Help Centre - Frequently Asked Questions


Complete FAQ Listing

How much does it cost?

It is free to register with Genes Reunited. Here are some of the things you can do once you have registered:

you can build your family tree using our online tree builder
you can search the names on the site to find possible matches with the names in your tree
you can upload photos and scanned images to your Keepsafe and attach these images to relations in your family tree
you can reply to any messages sent to you by other members
if you already have experience in researching your family history you can import your Gedcom file in to your Genes Reunited family tree

We offer 2 types of subscription – standard and platinum. A description of each one is shown below.

You’ll be able to see how much each one costs when you click on to the Subscription page. We show the price in different currencies depending on where you live. If you are currently subscribed, you'll only see the options available to you. The link to subscribe can be found in the top right hand corner of the page.

Platinum Membership

This is available for either one month or a year (£19.95/£79.95).

Features include:

Contact other members from your search results

Accept invitations to view their trees

Post photos and scanned images such as certificates to your Keepsafe, and attach these images to relations in your tree

Add messages to the message boards

You also get access to these records

Indexed birth, marriage and death records from 1837 - 2006

England and Wales Census records from 1841 to 1911

Scottish census from 1841 to 1901

Overseas birth, marriage and death records 

UK Electoral Roll information for 2002-2013

If you want to broaden your search, as a Platinum member you can buy additional access to more record sets, including

Military records 

Parish records

Travel and Overseas records 

British Newspaper Archive content 

Standard Membership

This is available for either £4.95 per month or you can buy a six monthly package at  £14.95 or an annual package at £19.95 .

You’ll enjoy the same features as the Platinum package, but you only get access to the non-indexed births, marriage and death records.  You can buy credits to access the rest of the records if you want to take your search further.

And if you’re curious to know more, but not sure you want to subscribe yet, you can register and build your family tree for free and buy Pay Per View credits to view records.  They cost £5 for 50 credits or £17.95 for 200 credits and give you access to all of our records. You can purchase credits here.


Gift subscriptions

Genes Reunited gift subscription

Do you know someone interested in discovering their family history?

You can now buy a gift subscription to Genes Reunited so they can research their family tree.

Buy a gift or redeem your gift