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For Aussies......and friends

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Janetx Report 11 Aug 2009 09:47


Crossing fingers here that this post wont end up as a long blank

Hope Aussies have all had a great Tuesday so far. Been a strange day today weather wise, quite warm but storm clouds above.

Wums have been around for ages and nothing ever changes they are seeking attention and I tend to avoid them.

Enjoying this thread !!

Have a great evening, have a great day!!

xx *sneaks in and takes out flag and replaces with Aussie flag*


SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 10:24

Hello everyone - how nice to see you all posting:))

Linda - I am so fed up with volunteer work at the moment. As president of a charitable organisation I was asked to go on another committee as a representative of our group plus as a community member. No problem. But today I was asked at the meeting to go on a sub-committee. There's just not enough time in the day.

Susan how annoying that your plumbing problems haven't been sorted yet.

The weather here hasn't been up to much. Overcast with a little rain but not enough to soak the garden. It's just started thundering and lightening but doesn't seem to be coming to much.

Actually I feel a bit down in the dumps today - so come on Allan I need a joke to cheer me up:)

Sue xx

Edit - Be careful taking out Cat's flag - she might get annoyed and swear at us:))


Janetx Report 11 Aug 2009 10:30

Cheer up Sue!!

Would you like me to sing a song? See if i can find a joke, but have to warn you they never seem to make people laugh (must be the way its said) ;(

I dont think that cat has noticed as yet !!



SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 10:43

Is your singing guaranteed to cheer me up Janet - or make me feel worse:) Well I won't tell Cat about the flag if you don't.

Sue xx


Berona Report 11 Aug 2009 11:19

Please don't let Cat swear at us - we'll get whooshed!

Maybe you can tell her nicely that we already have her flag, thank you - in the corner of our own flag! We have some pretty stars in it too.


Janetx Report 11 Aug 2009 11:22

I just mentioned it to my kids and they said NOOOOOOOOOO do not sing please do not sing !!!

So with that thrown out the window...Turn the music up and dance as though no one is watching you and sing like no one can hear you !!



Sydneybloke Report 11 Aug 2009 11:34

Hi, just a quick note to say I am still in the land. Hello to all the regulars (and Cat with the squiggle). I am not into flagpoles in the garden.
Been having so much fun reading various threads that between them and w**k I haven't done much.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 Aug 2009 12:24

Good news, we don't need to emigrate as the potato crop hasn't failed! The blight hasn't got down to the tubers. OH dug one row out, but then was so tired that he is leaving the remaining row for a couple of days. It has taken me all morning to sort the Raspberries out, so I need to go back again this afternoon to do the Blackcurrants, I don't think that I can be bothered though.


SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 22:25

Hello everyone:))

I'm up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to tackle yet another meeting - I need to calm a few people down and will don boxing gloves if need be.

Linda I want dinner and dessert at your place - all that fresh fruit and vegies - delicious. I'll buy the joint of meat:)

When is our Tec due back? Must be soon.

I'm afraid I let myself get drawn into a thread last night - I was in the right mood for the silly woman who causes so much angst on this board. I tried to sit on my hands but failed miserably:( Does that make me just as bad.....probably.

Janet.....thank you:))

Enjoy your day Aussies and I hope you Brits enjoy the rest of your evening.

Sue xx


Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 22:42

Good morning/evening all

Linda, I love hearing about your allotment. It makes me feel better about my never=ending struggle to dig up the back lawn. As fast as I clear a patch, myOH is following behind with our compost and fertiliser and punnets of vegies.

Janet, heavy rain and storms down here: started at about 1.00am and hopefully have now blown over. Wind, thunder, the lot.

SueMaid, I am extremely disappointed in you. Fancy having a go at a poor, misguided poster with many name. Tsch! Mind you I think that your true colours may have been appearing yesterday with those exchanges with

As for a of my groan ones

Two lobsters (male and female) are swimming in a tank in a Restaraunt.

Two dinners at a table.

The waiter takes their order

"we'll have the lobsters, thanks"

The male lobster hears this and says to the female lobster

"Quick, we're going to be killed. Lets make love while we have time"

Female lobster "No"

Male lobster "Peease!"

All the while the waiter is getting closer to the tank

"I'n not sure" said the female lobster

"Why not" responds the male

"Well" said the female lobster "How do I know that you will still respect me in the Mornay?"



Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 22:50

OR, another one for SueMaid;

I used to suffer from Kleptomania: but I'm now taking something for it!



Diane Report 11 Aug 2009 23:00

Excuse me
who is takeing my name in vain? lol



SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 23:00

You're getting worse Allan:)) And what do you mean I showed my true colours chatting with Diane? We had a lovely conversation:)) As for the "many named one" she is at this very moment trying to provoke me:))

Sue xx


SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 23:05

Hello, Diane:))

Sue xx


Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 23:09

G'day Diane.....I was just having a very gentle go at SueMaid over another thread that she is posting on even as we speak.

SueMaid, have kept up with that post. That woman is either a great phsychologist or a brilliant engineer as she knows just which buttons to push lol

On a serious note. Did you mention on here many posts ago about wanting to read books which gave an accurate picture of living conditions early last century?


Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 23:16


I'm learning....nearly managed to start a spatt on here




SueMaid Report 11 Aug 2009 23:31

Allan yes that was me - I find it hard to find books that give a good idea of living conditions etc for the average working class person. I have a wonderful book about life in a West Yorkshire town with people telling anecdotes about their family life, schooling, play and working in t'mills. There is also a website about domestic servants in Victorian times which is quite valuable.

Sue xx


Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 23:45


"The Classic Slum" written by Robert Roberts

The copy I have is the 1974 reprint of the 1971 book

ISBN 0 14 02.1692 8 Sociology and Anthropology

The book is about Salford in the first Quarter of the last Century.

Although about Salford I am sure that the conditions described could be applied to any mill town of that era


Fiona aka Ruby

Fiona aka Ruby Report 11 Aug 2009 23:48

This is a very civilized thread. Can I change my nationality please?


Allan Report 11 Aug 2009 23:59

Hi Fiona

SueMaid is the official immigration officer for this site but it seem any hint, trace or whatever of an Australian connection is enough to gain mambership. Just tell Suemaid that you drink aussie wine whilst wtching neighbours: that should do it

Alternatively, find a 16th cousin once removed, preferably by the authorities , who now resides here

