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What are Relative Profiles?

We have created a profile page for every name in your tree. You'll be able to see details you had added to that person in your tree, any photos and records you've attached to them, a timeline and a history of the surname all in one place. You'll also see the names of their immediate family. You can click on each name to view the profile of that person too.

You will find these by clicking here. You'll see a list of everyone in your tree and can use the search box on the left to find someone specific and click on their name if you wish to view their profile.

There is a link to go to the last profile you looked at from the Relatives tab at the very top of the page, so you can take up your research again where you left off.

We also have placed the following tabs on your relative's profile page:

Keepsafe - this is where you'll see any photos or records you have attached against that person.

Family Tree - You can see your relatives immediate family tree. Here you can add more names, delete any wrong ones and edit the basic details too.

All Relatives - This will take you back to the list of everyone in your tree.

This is a great way of seeing where the gaps are in your tree. Maybe you haven't found both parents yet? Or you might need to check in your relation ever married. We'll even prompt you to look for their brith, marriage and death in our records which you can then attach to their profile.

You can also print out and edit the profiles which will allow you to show your relatives who may not have access to a computer.

To print the profile please click on the 'Print the profile' link in the top right hand corner of the page. There's even a space for your own notes, so when you are showing your profiles to your family you can write down any extra information they give you which you can then add on to your tree.

To edit the profile you will see the option to do this in the top right hand side corner of the page. A box will open up and you can edit the details and save the changes. Any changes you make will be reflected in your tree too. Please note, at the moment it is not possible to amend Baptism and Marriage details in the profile view. To edit this information you will need to visit your tree and do this from here.

The notes are at the bottom of the profile and you'll see a separate edit button for them. Again, if you update the notes, then the notes will also be updated in the tree too.



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