueMaid and Berona, who both think that I am totally batty (and not the Norah kind)




Amanda2003 Report 8 Aug 2009 23:29

As you have alluded to Norah Batty does that mean that you folk in the land down-under actually get the joy of watching " the Last of the Summer wine " ? really is a small world we live in these

Batty is the best way to be ( in my opinion ) who wants to be all grey and normal anyway ??


Allan Report 8 Aug 2009 23:33

Hi Amanda,

I honestly can't remember whether "last of the Summer Wine" was shown over here (I suspect that it was) or whether I saw it whilst still living in the UK.

Wherever, what a fantastic series, nice gentle humour, beautiful scenery. I used to love the Saddleworth area



SueMaid Report 8 Aug 2009 23:37

Please don't laugh at Allan's jokes, Amanda - you'll encourage him:))

Glad you had a good evening out Allan.

Yes, Amanda, we do have Last of the Summer Wine and most of the popular British shows - just a little later than you. When we were in the UK last year we went to Holmfirth in Yorkshire and I have a photo of me on the steps of Norah Batty's house. It's a lovely village but I now know that not all the scenes are shot there.

Must get ready for our day out. If we don't pick mum up when I say we will she phones to see what's wrong:)

Sue xx


Amanda2003 Report 8 Aug 2009 23:37

The actress who played Norah sadly passed away earlier this year I believe. Such a fantastic character. I remember watching the series when it first appeared on the I have to admit that I did loose interest as the years rolled on and the cast changed to much . But yes , a great programme : ))