Help Centre - Frequently Asked Questions


Complete FAQ Listing

How do I view other trees?

When a contact has given you permission to view their tree, you can view it by clicking on 'Messages' at the top of each page and then on 'My Contacts' from the dropdown list.


·         If you can see a tick and the word 'View' next to a contact's name then you'll be able to see their tree. If you see a cross and the word 'request' then you haven't been given access to it yet.

·         If a member has said you can see their tree but you still can't see it, this is usually just because they’ve forgotten to approve your request. Just click on 'Request' to send an email to the other member asking to see it.

·         Click on 'View' in the My Contacts page to see the other tree.

You can also view another member's tree from your own Family Tree page.

·         At the top of your tree page you'll see the name of the tree you're viewing followed by the number of relations in that tree, and a 'View Other Trees' tab to the right of that. Click on 'View Other Trees' and then on 'Trees shared with me' and you'll see a list of all the trees you have permission to view.

·         Click on the tree you want to view and the page will refresh, showing you that tree.


Looking for relation in another member’s tree?

·         Click on 'Search Tree' at the top right hand side of the page, enter the name and click on the green 'Search' tab.

·         In the search results, click on the name and you'll be taken directly to them.

·         If you can't find the name, try entering the surname on its own in case the first name is spelt differently.



Don’t forget, you need to have a paid subscription to view another member's tree.






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